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KTtravel Apr 23rd, 2017 09:04 AM

Cordoba Overnight?
My husband and I are planning a trip to Spain. Initially I thought we'd visit Cordoba as a day trip from Sevilla but then spoke with someone who said how magical Cordoba is at night. I am hoping to get other expert opinions: would we really miss something special if we didn't stay overnight in Cordoba?

Robert2016 Apr 23rd, 2017 11:42 AM

Depending on the time of year, then yes, Córdoba can be well worth a couple of days, and possibly a few more.

Carnival usually lasts a month.

Semana Santa is always exciting.

The annual May Cross Celebration begins in a couple of days.

The Feria de Córdoba is from May 20-27 this year and is similar to Sevilla's Feria de Abril.

The 10-day Festival de la Guitarra (International Guitar Festival) starts at the end of June.

The Patio Festival is the first two weeks of May, but you can visit the patios throughout the year, including during the Christmas Season.

The Cordoba Horse Fair is in early September.

The 2017 Sephardic Autumn Festival is between 21 September and 8 October (

KTtravel Apr 23rd, 2017 12:47 PM

Thank you, Robert2016. We will be there in late October.

I am mostly wondering if being in Cordoba at night, when it is all lit up, is something not to be missed.

Nelson Apr 23rd, 2017 01:21 PM

We enjoyed Cordoba at night when we were there in mid-October, quiet, peaceful, nice to wander around.

I have a few photos taken at night in this gallery, if that helps.

The Andalusian Horse Show is at night, if that holds any interest for you. Plus by staying the night you can revisit the Mezquita when it opens for the free early morning session.

indyhiker Apr 23rd, 2017 02:30 PM

What does the rest of your itinerary look like? I, personally, am glad we stayed two nights in Cordoba. Most towns have a different feel at night, and Cordoba is no exception. We also enjoyed one of our favorite meals of our trip in Cordoba at Regadera. Reserve ahead.

kja Apr 23rd, 2017 04:10 PM

I found Cordoba absolutely delightful in the evening. Too, I found enough to keep my happily busy (VERY busy) for about 48 hours, and so was glad to have spent TWO nights there. In addition, I had two of the very best meals I've had ANYwhere -- including elsewhere in Spain -- in Cordoba (but too long ago to feel comfortable making a recommendation). It depends on your interests and preferences....

KTtravel Apr 23rd, 2017 06:38 PM

Thank you. This is very helpful.

kimhe Apr 23rd, 2017 11:47 PM

Yes, Córdoba is something special. Few other cities in Europe beats the history of Córdoba, from Roman Corduba to the capital of Muslim al-Andalus after 766 AD, and then through Christian times after the 1236 reconquista capture and eventual steep decline. Córdoba was the most advanced city in Europe during caliphate times about 1000AD, some 500 000 inhabitants, and a great cultural, political and economic centre with 300 public baths and the greatest library in the world.

I have visited Córdoba in relation to magnificent theater performances, ended up in never to forget flamenco nights, had some of the best no fuss meals ever and met brilliant people. Perhaps the best description would be to say that Córdoba - outside the absolute most beaten track - is a place where Andalucía just tend to happen.

KTtravel Apr 25th, 2017 07:36 AM

You've convinced me Cordoba is worth more time than just a day trip. Thank you! Now to try and adjust the itinerary...

Treesa Apr 25th, 2017 08:17 AM

Agree that Cordoba is worth an overnight. I did that many years ago and wish I had spent more time in the city.

Looking at Nelson's photos - just stunning.

KarenWoo Apr 25th, 2017 12:13 PM

Nelson, I love your photos! We are going in September! Can't wait.
KTtravel, we are staying for 2 nights in Cordoba. I personally don't care for long daytrips. When we went to Czech Republic, we spent 2 nights each in Karlovy Vary and Cesky Krumlov, places that some people visit as a day trip from Prague. We loved being there at night. Both cities, especially CK, were magical at night all lit up, and they are also less crowded after the daytrippers and bus tours have left. I've been told the same is true of Cordoba and Toledo, where we will spend one night.
Just curious, when and where are you going?

maitaitom Apr 25th, 2017 12:17 PM

Great photos Nelson!!


kja Apr 25th, 2017 04:10 PM

While in Cordoba, consider visiting the Viana Museum of Courtyards.

Nelson Apr 25th, 2017 04:51 PM

Thanks much for the comments on the photos, guys! Very much appreciated.

KTtarvel, enjoy your time in Cordoba. Hope it all works out with the rest of your trip.

KTtravel Apr 25th, 2017 08:03 PM

We are going in mid-October and planning a three week trip. So far, we have:
Madrid: 4 nights (we land there the evening of our first night)
Rent a car and travel to:
Toledo: 1 night
Cordoba: 1 night
Granada 3 nights
Ronda (exploring that area) 2 nights
Sevilla 3 nights
Fly to Bilbao: 2 nights
Rent a car:
Pamplona: 1 night
San Sebastian: 2 nights
Last night somewhere near Bilbao
Fly out of Bilbao

Bedar Apr 26th, 2017 07:26 AM

Your trip sounds just fine. No need to change anything. Enjoy !

OReilly Apr 26th, 2017 07:29 AM

Great Photos Nelson. I will be heading there in September and plan an overnight in Cordoba :)

EYWandBTV Apr 26th, 2017 08:06 AM

We loved Cordoba, day and night. We stayed two nights. Here's my TR:

indyhiker Apr 26th, 2017 08:58 AM

Have a great time! I'm so jealous. Our trip to Madrid and Andalucía last month was fantastic. I fell in love and hope you do, too.

Nelson, I love your photos (I think I've commented to that effect before). I'm really looking to your photos from Greece. Be sure to post them!

mnag Apr 26th, 2017 10:01 AM

Nelson - wonderful photos. Can I ask what camera you use?

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