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Robert2533 Oct 27th, 2014 09:32 PM

I guess this was the reality before you started "traveling" way back in '98. Before then, you could acutally walk down the street carrying a little cash and not worry too much about being accosted under normal circumstances, not even in Barcelona. Not so much today, which is why credit cards are so useful.

If the average traveler wants to rent an apartment through someone other than an origaziton like Spain Select or Paris/Italy/Londan Perfect, you have to pay in cash when you arrive. Not a great idea, especially when in places like Barcelona where the "thieves" seem to have the upper hand is some situations, but always a pain in others.

cruiseluv Oct 28th, 2014 06:25 AM

Linda , thank you for posting this and so sorry for your friend's mom. I can only imagine the stress. And you're right, in the past I find myself putting my guard down when I'm in a "secure" area of trains or airport. No more.
The advice to spread your money and CC's and not keep them in the same place is a sound one. I've been doing it for ages as many times I travel by myself and would hate to find myself alone and with no money!

Christina Oct 28th, 2014 08:37 AM

I doubt if thieves think people are probably renting apts so have a lot of cash on them. I think they just know, which is apparent from various posts on Fodors, that some travelers for unknown reasons carry a lot of cash on them. I know we've seen other posts where Asians tend to do this, but didn't know Austrlians did. But occasionally we see posts from Americans talking about how they buy euro in the US and then carry thousands on them to Europe. I have no idea why, they insist it makes sense for them. And travelers are often not that careful and easily duped (especially foreign ones).

I always think about how sad it is when elderly people get robbed this way, as traveling can be enough trouble as it is, and to have people take advantage of age is despicable.

But I am surprised this somehow happened in security, you wonder how they got in. Can't believe they bought train tickets to do this.

Robert2533 Oct 28th, 2014 09:32 AM

Check You can purchase a ticket on the Euromed from Valencia to Castello for under €14 one-way, which gets you through security and onto the platform. If the thieves are quick, as they apparently were, they can find their mark, do their deed, and walk out of the station with the passengers arriving from Alacante.

thursdaysd Oct 28th, 2014 09:45 AM

If you are going to carry hundreds of euro, for whatever reason, why would you not wear a money belt? I paid for my Budapest apartment last week with cash euros. I had acquired them in several transactions in Romania (cash lei from ATM, exchange for euro at a good rate at bureau de change), and you better believe they were stashed in my money belt until I was in the apartment. Ditto all but one day's cash and at most one credit card.

lincasanova Oct 28th, 2014 01:01 PM

I agree about money belt.. too much cash, etc. I think this poor woman felt very safe next to her adult granddaughter and middle -aged daughter on an uncrowded platform.

I might add I was with her in Madrid on the metro a few years ago and some Eastern European nomadic girls tried to rob her then in front of me.. she caught one of their hands IN her bag and screamed as though she was being slaughtered. I couldn´t believe it. I had my eyes on a couple of the girls who seemed to be sizing her up in the car but did not see a THING.

takemewithu Oct 29th, 2014 12:53 AM

Makes me wonder if the city of Barcelona or Spain for that matter, is doing anything to address the petty crime against tourists. I have heard of too many personal accounts of pick pocketing and theft as well read similar stories specifically occurring in Barcelona. This might, if not may have already deterred some potential tourists from visiting Barcelona. It's sad because it is such a beautiful place to visit and sad to see that it is getting the reputation which is not entirely unfounded.

lincasanova Oct 29th, 2014 04:36 AM

Just for the records.. it happened in the Valencia station..but a second claim was presented with the help of a nice Spanish man in the Barcelona station.

PalenQ Oct 30th, 2014 12:51 PM

takemewithyou: ditto to all you say. I think publicizing this rampant street crime is the thing to do - but it seems to fall on deaf ears in Barcelona officials - SHAME on Barcelona (and Madrid) for allowing seemingly unfettered street criminal activity targeting tourists who are easy marks.

takemewithu Oct 30th, 2014 01:43 PM

Many years ago, I was a victim of purse snatching in Madrid. I was 2 steps away from getting in our rental car when somebody appeared from behind me, snatched my purse and sped away with an accomplice in a waiting motorcycle. My husband gave chase (not a smart thing, imo) to the thieves and was able to grab the snatcher by the arm. As the motorcyle sped away, my husband fell on the pavement, face down and ended up with bruises and superficial scratches to his face. Not much was in my purse, probably €100 and some credit cards. The damage was more psychological. That was the first time I experienced a crime, no matter petty, perpetrated upon me.

Since then, within our own circle of friends, family and acquaintances - I have heard of way too many stories of personal accounts of being victimized with the greatest frequency having occurred in Barcelona and Madrid.

lincasanova Oct 30th, 2014 01:57 PM

I invited my friend for coffee and warned her of carrying all that cash. it seems she owed/ and also wanted to gift her daughter and granddaughter a lot of money that she wanted them to use on the trip but neither would take it from her unfortunately.

At least she got the purse, passport and all health cards, drivers license, etc.. back. The Australian embassy receptionist said she was the first person EVER to get their passport back that she had heard of.

annw Oct 30th, 2014 03:56 PM

<<If you are going to carry hundreds of euro, for whatever reason, why would you not wear a money belt?>>

Agree. I also have one of those that goes around the neck and can be tucked into pants when the cord is longer or kept inside shirt when it is short. One cc, passport, and most cash go in there.

I have paid for some classes and some mosaic supplies in cash; I get some out of the machine every day I am there and hand it over as soon as possible.

Loved Barcelona and hate that these issues continue. That said, only place I was robbed was Brussels with DH 20 feet away (gold chain and celtic cross had slipped out of my shirt where they are usually hidden).

violetduck Oct 30th, 2014 04:18 PM

Just returned from Madrid, Toledo,Seville and Barcelona, had no problems anywhere or ever felt threatened. We were in the Madrid and Barcelona airports, all the train stations and on La Rambla several times. Maybe just fortunate, but did not have anything of value not in a secure place, money belts. Sorry so many have had a problem.

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