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sumit90210 Dec 19th, 2014 08:14 PM

Bus Tour with a toddler
Would it be convenient to take a 14/15 day Europe bus tour with a toddler?
Seeking advice from fellow travellers who have travelled with infants and toddlers.

janisj Dec 19th, 2014 08:31 PM

Most tour companies don't allow children that young - and w/ good reason. There is no allowance for nap times/feeding schedules/strollers/seating arrangements.

Just a very VERY bad idea.

Robert2533 Dec 19th, 2014 08:32 PM

It's not something I would recommend. You'd be up early every day and have little time to relax or tend to the needs of a 'toddler'.

adrienne Dec 19th, 2014 08:56 PM

It's not fair to the child to make him/her sit for hours on a bus and then go sightseeing. Nor is it fair to the other people on the tour who have paid a lot of money for the trip.

di2315 Dec 19th, 2014 09:03 PM

Even the best-behaved of toddlers have their 'moments' - I definitely wouldn't want to be stuck on a bus tour with one of those.
To my mind it's a sure-fire way to make enemies of your fellow travellers.

sumit90210 Dec 19th, 2014 09:25 PM

Thax a ton...
I think the idea is a non starter so wud not waste much time on it.

justineparis Dec 19th, 2014 09:57 PM

I know of a tour company that does "Family Tours" orientated to families with children.. BUT the youngest they will take is 8 yr olds. Bus tours and toddlers.. that's not a good idea.

Gretchen Dec 20th, 2014 02:25 AM

I think one question would be for the OP, would you drive this long, unable to stop when you want, every day, hours IN YOUR OWN CAR with your child? Apparently not, because you asking about a bus tour. It really IS a non-starter, as said.

nytraveler Dec 20th, 2014 04:55 AM

You can search for a tour that allows children - but most don;t allow kids below the age of 12 of so - since they simply are not equipped for the rigorous schedule and being quiet enough for the other participants.

quokka Dec 20th, 2014 05:27 AM

Apart from the obvious fact that a toddler cannot cope with long hours stuck in a bus and a rushed sightseeing schedule - it would be purest egoism to force a whole tour group to adapt to the needs of a small child. Your littlie is the centre of your world but not of others'.

Christina Dec 20th, 2014 10:32 AM

can't do it, as someone says, no tour would allow it. I have seen some family tours for kids as young as five (eg, Trafalgars), but not toddlers. I think 8 or 12 is more common as a limit (Rick Steves has some special family tour that includes children 8+).

it's possible some of those do-it-yourself hopon/off bus tours might have no age limits, but that's just the bus, I believe, they don't arrange other things for you.

Toddlers aren't touring as they are too young. So the only reason to take them on a vacation is because you don't want to be away from them so long or don't have anyone to leave them with, not because they are participating in the tour's activities are learning anything.

bvlenci Dec 20th, 2014 10:47 AM

When I've traveled with small children, we've always stayed in one place, at most taking a few day trips. Toddlers take a while to adjust to a new bed, and a new room. Going through this day after day would make most toddlers a bundle of nerves.

kleeblatt Dec 23rd, 2014 03:49 AM

Sumit: Many people responded to your question. It would have been nice of you to focus on their positive replies instead of the negative.

I'm an English teacher and I really didn't understand your post either but that's not the issue. The issue is organising a trip to accommodate your toddler.

You will receive more quality answers if you focus on your topic.

Thank you.

sumit90210 Dec 23rd, 2014 03:52 AM

Thanks a lot Kleeblatt.
I understood your point. Would focus on issue at hand rather than creating a new one.

colduphere Dec 23rd, 2014 03:56 AM

Having had three toddlers I would say don't do it. But traveling with kids is a great thing to do so hopefully you can find a way to travel in some fashion.

I'll only speak for myself but I think It is incredibly obvious what you were saying.

MissPrism Dec 23rd, 2014 08:47 AM

My son has three small children and they always stay at a centre, possibly taking short side trips. They like glamping.. That way, you can meet other families and children can play together. One of my grandsons at the terrible twos stage quickly learned to say "non!"
I can imagine, even a ten year old being bored to tears on a coach trip.
I wonder why people use txt spk nowadays., now that we have predictive texting and auto-complete. Mind you, autocomplete and spellcheck can sometimes produce interesting results.

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