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craiggerz Jul 29th, 2014 01:15 PM

Barcelona trip (La Festa Gracia! and more)

My fiance and I are going on a Euro trip and one of our stops are Barcelona. We will be in Barcelona from Aug 16th - 23rd.

My first question is, we want to pick out a couple of La Festa Gracia events, but we have no idea what events are must see... so could someone give us suggestions on what we should definitely see during this week?

I would also like to post our itinerary as we plan the week and would appreciate any feedback you guys may have (not enough time, suggestions to skip/add sites, etc).


craiggerz Jul 29th, 2014 01:16 PM

Here is our first day in Barcelona:

Morning - Checkout of Costa Brava and travel to Barcelona
Early Afternoon - Arrive in Barcelona
Late Afternoon - Arrive at Hotel and check in
Night - Eat at Auga and take a walk along the beach or visit the casino if it's raining.

craiggerz Jul 29th, 2014 01:19 PM

Here is our agenda for day 3 (Aug 18th):

Morning - Park Guell, Torre de Collserola
Lunch - El Asador d'Aranda
Afternoon - Tibidabo
Dinner - Placa Doctor Anndreu
Night - 21:30 Barcelona soccer match

Robert2533 Jul 29th, 2014 01:55 PM

I take it you're planning on 'dining' at Restaurante Mirablau because of the view, not the cuisine, and the fact that it is open continually from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm on Monday.

Gràcia festival is a free fiesta that takes place in the streets of the barrio. It is completely open to the public so you won't need to buy tickets to attend the fiesta.
"Estem treballant per tenir disponible al nostre web la programació de la Festa Major de Gràcia 2014 a partir del proper dilluns 28 de juliol al migdia.

Com sempre, tindrem una programació plena d'activitats per a tothom tant de dia com de nit, amb jocs, concursos i campionats de tota mena, àpats al carrer, tallers per a petits i grans, cinema a la fresca, teatre, la millor música en directe i molt més!"

craiggerz Jul 30th, 2014 05:59 AM

Yes, the view.

I understand what the Gracia festival is, we just want to know which days we should attend as with everything I'm sure some are better than others.

Robert2533 Jul 30th, 2014 06:42 AM

You will find the program, street by street, at:

Hopefully you understand a little Catalan. Each street has a different program with fireworks beginning the fiesta at 08:00 on the 15th.

Carrer Berga
Carrer Camprodon
Carrer Ciudad Real
Carrer Fraternitat de Baix (EFIT)
Carrer Joan Blanques de Baix
Carrer Joan Blanques de Baix de Tot
Carrer La Perla
Carrer Llibertat
Carrer Mozart
Carrer Progrès
Carrer Providència
Carrer Puigmartí
Carrer Tordera
Carrer Verdi
Plaça de la Vila
Plaça Rovira i Trias
Placeta Sant Miquel i Rodalies
Travessia Sant Antoni

craiggerz Jul 31st, 2014 10:05 AM

We're thinking of hanging around the beach Sunday and then taking the Harbor Cable Car to Montjuic Hill in the afternoon for dinner and the Mountain Show... is this a good idea since the town will be shut down?

Robert2533 Jul 31st, 2014 10:38 AM

Barcelona never shuts down, not even for the Gràcia festival.

craiggerz Jul 31st, 2014 10:43 AM

I read that everything is closed on Sundays, this is not true?


Robert2533 Jul 31st, 2014 12:11 PM

By law shops are closed on Sunday, but there is still plenty to do:

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