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Daniel_Williams Mar 22nd, 2014 08:26 PM

Can You Identify the Attractive (Polish?) City in Song?
I find the town/city shown in this song (in Polish) very attractive and am curious if anyone can recognize it. Due to the seemingly large body of water present, my first thought was Gdańsk. I looked at some pictures of that city on the Internet; while Gdańsk looks attractive and somewhere I might enjoy visiting, I wasn't convinced it was the same city as the one in the video. The city in the video may not even be in Poland for all I know.

Thanks for all that try to identify the city! Daniel

clarkgriswold Mar 22nd, 2014 09:59 PM


Cowboy1968 Mar 23rd, 2014 01:03 AM

Piran, Slovenia - on the Adriatic Sea.

While I have so far never been there, the Venetian campanile was a clue that it could be somewhere on the Adriatic Sea.

Daniel_Williams Mar 23rd, 2014 04:08 AM

Clarkgriswold and Cowboy1968 and anyone else who silently attempted-- Thank you so much for taking time out to listen & for making an attempt to identify the city. I WAS (funny enough) reminded of pictures of Croatia looking at the architectural style, but I got off on the wrong track since the song is in Polish. Part of my curiosity was that the town didn't resemble how I imagined a Polish town to appear.

Cowboy1968-- Piran is such a beauty and calls to me; a place I'd like to visit one day I think. I'm embarrassed to say I'd never even heard of Piran before. I don't know if you recognized it from pictures you've seen or if you took the time to look up cities on the Adriatic. Either way, I bow to you in gratitude for the time you took to investigate and for your observational skill in successfully identifying the city in part from your own knowledge of architectural cues, especially since I was so far off base! My thirst to know has now been quenched.

Sincerely yours, Daniel

Cowboy1968 Mar 23rd, 2014 04:56 AM


I think I was almost 100pct sure that the video had not been shot in one of the Polish towns on the Baltic Sea. The architecture just did not fit. And, by appearance, that town had to get some tourism and probably was no hidden gem.
The campanile was a clue that it had to be somewhere with Venetian influence or regency, so this narrowed it down to the Adriatic Sea. Or at least made it most obvious.
At the beginning of the video you see some old boats in the harbor with a registration that goes "PI ###". In Europe, smaller local vessels are usually registered at the beginning by an abbreviation of their home harbor.
So I looked for historic towns on the Northern shores of the Adriatic Sea starting with "PI".

And thanks for starting this "quiz" - it was fun searching for "evidence", and it reminded me that the Slovenian and Croatian coast had been on my wishlist for a while.. maybe this summer.. to Piran :-)

bobthenavigator Mar 23rd, 2014 05:39 AM

Piran is lovely.
It is opposite Venice on the Slovenian coast and not far from Trieste. We stayed there 2 nites one year.

JulieCallahan Mar 23rd, 2014 06:08 AM

Wow Cowboy, I'm impressed... We went to Piran last summer, but even so, I'm not sure I would have gotten this correct. Of course, once I know it is Piran, I can tell. Good work!

If you go to Piran (a fairly short bus ride from Ljubljana), also try to make it to Trieste...

Daniel_Williams Mar 23rd, 2014 06:36 PM

bobthenavigator-- I'm glad Piran is indeed as lovely as the video makes it out to be. JulieCallahan-- I agree; I'm very impressed with cowboy's deductive skills. Thanks also for your suggestion of Trieste. Best wishes, Daniel

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