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cch1 Feb 3rd, 2003 01:16 PM

Antwerp or Brussels-I can't decide...
Originally, I had planned on skipping Brussels as I've read some bad remarks about it and I've heard better things about Antwerp. Should I skip Brussels for Antwerp, or the reverse? I'm not going to have time to see both cities. If you're recommending Brussels, budget (3* and below) hotel recommendations would be appreciated also. Thanks.

Bird Feb 3rd, 2003 01:58 PM

I would suggest skipping Brussels. In all of my European travels, Brussels has the worst memories - from having my back pack ripped open and robbed to unfriendly tourist offices to lousy public transit. Plus my experience was that the food was over-rated and over-priced. (I did like their chocolate.)<BR><BR>How about Brugge? You might consider that as an alternative to both Antwerp or Brussels.

pat Feb 3rd, 2003 02:03 PM

Prefer Brugge also. Antwerp is full of diamond shops and is one of the diamond capitals of the world. A friend who was just getting engaged, purchased her engagement ring from there, and her future husband paid for it when she got home.

MyriamC Feb 3rd, 2003 02:25 PM

OK, Antwerp is full of diamond shops, especially in the central station area. But you won't see/feel the real Antwerp there as all these little diamond shops are run by Indian/Russian/... immigrants. Very little chance to find someone who speaks Flemish there!<BR><BR>Antwerp has a LOT more to offer. The city is small and can easily be visited on foot. Antwerp is both a tourist and a business city (mainly thanks to the Port of Antwerp which is the 4th largest port in the world!).<BR>The historical part is very picturesque with buildings dating back from the middle ages, cobblestoned streets and squares. We have some great museums (also a brandnew diamond museum) and churches, the oldest zoo in Europe, an upmarket shopping area with the new fashion museum, lots of cozy restaurants, ice-cream parlours, caf&eacute;s with an immense choice of Belgian beers. <BR>So, did I convince you to come to Antwerp?<BR>

cch1 Feb 4th, 2003 06:33 AM

Thanks everyone. I already had Brugge in the plans and I am heading toward Luxembourg across Belgium originating from France. This is why I was looking for opinions on what cities to see in Belgium. I'm planning on renting a car, so maybe I'll just stick to the smaller towns. Antwerp is intriguing, however, it is a little off course. The opinions you've mentioned about Brussels are exactly what I've heard. I think I'll skip that if possible. I guess at this point I'm seeking smaller towns to hit in Belgium.

KathyNZ Feb 6th, 2003 11:10 PM

I disagree about Brussels, I know a lot of people don't like it but I do and enjoyed a few days there in october. I also had some nice meals and found the prices to be very fair, go there yourself and then decide. My favourite restaurant was called Mannekin, yes true, and their french onion soup and banana splits were to die for. Also I stayed at the Sleepwell Hostel, it is really excellent, private single rooms, new and like a hotel, in fact the next night I stayed in a much more expensive hotel, (had already booked it) and it wasn't nearly as good. Sleepwell have a website. It is right in the centre of town but in a quiet street. The staff there were very nice.

SiobhanP Feb 7th, 2003 02:15 AM

I've been to both and I felt they were very different. Brussels is nice butI think after a certain point you have seen everything quickly. I liked it on business trips because we went shopping over the weekend and to a few pubs. Anymore than that and I would be bored. <BR><BR>Antwerp I only went for a weekend with a group from work and we loved it. Food was excellent, we were able to get a meal at 11pm as we arrived late in the evening. People were so friendly and helpful when they heard we were from Ireland and told us all the night spots to go to and the best bars. One of our crowd misjudged the strength of Belgian beer and preceeded to get sick on the floor of the bar. We were mortified and started to clean up thinking they were going to throw us out and they thought we e We also went to a fantastic market on a sunday that had everything from food to beer glasses to jewelry. It was the best market I was at in ages and so much fun. Even with a killer hangover we sat in a cafe 4 hours eating and drinking coffe till we felt human again and there was no hassle. I thought there was a lovely laid back atmosphere in Antwerp, everyone we encountered ws friendly

SiobhanP Feb 7th, 2003 02:16 AM

I've been to both and I felt they were very different. Brussels is nice butI think after a certain point you have seen everything quickly. I liked it on business trips because we went shopping over the weekend and to a few pubs. Anymore than that and I would be bored. <BR><BR>Antwerp I only went for a weekend with a group from work and we loved it. Food was excellent, we were able to get a meal at 11pm as we arrived late in the evening. People were so friendly and helpful when they heard we were from Ireland and told us all the night spots to go to and the best bars. One of our crowd misjudged the strength of Belgian beer and preceeded to get sick on the floor of the bar. We also went to a fantastic market on a sunday that had everything from food to beer glasses to jewelry. It was the best market I was at in ages and so much fun. Even with a killer hangover we sat in a cafe 4 hours eating and drinking coffe till we felt human again and there was no hassle. I thought there was a lovely laid back atmosphere in Antwerp, everyone we encountered ws friendly

JaneA Feb 13th, 2003 02:28 PM

Enjoyed Antwerp, and Brussels. The museums and gardens as well as food were great in Brussels. Would suggest you might consider Gent as well. Beautiful, walkable, one of the world's masterpieces-the Adoration of the Lamb-, great food and much less crowded then Brugge. I did like some of Brugge, but when I get to Belgium again I plan on revisiting the others and new places, but not Brugge. I loved Belgium, people were friendly, excellent food and beer, and wonderful art and architecture. Have a good trip.<BR>Jane

kanoneli Feb 13th, 2003 06:24 PM

We used Brussels as a base last year and travelled to Bruges, Amsterdam, Ypres, and Paris. We als spent some time in Brussels. We loved it! the people were friendly and the Square was beautiful at Christmas time! We stayed at the Hotel Welcome which was very reasonable and the proprietors were delightful! Also a good location, right across from the metro and in a charming safe area.

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