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tokyoramen Sep 21st, 2016 11:00 PM

April 8 - 16, 1 country, 1 male, the best choice?

Thank you for viewing this post.

I am from Hong Kong, visited several Asian countries but never been to Europe before.
I am planning a trip to Europe during 2017 Easter, as a birthday gift at age 30.

My current plan (a very vague one) is:

Date: April 8 - 16, 2017.
Destination: Just one country, Germany OR Netherlands OR Belgium OR Finland OR Sweden OR Switzerland
People: Myself.
Theme: Enjoy local life, food, scenery. (NO SHOPPING!)

I have no interest in enjoying 4/5-star restaurant/hotel, just want to live in a local lifestyle. However, I am a photo enthusiast and hope to have many good photos.

My current problem is:

1. If I visit a big country, then it may take hours to move among cities. I want to avoid the waste of time.
2. I am not afraid of cold weather, but I don’t like cloudy day.
3. A destination with a mixture of cityscape and nature would be great.

Would you please share your opinion on which country to choose? I also plan for a parachute jump but this is easy once my destination is decided.

Thank you in advance.


WoinParis Sep 21st, 2016 11:16 PM

Because I am Belgian.

sparkchaser Sep 21st, 2016 11:26 PM

<i> just want to live in a local lifestyle</i>

I don't know what this means but it ain't gonna happen.

The rest we can help you with.

<i>1. If I visit a big country, then it may take hours to move among cities. I want to avoid the waste of time.</i>

This isn't a big problem. If you choose to go to Germany, the rail system is fast and efficient.

<i>2. I am not afraid of cold weather, but I don’t like cloudy day.</i>

The weather is unpredictable. it could be sunny every day you are there or it could be cloudy and rainy every day you are there. Regardless, it will be Spring so temperatures should be mild.

Besides, cloudy weather gives you all that wonderful diffused light and is great for photography ;)

<i>3. A destination with a mixture of cityscape and nature would be great</i>

ok, based your wants of photo ops and food, I am going to say Germany. You can get some great urban photos in Berlin and Hamburg and Munich. You can take the regional trains to small towns and villages for a more rural landscape and you can take a trip to see the Zugspitze (highest mountain in Germany) or head into the Fränkische Schweiz in Bavaria and walk the trails there. You can get German food and in the cities, there are international offerings. It will be too early in the year for beer festivals though.

For lodgings, look into staying at Gasthaus as they tend to be cozy and comfortable and I found the food served to be excellent.

So, my suggested itinerary:

April 8: Arrive Munich
April 9: Munich
April 10: Day trip to Zugspitze. Return to Munich
April 11: Train to Nuremberg in the morning. See Nuremberg.
April 12: Leave Nuremberg for day trip in Fränkische Schweiz. Arrive in Bamberg in the evening.
April 13: Bamberg
April 14: Morning train to Berlin
April 15: Berlin
April 16: Leave out of Berlin

It's a busy trip (I don't see where you'd have time to "live a local lifestyle") but it does tick all of your boxes. If you were to cut one thing out of it, I'd cut out the trip to the Fränkische Schweiz.

Admittedly, this is a pretty Bavarian-centric itinerary but it really is a beautiful part of the country.

And finally, you left out some important criteria like budget and whether or not you have special dietary requirements and what kinds of activities you would like to avoid.

sparkchaser Sep 21st, 2016 11:27 PM

Because I am Belgian.</i>

Belgium would definitely be my second choice. Great food, even better beer, lots of history, and lots of things to photograph.

kja Sep 22nd, 2016 12:09 AM

So, you basically have one week, once you consider jet lag. In that case, I don't think you should think about countries, particularly if you want to pair cities with time in the country -- think of major cities and places you can reasonably visit from them or pair with them. So, for example, Amsterdam, Brugge, and some time in the countryside outside one or both could work. Or Munich and Salzburg and some time in the countryside outside one or both could work. sparkchaser has given you an interesting option, but one too rushed for my tastes; YMMV. Or, as already mentioned, a week in Belgium. :-)

Although day-to-day weather can't be predicted, some areas are better seen in some seasons that others. For example, I could easily be wrong, but I don't think Switzerland is ideal in April -- depending on where, exactly, you want to go, you risk running into avalanche / OFF-off season, when cablecars and trails will be closed. Do some google searches about "when to go" -- or better yet, consult a few good guidebooks at your local library.

Happy 30th!

tokyoramen Sep 22nd, 2016 12:48 AM

Thank you for your prompt reply.

just want to live in a local lifestyle

I don't know what this means but it ain't gonna happen.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<OK, I mean live like a local. You see, many tourists stick together and eat food/visit places following their guide/guidebooks’ instructions. There are some places where only tourist will visit. (May not be true in Europe, but that is what we have in Hong Kong).

2. I am not afraid of cold weather, but I don’t like cloudy day.

Besides, cloudy weather gives you all that wonderful diffused light and is great for photography
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<It reminds me my 2 trips to Japan in December+April, always raining, every time. Yes, diffused light is a gift from cloudy day, it diminishes the high contrast. However, it may ruin a landscape photo on the other hand. Anyway, let the God decide.

3. A destination with a mixture of cityscape and nature would be great

ok, based your wants of photo ops and food, I am going to say Germany. You can get some great urban photos in Berlin and Hamburg and Munich. You can take the regional trains to small towns and villages for a more rural landscape and you can take a trip to see the Zugspitze (highest mountain in Germany) or head into the Fränkische Schweiz in Bavaria and walk the trails there. You can get German food and in the cities, there are international offerings. It will be too early in the year for beer festivals though.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Thank you. I can go to Hamburg from Frankfurt. But if I am going to visit Zugspitze, then I will definitely go to Munich first given its location. IMO, 9-day is only enough to enjoy “Half” of the Germany.

For lodgings, look into staying at Gasthaus as they tend to be cozy and comfortable and I found the food served to be excellent.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< yes, guesthouse is always the best place for single. Good price, good friends.

So, my suggested itinerary:

April 8: Arrive Munich
April 9: Munich
April 10: Day trip to Zugspitze. Return to Munich
April 11: Train to Nuremberg in the morning. See Nuremberg.
April 12: Leave Nuremberg for day trip in Fränkische Schweiz. Arrive in Bamberg in the evening.
April 13: Bamberg
April 14: Morning train to Berlin
April 15: Berlin
April 16: Leave out of Berlin

It's a busy trip (I don't see where you'd have time to "live a local lifestyle") but it does tick all of your boxes. If you were to cut one thing out of it, I'd cut out the trip to the Fränkische Schweiz.

Admittedly, this is a pretty Bavarian-centric itinerary but it really is a beautiful part of the country.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I googled Bamberg and it told me its beer is special. However, I don’t drink alcoholic beverage. So, any alternation of Bamberg?

And finally, you left out some important criteria like budget and whether or not you have special dietary requirements and what kinds of activities you would like to avoid.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Budget, no idea. I seldom purchase mascots therefore all the expenditure are necessary (food, drink , transportation, accommodation). Don’t worry. I can get the budget done.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<No special dietary requirement. Thank you. + What is the meaning of “activities to avoid”? I plan a tandem jump, LOL.

Any other suggestions if I want to visit the northern part of Germany? Thank you in advance.

tokyoramen Sep 22nd, 2016 12:49 AM


Thank you. I am also considering Belgium. A country and fulfilled with splendid things.

tokyoramen Sep 22nd, 2016 12:53 AM


Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I will not think about countries. Just ONE country is already enough.

Munich and Salzburg <<<<<<<< Yes, I will consider visit them if I choose southern Germany.

I could easily be wrong, but I don't think Switzerland is ideal in April -<<<<<<<<< Yes, it is not a good idea. I list it to see if there is something I omitted during my internet search.

sparkchaser Sep 22nd, 2016 01:39 AM

If you don't drink beer, Bamberg still has some great photo ops. But, if you would rather skip it then an extra day in Berlin would be well spent.

tokyoramen Sep 23rd, 2016 04:20 AM

Thank you for all your comments.

I will go to Southern Germany.

Sue81 Sep 25th, 2016 10:04 AM

OK, I say Switzerland because you say you like to take photos. It will be a tad more expensive, but it is a gorgeous country. Fly into Zurich, get a Swiss rail pass/flex and half fare swiss rail card and after a night in Zurich get on train for smaller towns.....depends on your interests...Wengen, Murren, Grindelwald all close together in the lovely mountains....then train over to Zermatt/tourists and the Matterhorn....consider the Glacier Express you have to write the swiss rail about this...

Bavaria is lovely too...Garmisch...but I vote for Switzerland. Sue

Dukey1 Sep 25th, 2016 12:30 PM

I agree with Switzerland because of the scenery, the size of the country, and the efficiency of the rail system among other things.

taconictraveler Sep 25th, 2016 12:43 PM

I would suggest you consider Amsterdam, which has lots of activity, but has country right nearby. So many photo ops, you'll never want! Lively museums and people. We stayed last time in a country inn, in a small town called Broek in Waterline, 11 minutes by bus from the central station.
Train trips all over The Netherlands are fast, because it is all close, sort of like Half an hour to The Hague
So you can get the best of the cities and the country in short times.

Have fun wherever you go!!

PalenQ Sep 25th, 2016 01:42 PM

Switzerland here too for sheer beauty and bungee and parachute jumping and white-water rafting- all in the Interlaken area (and others) but this area is so so awesome and has so so many varied things to see and do for that time.

and yes trains are great - check out a Swiss Pass or Swiss Transfer Ticket or Half-Fare Card - some great; and

stay in an active mountain village like Grindelwald and find lots of adventure travelers your age.

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