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Jim Feb 17th, 2002 01:35 PM

Amsterdam toilets
I will be traveling to Holland this April and was wondering about the quality of toilets. <BR>Are they really private,sanitary and are they coed.

John Bermont Feb 17th, 2002 03:13 PM

You're wondering about the "quality of toilets" in Holland? They are usually private, always sanitary, and sometimes coed. If you have specific questions I'll give you specific answers. On Queen's Day April 30 all normality, if there is such a concept in Holland, is vapor.<BR>John<BR>

please Jul 17th, 2002 04:49 PM


Alice Jul 17th, 2002 05:34 PM

I saw some modern "Pissoirs" in the Leidseplein that look like fellows just walk up to it, unzip, and well you know. Not the least bit private. Maybe coed but hopefully none of us will find out! Early in the morning a truck came by and cleaned it out. (I'm not kidding). Otherwise, in Amsterdam, I did not find any coed 'w.c.'s, just attendants which is customary in Europe (you tip them and most of the time they keep the facilities very clean). The only places so far I have experienced 'coed' was once at the museum in Giverny, and once at a roadside stop - in both cases it was only to smooth out the overflow (no pun) of the waiting lines (always more women than men).

amos Jul 19th, 2002 12:21 PM

I'm really confused? Who was the person I tipped for shakin my noodle when I had finished peeing? I hate to even think about the guy I tipped to wipe my back side! Now I feel invaded and all yucky inside.

Maxie Jul 19th, 2002 01:42 PM

I don't think you'll need to worry about the toilets in Amsterdam any more than you would in any American city. There are plenty of restaurants and cafes in case of emergencies. And of course the open circular "pissoirs" for the guys that just can't wait. We saw them out one night when there was a concert, but the next morning they were gone. Equivalent to the US "port-a-potty".

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