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Ralph Mar 14th, 2001 11:08 AM

Corrupt American ex-President on the roam in Europe
Beware of a certain maggotlike vermin now making his rounds in Europe- William J. Clinton. Hide your women; they are in danger of this creep.

elvira Mar 14th, 2001 11:28 AM

You scared the crap outta me, Ralph, with that title. I thought Nixon had risen from the dead.

PB Mar 14th, 2001 11:31 AM

"" Beware of a certain maggotlike vermin now making his rounds in Europe-"" <BR> <BR>Oh, bulls**t. <BR> <BR>In fact, 46% of the French population would vote for him tomorrow if he ran for President here. <BR> <BR>PB <BR> <BR>

Paul Mar 14th, 2001 11:49 AM

Well I don't think Reagan even knows where Europe is. Bush sr. prefers Japan as they pay him 2 million. And bush Jr. is to busy telling everyone he is now the president.

Yawn Mar 14th, 2001 11:51 AM

Ralph: don't you have anything better to do with your time? Stop beating a dead horse--who really cares anymore?

Pam Mar 14th, 2001 11:59 AM

Ralph: The scumbucket is better off f***ing around with the French than the Americans. He hosed us right and wrong for eight years and after the pardons, he hoses us yet. Thanks to Bill, JFK is looking good.

Monica Mar 14th, 2001 12:00 PM

Does anyone know his itinerary?

USA Mar 14th, 2001 12:09 PM

I like Clinton. I voted for him twice. I also voted for Gore. Ralph, if you're the kind of person who votes Republican, then I'm glad I voted the opposite.

McMurphy Mar 14th, 2001 12:57 PM

I never voted for Clinton, but I do feel sorry for him. Hillary (aka Nurse Ratched) hasn't given the poor guy any in at least fifteen years (although most men don't find pear-shaped women attracive anyway). That doesn't excuse the man taking advantage of subordinate employees (Monica & Paula), or groping job applicants (Kathleen Willey). As soon as he left office his popularity plummeted and noone of consequence stands up for him anymore. Good riddance.

joern Mar 14th, 2001 01:04 PM

Posters here who think George Jr. is some saint need to stop believing in fairy tales - stop being so childishly naive. Politics is a corrupt business. People who idolize a person in a prominent position are doomed to be disappointed.

Frank O'File Mar 14th, 2001 01:05 PM

What does the fact(?) that 46% of the French would vote for Clinton actually tell you RB?

doug Mar 14th, 2001 01:08 PM

clinton's the man!!

Bushie Mar 14th, 2001 01:19 PM

Doug is a textbook example of a liberal. The guy is too dumb to know that proper nouns begin with capital letters. Welfare recipients are not the most literate members of society, but now that Bush is in charge Doug may have to fill out a job application for the first time in his life.

Ralph Mar 14th, 2001 01:36 PM

Remember, the French are fool enough to idolize the world's least funny comedien, Jerry Lewis. On another note, the Frenchmen hit behind their women's skirts from 1940-44 while the German soldiers were bedding the women of France.

Sjoerd Mar 14th, 2001 01:37 PM

Clinton was in the Netherlands on Monday and Tuesday (met with the Queen, the Prime Minister, and businesspeople who paid a fortune to have lunch with him) and is now in Germany. He is still very popular here. Perhaps he should retire to Europe, from what I understand he is much more popular here than in his own country. Mr. Bush is already breaking his election promises.

Jonas Mar 14th, 2001 01:51 PM

That son-of-a-buck took off and left me and my son behind? Man, that guy is not to be trusted. Is Jesse wid 'im? <BR> <BR>I bet he's getting it all. Even wid dat crooked package. <BR>

Monica Mar 14th, 2001 01:54 PM

Excuse me, but a lot of men like "pear-shaped" women.

Austin Powers Mar 14th, 2001 02:03 PM

Especially when they're juicy. <BR> <BR>Yeah, baby. <BR>

Art Mar 14th, 2001 02:11 PM

If 40% of the French would vote for Billy, then you know why there Government has been so screwed up for the last few centuries. <BR>

Nader Mar 15th, 2001 05:51 AM

Bush Sr. isn't in Europe. He's in Maine, with a cell phone to his ear, telling Cheney how to run the country.

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