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JeffreyJ Nov 1st, 2006 10:18 AM

Anyone ever cycle the Canal du Midi?
I've booked a trip to France for my family this July coming, and I'm considering a bicycle trip along the French canal network from Carcassone to Avignon. We've done bike tours in the Dordogne and in Provence before; this one will be a bit more of an adventure 'cause I'm organizing it myself, rather than using the services of an agency.

Anyone have any experience of cycling the Canal du Midi that they'd care to share?

PalenqueBob Nov 1st, 2006 10:42 AM

I've biked along the canal near Carcassonne and it was neat - the towpaths were dirt, but hard packed in the typical French way. Not many roads to cross - rather delightful and the odd small tourist barges and some real ones as well putzing along.

Momliz Mar 17th, 2007 12:28 PM

Has anyone done this recently? Jeffrey, how did it turn out?

ehku Mar 17th, 2007 01:12 PM


JeffreyJ Mar 18th, 2007 08:40 AM

No, we're not going until July. Change of plans, too....I've dropped the Canal du Midi idea, and elected to do a more conventional road bike trip starting in Montpellier, to Nimes, to Arles, ending in Avignon, with a couple of nights in each place. Planes and hotels are booked, but there are a lot of little details to fill in between now and then. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

mpprh Mar 18th, 2007 11:55 AM


just to say that the French are working hard at creating long distance cycle tracks.

In my area they are tarmacing an old railway that ran Montpellier - Nimes. They are even building tunnels under main roads. The benefits are : 1)the railway was quite flat, 2) It had a station in every village, so you are never far from services, shops, etc.


JeffreyJ Mar 19th, 2007 09:31 AM

Peter, that's very useful information.
Have you any idea of how far along they are and when they plan to complete?

Can you tell me thru which points this old railway goes? Is it still on either the IGN or the Michelin maps of the area? This might be invaluable information for planning that leg of the trip.



mpprh Mar 20th, 2007 02:09 AM


Some info here for the Gard section :

The railway was closed in the 60's, but the route is largely still in place.

My section is open from Sommieres to Caveirac passing through Congenies, Calvisson, Langlade. Not sure of the situation with the others.


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