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djs Sep 25th, 2003 07:53 PM

Are threads archived or deleted?
I have been trying to track down a thread that I remember reading a few years ago called "a really fabulous fiction book" that had great book recommendations for those long international flights. I can't seem to find it with a search. Are old threads deleted or archived somewhere. It was a really good one! Help!

sheila Sep 25th, 2003 11:02 PM

The're still there. Just use the search function

elaine Sep 26th, 2003 04:55 AM

It's not as simple as "just use the search function."

There is a long and still current thread called "Helpful Information on Italy."
If you do a search on either "helpful" or "information" within the Italy text box, it doesn't come up.
The only way I find it is to click on my name because I know I've posted on it.

TuckH Sep 26th, 2003 05:03 AM

There's one on the board right now, from May 02, "Suggest an no brainer..."

Could that help?

elaine Sep 26th, 2003 05:03 AM

I've topped a similar thread called "The Sequal", if you scroll down on the left you'll find it

I tried searching for the original under
"fiction", "fabulous" "travel read" and Pillars of the Earth because that was one of the recommended books; it doesn't come up in the search.

AllyPally Sep 26th, 2003 05:05 AM

Just topped one called 'Book Club' on the theme...

rex Sep 26th, 2003 05:09 AM

In answer to the title question, there seem to be (or have long suspected to be) some indexing "black holes" - - threads that exist,, but for some reason, the search engine cannot locate them. Two such periods existed in the summer of 2001 or 2002 (I've forgotten now). Still unexplained, to the best of my knowledge.

There are references to this thread on;tid=139064

but that won't help you fid what you re seeking.

Best wishes,


Gardyloo Sep 26th, 2003 06:39 AM

A fairly large number of threads, unfortunately including some of the most entertaining ones, were deleted by Fodors last year or earlier this year due to content the editors felt was offensive or inappropriate. A thread entitled "How much should I tip the pilot," for example, was full of hilarious postings; however it became significantly less funny following Sept 11. Other threads were deemed too political or too inflamatory, or too something, and they vanished. I believe Fodors' censor's pen is more benign nowadays, but I do miss some of the golden oldies.

Jed Sep 26th, 2003 10:36 AM

If you could remember one book listed, it would be easier to find it through the search function, if the thread is still available.

Also, it may have been posted under a country, rather than general interest.

Christina Sep 26th, 2003 10:53 AM

I think the search function does work pretty well, and it's usually a problem of not searching correctly. Once in a great while, I have seen a post that will not surface with a correct search, but it's rare.

If someone checks the wrong box when they post, it won't show in the correct search country, of course. So, if someone didn't check "italy" on a post about italy, you can't find it in a search with that selected.

However, I suspect the thread Elaine says can't be found by a good search is simply too new -- it was just started this month and Fodors doesn't put things in the archive for searching immediately. I don't know their time lag, but a couple weeks isn't that unusual. That is actually the main problem with the search tool, it doesn't work on new posts.

Bobbi Sep 26th, 2003 12:05 PM

Alas, I believe Rex is correct in saying it is lost in a "Black hole" on the Fodor's server. I loved that thread too and had copied it to my hard drive as it grew. The last reply to the thread was July of 2002. After that I lost the ability to pull it up. I could email you my Word file if you'd like.

BrimhamRocks Sep 26th, 2003 12:24 PM

Am I the only one who thinks that when doing a SEARCH on here, the thread in question should be easily located and should be shown, even if it's posted in the Italy section and I forgot to specifically look for it in the Italy section? I think a SEARCH should do just ALLLLLLL the boards, not just when you remember to look in a specific one.

indytravel Sep 26th, 2003 12:33 PM

Here's a link to my conspiracy theory on searching. (Which I found by searching.)

On a more serious note, in this thread Christina gives some excellent advice on searching.;tid=34400963

Tess_Durberville Sep 26th, 2003 12:49 PM

Here's the link to thread that elaine mentioned >> good novel suggestions: the sequel;tid=605168

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