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Geoff1937 Jan 11th, 2013 07:07 AM

Antwerp to Amsterdam River Cruise
We will traveling April 3, 2013 for about 12 days. What will will temperatures be at that time of year. We are traveling from Florida.

hetismij2 Jan 11th, 2013 07:25 AM

Hard to say really. You can get four seasons in a day in APril.

However the averages for April are maximum of 13C and a minimum of 4C. But it can be very warm - 20C some days. You can also expect rain of course - April showers.

That all probably sounds horribly cold to someone from Florida :)
Pack something waterproof, and layers so you can adjust accordingly. Evenings will be nippy no matter how warm it is during the day.

Geoff1937 Jan 11th, 2013 09:39 AM

Thank you, that was very helpful.

doug_stallings Jan 11th, 2013 09:56 AM

I was in that region last year in late March. About 3 weeks previous in early March they'd had record low temps, and the water had frozen. By the time I was there, most daytime temps were in the mid-50s, with fairly cool nights. But we had one day in the 60s, and only 1 day of rain, but I think that's not typical. Though who's to say what's typical this year with all the strange weather. I had weighed whether or not to wear a heavy coat, and I ended up bringing an unlined raincoat along with a hat, gloves, and sweaters. I was fine. Check the weather reports as the time for the cruise approaches, but it may be pleasant or still cold by April.

hetismij2 Jan 11th, 2013 10:08 AM

If you want a fairly acurate weather forecast nearer the time go

Where you see De Bilt click on the arrow and choose Maastricht or another town you will be visiting. This is the fourteen day forecast (click the blue arrow at the side for the other days) but it is pretty good, and obviously more accurate for the days closest to the day you are looking.

You can also see sunrise and sunset on the same site.

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