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leslie Apr 10th, 2003 12:23 AM

Bon voyage, Beatchick
Girlfriend, have the best time in Paris. Savor every moment. You deserve this trip. Have a wonderful time and a safe journey. I just hope that you can fit in everything on your itinerary. Do all the things that I don't intend to do - which means behave yourself.<BR><BR>Okay, I'm off to follow the Yellow Brick Road - gotta catch my cab to the airport in a half hour. Email me if you get a chance, otherwise we'll catch up after Easter.<BR><BR>Au revoir.<BR><BR>Leslie

bookchick Apr 10th, 2003 06:43 AM

I second the &quot;bon voyage&quot; Beatchick. I know you'll give the City of Light a run for its money, and even if you only were to accomplish half of your very ambitious itinerary, that would still be doing a great deal in a small amount of time! Travel safely, have a wonderful time, and give us your fabulous trip report when you return, okay?<BR><BR>Bon Voyage,<BR>BC

Scarlett Apr 10th, 2003 06:48 AM

Bye Bye Darlin!!<BR>Have a lovely time, be safe be happy!<BR>Talk to you when you return!<BR><BR>Look out Paris, here she comes~

aj Apr 10th, 2003 07:41 AM

Beatchick:<BR><BR>Hope that you enjoy your hotel. Be sure and tell them that I will see them in a month! Drink a kir royal for me in the Place St. Catherine behind the hotel! I can't wait to hear back from you.

cigalechanta Apr 10th, 2003 07:48 AM

Eat, Drink. Love!!! <BR>Paris is love..drink more than your fill.

Grasshopper Apr 10th, 2003 07:49 AM

I add my best wishes. But somehow I think they are unneeded! Ciao bella.

Flyboy Apr 10th, 2003 09:13 AM

A bottle of fine Bordeaux will be consumed in your honor. Say bonjour to my friend &quot;SC aka MC&quot;. :o)

Madison Apr 10th, 2003 04:47 PM

Beatchick - <BR><BR>Even though I don't know you, have a wonderful time in Paris...a place that I hold so close to my heart. I haven't been there since 9/2001 but my memories are still so vivid. <BR><BR>Could it be I carried a journal with me and wrote everything down? Yes. At the time I thought I was being a little silly in doing so but so happy now that I did. <BR><BR><BR><BR>

grandmere Apr 10th, 2003 05:45 PM

Have a wonderful time, and have an extra Mont Blanc at Angelina!<BR><BR>Sue

Beatchick Apr 11th, 2003 01:54 AM

Awwwww! Thank you! I came on here to post my Au Revoirs and you guys beat me to the punch already!!<BR><BR>Leslie, thank you so much for starting this thread. First chance I've had to look at it. I've been up all night and I leave in 2 hrs to go to work. So much to do and so nervous but I can't wait!! Kiss your darling in Kansas for me (on both cheeks!!). : D Anyway, I think everything's just about done. Looks like all the details are down. No need to be nervous anymore. I want to e-mail you from Paris from a great web cafe a friend told me about (Web 46).<BR><BR>I can't promise anything but I might e-mail you from Paris if you send me a shout out @ [email protected]. No promises, though, but I will do my best!! : ) (I am so happy)<BR><BR>Thanks, BC, hope you had a wonderful time in Italy as well, bella!! THIS YEAR I promise to write a trip report. Double promise! Don't worry, Bookie, I plan to sit at some point to pause, reflect, enjoy, drink in (and write).<BR><BR>Thank you, Katie Scarlett! I look forward to following in some of your footsteps and trying out some of your resto recs. Better tell those waiters at L'Epi Dupin I'm coming!!<BR><BR>Hi, AJ!! I'm taking the postcard to show them you recommended it to me and maybe they'll put you in the best room when you show up! I found a picture of the square on lespagesjaunes and I copied and it's part of my itinerary. I show it to people and they ooh and ahhh and ask where it is and I tell them it's right in front of my hotel!<BR><BR>Thank you, Cigalechanta, I will! I brought your postcard as well and plan to paste it in my journal - thank you, bella!! And I'm going to Cafe les Editeurs if only for a grand cafe creme and to peruse my Kerouac &quot;Subterraneans&quot;.<BR><BR>Ah, bella, Grasshopper, thank you and thank you. Paris misses you, I'm sure!<BR><BR>Yes, Flyboy, and SC aka MC and I just might toast you with Bordeaux as well. But I defer to her better wine judgment!!<BR><BR>Thank you, Madison! I brought my journal with me (a Monet, one I picked up at Staples of all places and it's a copy of one of his that hangs in the d'Orsay that I look forward to seeking out) and hope to glue everything in it.<BR><BR>Hi Sue ~ I MUST have a Mont Blanc in your honor at Angelina's. They are divine!! I will never forget you for cluing me in (I swear I didn't see it on the menu last year, I had to ask for it). Thank you!<BR><BR>Ciao, EVERYONE, wish I could take you with me!! I'll try to peek in here in a few days. I'm going to see so much - I can't wait - 9 WHOLE DAYS - OHMIGOSH!!<BR><BR>Love to all,<BR>MaryC @&gt;-&gt;---

Beatchick Apr 11th, 2003 01:58 AM

OH, and I wish to say a very special thank you to someones who were so kind enough to give me tickets to the Eiffel Tower and to the ballet at the Opera Garnier.<BR>; ) ; )<BR>You know who you are.<BR><BR>THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Someday I'd like to return the favor somehow.

Peep Apr 11th, 2003 04:08 AM

Woo hoooo!!! Have a great time!!! Definitely try to overdo it with the pastries, quiche, Bordeaux, paninis, crepes, etc, etc! ar ar

Scarlett Apr 11th, 2003 04:34 AM

<BR><BR>Lol, Peep has the right idea, do all the shopping and chocolate eating that you can:)<BR>How nice~sigh~

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