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bilboburgler Aug 3rd, 2013 05:29 AM

Belated Happy Yorkshire Day plus links
Well the 1st of August was Yorkshire Day and the white rose on the azzure field was flapping from many flag poles. I would have hit the date but massive rain showers and sunny days at >30C took out my internet. And who says climate change is a myth?

Anyway I have some friends visiting from the barren south so I had to plan a few visits, I felt I should send them the odd link before they come and I thought I should share them with Fodorites.

The main Yorkshire website is

The marketeers have identified the top visits in this area in which include the brand new Hepworth Gallery at which is but a spit and a toss from the magnificent Yorkshire Sculpture Park at which is worth coming to Yorkshire for its own sake, but having two world class art centres so close together is wonderful. The visit to the YSP is free but the car park is very expensive so bring change.

Included in the top visits is if you liked the Tower of London you will love this place, they took all the bits that could not fit in the Tower and brought them here then they added strolling actors in full armour along with jousting, falconry etc, mainly for free. If your kids like tales of old they will love this place.

Then if you love gardens you must include near Harrogate and North at Ripon

stevelyon Aug 3rd, 2013 05:32 AM

Coincidentally, I am in Yorkshire Sculpture Park tomorrow - what a wonderful place.

VirginiaC Aug 3rd, 2013 06:50 AM

The sculpture park looks absolutely fascinating. Is it accessible by public transportation? You really don't want me driving your roads,

WeisserTee Aug 3rd, 2013 08:20 AM

Well, while we're "belating", let me say Hop Schwyz! and Happy Swiss National Day, also August 1.

Morgana Aug 3rd, 2013 08:27 AM

Happy Belated Yorkshire Day to you too. I feel very blessed to live here.

bilboburgler Aug 3rd, 2013 09:09 AM

Virginia there is a bus out of Wakefield (easy access by train) the 96 to West Bretton followed by a 12 minute walk. Virtually all public transport in England are on

VirginiaC Aug 3rd, 2013 10:26 AM

Bilboburger, Thanks. I'll put it in my folder for our next adventure.

jhostage Aug 8th, 2013 08:52 AM

Thank you, bilboburgler. I always feel as if I've discovered gold when I read your posts!

latedaytraveler Nov 3rd, 2013 06:11 AM

Thank you, bilboburgler- very interesting and easy to navigate sites for Yorkshire. Makes me want to return to the area...

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