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elaine Sep 12th, 2001 09:19 AM

Archeobus in Rome
Does anyone have any information on this sightseeing bus line,and how it compares to <BR>the #110 bus tour? Or are they one and the same?

Top Sep 13th, 2001 01:04 AM


Steve James Sep 13th, 2001 05:34 AM

Hello Elaine, <BR> <BR>In the wake of this week's tragedy I'm finding it hard to even think of answering travel questions here, - but maybe it's the best way to take my mind off it for a while. <BR> <BR>The Archeobus tour is a 'Stop'n'Go' ride out along the Via Appia Antica starting from Piazza Venezia, with stops at: <BR> <BR>Bocca della Verita <BR>Circo Massimo <BR>Caracalla <BR>Porta S Sebastiano/Museo delle Mua <BR>Parco Appia Antica <BR>Caffarella <BR>S. Callisto Catacombs <BR>S Sebastiano Catacombs <BR>Circo Massenzio - Cecilia Metella <BR>S. Urbano <BR>Villa dei Quintili <BR>Casal Rotondo <BR>Appio Claudio Aquaduct <BR>Mura Latine <BR> <BR>Let me know if I can be of more help ... <BR> <BR>Steve <BR> <BR>

elaine Sep 13th, 2001 07:06 AM

Thanks Steve for the information. <BR>For those who are interested, I found good information on the Archeobus <BR>(whose route includes the Catacombs) <BR>and on the #110 line, at <BR> <BR>Steve, what I can't seem to find is where tickets for the Archeobus can be purchased. <BR>Do you know?

Steve James Sep 14th, 2001 01:03 AM

Elaine - I have the Archeobus leaflet here. It says you can buy tickets on the bus. You can also book in advance by phoning: <BR>Tel. 06-469.54.695 <BR> <BR>If you look again at the website, Elaine, at the bottom it lists their Information Centres, - you can also get tickets there. <BR> <BR>Let me know if I can be of more help ... <BR> <BR>Steve

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