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Guy18 Feb 19th, 2006 02:24 AM

Calling all teachers! Pen pals for our students?
I teach English in Florida to 110 15-year-olds and 30 17-year-olds (yes, it's daunting, but a lot of fun). I wondered if anyone on this forum in a far-flung place had English-speaking (or English-learning) students they might want to pair with mine as pen pals? In tune with all stereotypes, my students know next to nothing about the world beyond the U.S. A little foreign correspondence would be good for them. Anyone interested?

cocofromdijon Feb 19th, 2006 03:50 AM

you maybe try sofeminine forums
and then go to Entertainment culture and spare time. In "making friends" section. It should work.And at the bottom of you'll find Frenh , Spanish, Italian and German identical websites. :-)

AnthonyGA Feb 19th, 2006 06:22 AM

Try the International Youth Service in Finland, which has been bringing pen pals together for 50 years now:

ira Feb 19th, 2006 06:43 AM

Hi Guy18

>I teach English in Florida to 110 15-year-olds and 30 17-year-olds ...<

Oh my lord!

You have my deepest sympathies.


Catbert Feb 19th, 2006 07:41 AM

Check out People from all over the world correspond and chat with eachother.

Guy18 Feb 19th, 2006 07:59 AM

Coco--Thanks, but that website seems a bit "girly" for my boys. And it is way too obsessed with American culture.

Anthony and Catbert--Interesting sites, but I was hoping to do a class exchange. I'll give them the web adresses if nothing else works.

Ira--LOL:) They are, in the words of Blanche Dubois, "sweet things," believe it or not. Not sure I'd want to raise one myself though!

Grcxx3 Feb 19th, 2006 08:53 AM

I may be able to help you. We live in Azerbaijan and my kids attend an international school (English speaking).

Do you teach at a school or community center or something? I can check with the school admins/teachers to see if anyone is interested, but I would need some info about your organization before I do.

Guy18 Feb 19th, 2006 09:01 AM

Grcxx3--I teach at a public high school in Florida. Are your students from all over? That would be great if they are. I imagine that they have access to computers? Email me at [email protected] if you and your school are interested.

TamaraEden Feb 19th, 2006 10:28 AM

YAY for Teachers! I have about 70 tenth graders and 70 eleventh graders.

I wish you strength :)

Guy18 Feb 19th, 2006 11:33 AM

And the same to you, Tamara. What do you teach and where?

Ingo Feb 19th, 2006 12:00 PM

As you maybe know I am from Dresden, Germany. Would Germany be ok?

If so I will ask teachers here or in the small town nearby where I was born and grew up. I'll let you know if someone is interested.

TamaraEden Feb 19th, 2006 12:14 PM

Guy, I teach at a VERY large urban high school in Los Angeles. Right near Hollywood. We have 4800 students and one of the most diverse campuses in LA. It's a year round school, as no school could accomodate that many kids all at the same time. I teach English.

Guy18 Feb 19th, 2006 12:16 PM

Germany would be great! Please get back to me if there is any interest. You can use my email address above.

Guy18 Feb 19th, 2006 12:23 PM

Tamara--Looks like we were posting at the same time. Sounds like a very challenging place to work. Stay strong, indeed!! :)

kleeblatt Feb 20th, 2006 01:04 AM

I teach English to small classes of adults in Switzerland. Maybe some of them would like to become penpals.

I also know teachers who teach English to 15-17 year olds. I could ask them if they're interested but they might come back with a retort like: How do you know he's not a pimp looking for European victims?

Guy18 Feb 20th, 2006 05:24 AM

Schuler--Wow! I thought Americans were cynical! I'm sure I could prove the uprightness of my intentions in some way. The teenage group would work out nicely. The adults (and perhaps this attests to my morals) might be inappropriate pen pals for my youngsters. Please email me if you find a teacher who is willing to participate. School websites and email addresses can be supplied if it comes to that :)

Schuler, while I have your attention, have you ever taken the funicular to the top of San Salvatore and then walked to Morcote and taken the boat back to Lugano? It sounds wonderful! Your post about the Gandria walk got me researching, and I discovered this one. All this along with raves about the churches in Lugano made me book a night there on my upcoming trip. Any other recommendations?

kleeblatt Feb 20th, 2006 05:36 AM

Hi Guy! The Swiss are very cynical. That's why we're not risk takers.

I haven't done the hike you mentioned. I've been to Morcote and it's fabulous cemetary. I was scared to death by a huge snake that blocked the path but that added just more adventure to our expedition.

The hike sounds wonderful, though.

I have taken the mountain train up to Mont Bre and then walked down. It was a nice hike but I think your suggested hike would be better.

kleeblatt Feb 20th, 2006 05:41 AM

Since Guy18 did such a good job of starting this thread, I'd also like to add my request:

I'm looking for an English teacher in Europe who teaches adults. I'd love to start a penpal project with the possibility of our students actually meeting. I teach in Switzerland (German part).

Pimps, scammers and any other dubious people: please do not answer this. ;;)

Ingo Feb 20th, 2006 09:52 AM

Guy18, I started contacting several folks ... and I think I'll get responses soon. In general, the teachers as well as the kids are very interested finding pen pals.

I have done this hike San Salvatore - Morcote. It is gorgeous. Make sure to start early since there is so much to see ... Carona is a picturesque village with churches worth seeing and fresco decorated houses. Depending on the time of year the Parco San Grato is fabulous - when rhododendron is in full bloom. 20 minutes past Carona you'll see the stunning Baroque church Madonna d'Ongero - illusionistic frescos inside. The approach of Morcote is gorgeous too - you overlook the church on half way up the hill and the village below, and of course the lake and mountains vis-a-vis.


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