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rampup82 Apr 28th, 2016 07:45 AM

Amsterdam, Brussels, Where Else?
Hi there,

I'm flying into Amsterdam in August and want to visit some nearby cities. We're thinking of Brussels, and originally Luxembourg City, but after not hearing much about it, we decided to take it off the itinerary.

So, we now just have Amsterdam and Brussels on the list. We have 9 days and are traveling with a 1 year old. Would you recommend us visiting more nearby cities, and how many days in each city woudl you recommend?

Thanks in advance!

Andrew Apr 28th, 2016 08:11 AM

Bruges comes to mind - lovely, but touristy and probably very touristy in August.

There are a lot of smaller and medimum-sized towns in the Netherlands. Why just major cities? But if you like big cities, Paris is only about three hours from Amsterdam by fast train.

The Luxembourg countryside is beautiful, and there are some nice little towns like Vianden. Luxembourg City itself, though, did not dazzle me.

BigRuss Apr 28th, 2016 08:22 AM

<<We have 9 days and are traveling with a 1 year old. Would you recommend us visiting more nearby cities, and how many days in each city woudl you recommend?>>

I wouldn't. Traveling with a baby means you are NOT able to travel as you normally would. Stick to the two destinations and do day trips.

Kathie Apr 28th, 2016 08:29 AM

With a one year old, you will want to do as little moving around as possible. Each time you change locations will be a major project. So the fewer destinations you choose, the better. I'd choose a second destination that has enough to keep you interested for at least 3 full days - which likely means not Bruges.

You plan of Brussels and Amsterdam sounds good to me. Many people here say that Brussels is boring, but we spent a full week there (with a day trip to Bruges) and never ran out of things to do.

Whathello Apr 28th, 2016 08:32 AM

Cities that I recmemd in Belgium.
Gent on top of it Antwerpen Brugge.
Smaller but still quaint : Lier mons dinant tongeren.
With your kid you might go to Han sur Lesse. Great caves grottoes and animal reserve.
Planckendaal (sp ?) is also a great zoo

rampup82 Apr 28th, 2016 08:44 AM

We're not tied to big cities. We can do day trips from Amsterdam or Brussels. Sounds like Bruges may be an option? Anything else?

How many days would you recommend in Amsterdam and Brussels?

Thanks all!

@BigRuss We traveled with our son to Seoul, Osaka, Tokyo and Kyoto earlier this month with our son. It's tiring, but doable if you're determined and have a good partner! :)

tonfromleiden Apr 28th, 2016 09:14 AM

There are dozens of interesting sites and sights within easy reach from Amsterdam. Haarlem, Leiden and Utrecht are all within 30 mins by train. The Hague and Delft are less than one hour. With a promising weather forecast Dordrecht is a nice destination, with a river ferry to the famous windmills of Kinderdijk.
North of Amsterdam Monnickendam and Edam are well connected by bus; Hoorn is another easy train connection.
For some information in these and other destinations: For public transport planning:

PalenQ Apr 28th, 2016 10:08 AM

Brussels is a big busy city -not great for relaxing like Bruges - to me a don't miss place along with Amsterdam.

Going by car or train - train makes much more sense for cities like Amsterdam or any city really- for lots on planning a rail trip in these countries check; and

I would base in a small Belgian city like Bruges or Gent - another perennial favorite of Fodorites - and do easy day trips to other places or just savor the city itself.

In Bruges don't miss the canal boat tours - ditto for Amsterdam.

StCirq Apr 28th, 2016 12:03 PM

We were just in Antwerpen in Belgium and loved it. And were blown away by Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

Ozarksbill Apr 28th, 2016 12:42 PM

Gracious! There are many destinations for you to explore. Yes, Bruges more than one day and other lovely places in Belgium such as Ghent, Antwerp, and in the Netherlands. Leiden, Delft, Enkuisen, Hoorn, The Hague, and others. But allow time in Amsterdam. Luxemburg a bit of a drive.

PalenQ Apr 28th, 2016 12:51 PM

I too love Rotterdam but not everyone will - this is not the archetype of a dreamy old Dutch regional town but a metropolis known not for ancient architecture but smashingly modern stuff - all over but it also has several outstanding museums I took in. Some parts are still quaint - like Delfshavn from which the Pilgrims set off for the New World I think.

Climb the Maas Tower - take a lift up it - for a view of one of the world's largest ports as well as Kinderdijk in the distance.

Speaking of Kinderdijk, The Netherlands largest grouping of behemoth old windmills - a sweet way to go there from Rotterdam is by boat.

Even you want to base in a really old looking town stay in Delft and day trip to Kinderdijk and Rotterdam.

PalenQ Apr 28th, 2016 02:28 PM

Luxembourg City - gorgeous city as it is divided by a deep gorge but otherwise dull as cities go - nice but nothing to go out of your way for and it is out of the way from places you are talking about.

PalenQ Apr 29th, 2016 11:00 AM

Antwerp may lack the city-wide old world ambience of a Bruges but it is an amazing multi-faceted city well worth a few days or a day - a very historic and unique city - the main train station - dubbed the Railway Cathedral by locals is one of the most opulent looking in Europe - if passing thru by train get off for a few hours at least and look around the town center - the Diamond Industry is in the Orthodox Jewish section right near the train station.

Ackislander Apr 30th, 2016 12:26 AM

We just got back from the Netherlands, and I will be doing a trip report or even two, but I would second some recommendations and add some things to think about.

Hoorn, 35 minutes NE of Amsterdam on the train, has an historic port and core that is scenic, easily walkable, and has excellent shopping, high and low end. Veere, in Zealand is even cuter and more upscale, but it isn't easy to get around Zealand without a car.

Antwerp, Ghent, and Bruges are all musts for architecture, art, and general urbanity. The Ghent Altarpiece in St Bavo's Cathedral is one of the iconic art works of the Western tradition. But the chocolate and beer are great if that is what you want.

You will want to be out before 9 or after 3:30 in these heavily touristed towns. I think Bruges might be magical in the evening and would probably spend a night there in your circumstances.

Amsterdam was confusing to me because what is called the "Central City" is the area around Central Station and nowhere near the parts of the city most visitors want to see -- the residential canals, the Ann Frank House, the Rijksmuseum. Be sure your hotel is nearer to the latter than to the former.

I will not say that cyclists are actively hostile to pedestrians in Amsterdam, but they give no quarter. Both cycles and scooters regularly ride down streets and cycle paths in the wrong direction, and they will weave from street to sidewalk in congested areas. Hey, it's their city and they can do what they want, but you need to watch out for yourselves and your baby with great diligence because they do not expect to yield to you. I cannot state this seriously enough.

Finally, for now, dinner hour in Amsterdam and even more in small towns is 6 PM. You won't have any trouble finding food in tourist areas -- Argentinian restaurants are very popular, perhaps because the Queen is Argentinian -- but it isn't like Paris or Madrid. Trams in Amsterdam stop early, too, like the T in Boston, though not too early for travelers with a 1 year old.

Whathello Apr 30th, 2016 12:56 AM


Please state that all these nice cities (Antwerpen, Brugge, Gent) are in BELGIUM !!!
I don't doubt you know it but some might not.

And since we are civilzed, we eat at 8 pm - starting at 7 pm, sometimes at 6 30.

I was also startled by cyclist, they nearly bumped into my 4 years old - my fault I guess but not my kid's and the Dutch couldn't have cared less.

He even yelled at me instead of breaking.
Fortunately I can swear in Dutch - he clearly heard me. Small victory though. ;-)

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