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suzabella1 May 11th, 2013 10:15 PM

Black, white or tan shoes in Paris
I'm going to Paris in early June. Is it best to take black, white or tan shoes. I have them all and all are comfortable. I just don't want to take too many so want the most versatile in color. Any help would be appreciated.

latedaytraveler May 11th, 2013 10:28 PM

Suzabella, wear whatever you want - this is not a fashion show! Enjoy! :)

Greenway May 11th, 2013 11:15 PM

Agreed, take what is comfortable and goes with your clothes. But I would take dark shoes rather than light ones -- less likely to show any mud or other stains.

bdsbeautyblog May 12th, 2013 12:44 AM

I'd take black or tan for the same reason as Greenway, although if your shoes are patent, this might not affect them so much.

Carlux May 12th, 2013 01:44 AM

I spent the first week of May in Paris,when it was cool/cold, overcast and rainy. Looking around at Parisians who were just, like me, trying to keep warm and dry, I thought of all the folks who wonder how to dress in Paris. No-one looked particularly fashionable in their coats, heavy shoes, umbrellas, etc. I did notice, of course, that my red Canadian raincoat (even though I live in France) was not black, like most I saw. But no-one else paid any attention.

adrienne May 12th, 2013 02:53 AM

Take the black shoes - the white and tan shoes will get dirty. If all the shoes are leather and can be cleaned then take the ones that match most of your skirts, dresses, or trousers.

SharonG May 12th, 2013 08:13 AM

Always take at least two pairs and wear different ones everyday. You never know where a shoe will rub or get wet or funky

suzabella1 May 12th, 2013 08:36 AM

Thanks. It's been warm, here, lately, including warm nights. Went out to dinner and wore my white sandals for the first time. Thanks to your information, 'll be leaving them home. This is a great travel site.

Christina May 12th, 2013 08:48 AM

I wouldn't take white shoes but don't own hardly any. I do have some white leather "slides" I often travel with in summer (these are not casual flipflops) because they go with the skirts and dressier pants I wear at night, but they aren't my main walking-around daytime shoes.

I think it just depends on your wardrobe, as obvious as that sounds. Tan may go with more you own, but I usually take black as I tend to wear black/beige/khaki/green stuff. The only problem is black doesn't go that well with navy or brown, but if they are casual clothes, it doesn't really matter as much (ie, who cares if you wear black walking shoes with blue jeans, no one).

Christina May 12th, 2013 08:49 AM

oh, there isn't any reason you can't take white sandals with you at all, it sounds like these wouldn't be your main sightseeing shoes. They will be fine if you like them and they go with your stuff.

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