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Brooke Oct 17th, 2001 02:41 PM

Are we crazy to travel now?
My husband and I (frequent travelers to this point) are planning to travel to Dublin/London in early November. My head tells me it's silly to worry, but with two small children at home, how many of you would feel safe to travel right now?

Diane Oct 17th, 2001 03:42 PM

We really didn't travel much other than to visit Grandparents when our kids were young. If we could have afforded to, it may have been a good idea (you really do need to get off together). So. Would you be comfortable traveling across country? If so why not Dublin/London. Take the "foreign" component out of your question, and then make your decision. Personally, I think I would be just as safe in Dublin or London as I would be in NYC or San Francisco. But then I live in the suburbs of DC. My daughter lives in NYC. My mother (in Tampa, Fla) says she wishes we lived in Des Moines or somewhere like that. I think life is meant to be lived, but my children are now grown and I don't have the heavy responsibility for nurturing them that I had felt when they were small.

Al Godon Oct 17th, 2001 04:05 PM

With Americans caving in to mass hysteria, but calling it prudence, I am reminded of the old US Navy saying that I learned back in the fifties: <BR>When in danger or in doubt, <BR>run in circles, scream and shout. <BR> <BR>So have at it while navigating a circular path and using a megaphone to announce: "The anthraxers are coming; the anthraxers are coming." <BR> <BR>Then, too, somebody might drop a box of anthrax spores on your head from a building while you are walking along the street in Dublin. Or perhaps they will gas you with nerve gas in London. <BR>Or bomb your house where ever you live. <BR> <BR>And perhaps the children will be safer with two adults gone away!!

Kate Oct 17th, 2001 05:09 PM

Brooke, I am so in the same position that you are in. My husband & I have had reservations to fly to Rome in early November, for 6 days, as a celebration of 10 years of marital bliss (!), for many months. With all that's going on, we have been "on hold". We have 2 small daughters, 3yrs & 1 yr; my in-laws were to watch them in our home while we were away. We still haven't decided what to do! We haven't cancelled, nor have we decided that we are going. We too have traveled extensively in the past. We used flyer miles & hotel miles & would only be out ~ $100 (or less) should we money isn't a driving factor in our decision. What is my issue(not my husbands...he thinks that we should go...) is: what if something happens here & I am away from my kids...what if I couldn't get back to them? In our situation (I'm fairly confident,) it's a female thing (not even on "daddy's" radar.) <BR> <BR>I will say that with the passing of time ...I'm possible thinking that we maybe could go...but I don't have any concrete opinions on it. We're at a quandary...and not sure as to how to get out. So...In other words, sorry that we couldn't give you advice...but, if helps, you are not alone in your struggle to decide your travel plans. <BR>Kate

StCirq Oct 17th, 2001 05:44 PM

Brooke: <BR> <BR>I live in the DC area and it sure doesn't seem phenomenally safe hereabouts these days, so I'm going ahead with my plans to travel to France and Morocco in mid-November. Yes, I have lots of non-refundable items in connection with that trip, but money isn't the issue - I really think I will feel as safe if not safer in the countryside of France and in Marrakech (I'm not worried about Morocco - been there before and understand and appreciate the culture) than I do here outside DC. Leaving my family is the hardest part, but it's only for 10 days and I'll have e-mail and cell phone and essentially be there for them in every way except physically during the trip. I feel strongly that it's crazy to stay home out of fear, and oddly enough the fact that I'm visiting a Muslim country has kind of driven me to be sure to go there - and to listen to what the people are saying about America and the terrorists. I should have been a war journalist.......

DebiC Oct 17th, 2001 05:54 PM

Brooke, <BR>I know EXACTLy how you feel. We have two small children as well. We just returned from 16 days in France & Italy. We are so glad that we decided to go. We had an amazing time! (I still have to do my trip report here, I am having a hard time trying to condense my thoughts!) After continuously watching tv for two weeks ater the 11th, I think I would have been certifiably crazy if we had not gone, and my husband would have had grounds for divorce!After much soul seaching and anguish on my part (the mom thing Kate talks about) we decided to go. Everything about our trip was great! My Mom & Dad stayed with the kids and they all loved that! One of the best things about the trip was no TV for the first week. It really helped put things in perspective. (Part of our problem here is that you can't get away from the news/Although we did check the paper everyday) Just like Pres Bush has been saying we have to live our lives. We have to be free to enjoy ourselves. I know it might seem scarier for those of us with small children (It was for me)but, if you think about it it's no more scary these days than driving on the freeway, going to a baseball game or Disneyland or even opening your mail! I know its your decision, a hard one. But I say go. Have the time of your lives and bring your kids home some amazing presents! You will be glad you did once you are there! If you have any questions you can email me. Debi

Jane Oct 17th, 2001 06:07 PM

Brooke, <BR> <BR>My children are grown, so my perspective will be different from yours. <BR> <BR>I just came back yesterday from Europe. I went and I'm glad that I did. I changed my mind so many times before I left that I wasn't entirely sure until the day that I left (Oct. 4, bound for Rome two days after the State Department released a travel advisory for Italy) that I was going to be on that plane. <BR> <BR>In favor of going? Several: From a security standpoint, airplane travel is safer than it has ever been. We take a risk stepping out of our doors. We have only one life to live. We cannot bow down to terrorism. <BR> <BR>In favor of staying? We are at war and the future is uncertain. Dublin and London are not going anywhere. Perhaps you can reschedule in the spring. <BR> <BR>Whatever your decision, I wish you well. <BR>When you do go, as I hope you will, have wonderful time! <BR>

JFM Oct 17th, 2001 07:05 PM

I am going to London on Nov 2 for a few days. You're more likely to get killed in a car wreck or random shooting in America than to be the victim of a terrorist attack abroad. <BR> <BR>Call me a cynic, but I do not think that the world is a more dangerous place after Sept 11. If anyone had asked us if a mass terrorist attack was possible in America, we all would have said yes.

JFM Oct 17th, 2001 07:06 PM

I am going to London on Nov 2 for a few days. You're more likely to get killed in a car wreck or random shooting in America than to be the victim of a terrorist attack abroad. <BR> <BR>Call me a cynic, but I do not think that the world is a more dangerous place after Sept 11. If on Sept 10, anyone had asked us if a mass terrorist attack was possible in America, we all would have said yes.

Megan Oct 18th, 2001 12:45 AM

Go. Enjoy. Don't worry. That's what the terrorists want. The world's a big place & the chances of anything happening to you are slimmer than a really slim thing.

Tracy Oct 18th, 2001 01:53 AM

No - in fact I think it's my patriotic duty to travel more. I live in London and have just booked 2 weekends away in Europe...for both, flying instead of taking my favorite Eurostar. <BR> <BR>Not sure if Eurostar is hurting right now, but the aviation industry sure is, and I hope my 4 short-hops will somehow help. <BR> <BR>Also just reserved my Christmas trip back home to the West Coast - and boy did we get a great fare. <BR> <BR>'Business as usual' as all the signs say after IRA or ETA bombs! <BR> <BR>Keep flying, <BR>T <BR>

Edmond O`Flaherty Oct 18th, 2001 05:25 AM

I think the old latin phrase "Carpe Diem" or Seize the Day is relevant here.Life must go on and one should make use of every day.Travel and enjoy yourself.It will take your mind off problems at home and you will have good memories to enjoy for the future.

matt Oct 18th, 2001 06:51 AM

These days it seems safer in Europe than in US.

maryanne Oct 18th, 2001 07:04 AM

Were leaving saturday for Rome us three women and my husband also. <BR>never been to Dublin but did London and Paris in January this year. had a blast and very cheap 1800 bucks for everything. food,hotel,eurostarRT first class,train to bath tube pass etc. <BR>doing Rome on Delta Vacation <BR>it's so much cheaper if you get everything separate. <BR> <BR>anyway, I'm looking forward to Rome. Fear is not one of my bad habits. <BR> <BR>On Rick Steves site he's going to Paris Nov, life is pushing forward. <BR> <BR>ciao <BR> <BR>Maryanne <BR> <BR>

Ada Oct 18th, 2001 07:41 AM

<BR>No. You are not crazy. You are 2 very sane people with healthy heads on your shoulders. <BR>Ada

don't Oct 18th, 2001 07:47 AM

Look, your fear is very rational. It is a different world we live in now. And, until the FAA and the airlines are willing to REALLY take exact security measures, I don't think that it is that crazy to consider postponing trips

Ginny Oct 18th, 2001 08:05 AM

I have tickets for November to Paris. I am canceling because I feel the need to be around family. …Not at all afraid to travel in Europe and some parts of Asia. So sad that it will be a while before I will feel comfortable in Egypt/Turkey again. I hate being restricted in travel like this. <BR> <BR>I would be most likely take a different stance if I had children. Know the likelihood of being on a plane that is being hijacked would be slim but do you really want to be stranded abroad from your kids if another tragedy takes place. I would consider a stronger likelihood of airports being closed for a week or more if another incident takes place. I would take extra precautions as a parent...Just my thought, no judgments if you think otherwise. <BR>

Brian Oct 23rd, 2001 10:50 AM

This type of fear and hysteria is why the US is in a recession. Get back on planes people start spending money folks.

Liam Oct 23rd, 2001 01:16 PM

I know how you feel; we have a 3 year old and a 5 month old, and leaving them now would be tough (although I "leave" them each day when I go into the city to work, and being here is probably just as dangerous as most places in Europe). <BR> <BR>My wife and I were planning our first trip to Paris for April '02 when all this happened. Now, we are having some doubts, but have the luxury of being able to see what happens. Your issue is much more pressing. <BR> <BR>Personally, I would feel extremely safe in Ireland right now, and would feel no more in danger in London than in any major US city. I say go for it.

Judy Oct 23rd, 2001 01:31 PM

Ya know folks, this whole situation is not going to go away soon. We must learn to live in a whole new way with an attitude that living as an American doesn't guarantee any here to fore taken for granted liberties. Much of the rest of the world has lived with these insecurities every day of their lives. I have to fly to see my kids. I'm not going to give that up. Travel is my passion and I'm not going to give that up, damn it! So I agree with Debi, give those babies a big kiss, take pictures and rebond with your husband. LIVE!!!!! Judy

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