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hpluss1 Dec 3rd, 2011 06:56 AM

Best Cities with Baby
Hello, I'm planning a vacation for my husband and our baby for this coming spring. Our baby will be 4 or 5 months old. I think our activities therefore will consist of playing in parks and exploring museums, with the baby in the stroller. Does anyone have insight into what cities are most enjoyable for traveling with a baby that age? We were thinking Stockholm, Amsterdam, or Paris.

Thank you for any advice!

DebitNM Dec 3rd, 2011 08:12 AM

We were in both Stockholm and Paris this past spring. They were both wonderful, but I think Stockholm would be especially nice for you with your baby. There were sooo many moms out and about with babies that I think you would feel right at home. There is a wonderful island with great museums [even one dedicated to Pippi Longstocking] and lots of great walking paths:

And walking along the Gamla Stan is wonderful too

It is easy to get around the city, with lots of metros and buses. Everyone speaks English, if that is important.

DebitNM Dec 3rd, 2011 08:17 AM

google: children in Stockholm for lots more

Cathinjoetown Dec 3rd, 2011 08:54 AM

Depends when you're thinking about going in the spring. Early spring in Stockholm won't be very park friendly.

Some museums don't allow strollers, so bring an alternative method to carry the baby, back-pack or front-pack, sorry, I'm no expert on what's available.

You would have a great time in any of the cities you mention.

DebitNM Dec 3rd, 2011 09:02 AM

We were in Stockholm the 3rd week in April, it was downright balmy. Not typical weather, but lately the norm isn't the norm. Since OP didn't specify when in the spring, May should be nice in Stockholm,

nytraveler Dec 3rd, 2011 10:28 AM

Agree I would not do Stockholm before May - could still be too chilly. Paris should be great as well. Amsterdam is great for adults - but the center could be a little more difficult to get around with a stroller.

In all 3 cases make sure that you all have a variety of layers as far as clothing is concerned and that the stroller has a zipper rain cover. (All strollers in NYC have this - but I was amazed by friends in Jersey whose strollers don;t - they say they don;t to walking if it rains.

hpluss1 Dec 21st, 2011 04:01 PM

Thank you so much! This is so helpful! We'll look into Stockholm for May or later.

hpluss1 May 7th, 2012 12:59 PM

We've changed our minds and want a small city on the water instead... so we're looking at the South of France or south of Italy. Neither sounds easy ... anyone traveled to a European beach town with a baby? I have the zipper rain cover, thanks for that suggestion! I'm thinking of traveling with the baby carrier and leaving the stroller at home. Should I bring the stroller??

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