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NO Aug 22nd, 2001 05:40 AM

Amsterdam, Brussells, Copenhagen, Dublin, Edinburgh, Madrid, Munich, Prague, Venice, Vienna. If possible, rate these larger cities from 1 to 10.
Author: Matt ([email protected]) <BR>Date: 8/21/2001, 11:12 am ET <BR> <BR> <BR>Message: Based on anything you want. <BR> <BR>

Tanya Aug 22nd, 2001 07:20 AM

All are really good cities, but I don't see what is so special about Amsterdam. Copenhagen doesn't get much recognition but it's a very delightful city.

Chris Aug 22nd, 2001 08:41 AM

who has been to all these cities that they could possibly rank them?

Mariarosa Aug 22nd, 2001 09:20 AM

OK, here are my quick ratings: <BR> <BR>Disclaimer - can't rate Dublin, Edinburg, nor Munich, because I haven't been there. Visited Copenhagen more than 10 years ago, so I don't feel comfortable rating it. <BR> <BR>Disclaimer Part 2 - Different strokes for different folks <BR> <BR>Ratings based on overall ambiance and charm, good, cheap food, architectural beauty, good museums/historical sights, and side trips. <BR> <BR>Brussells - 4 - beautiful center square and some cute side streets, but otherwise not impressive. Good antiquities museum. Good frites. Sadly has a large number of uninteresting modern buildings. Side trip - Easy to reach beautiful Brugges. <BR> <BR>Amsterdam - 6 - Interesting city and many pretty areas. <BR> <BR>Madrid - 7 - Great food, great museums, quaint areas near Puerta del Sol. Architecture not as interesting as other places. Great side trips nearby. <BR> <BR>Vienna - 7 - Has a very majestic side. Schonbrug (sp) excellent. Loses points on food. <BR> <BR>Prague - 10 - Beautiful city, great atmosphere, great, cheap food and beer, great museaums and sights. <BR> <BR>Venice - 10 - Unique and charming, great atmosphere, awesome sights.

ALW Aug 22nd, 2001 09:30 AM

Ditto on the disclaimers above! <BR> <BR>But here goes (based on individual experiences only -- not all sights were seen, not all food was tasted, not all people were met): <BR> <BR>Venice: Romantic, fascinating, beautiful, sinking... <BR> <BR>Madrid: Well, I have a real thing for Spain. I loved Madrid -- it was a bit dirty and a bit crowded, but the museums are stupendous, the food simple but good, and the atmosphere vivacious! <BR> <BR>Vienna: Pretty, TONS of great stuff to do and see (the operas, spanish riding school, etc.!) <BR> <BR>Edinburgh: Lovely town, the castle is perfect, don't have strong memories of pluses/minuses, but I'd go back today if I could... <BR> <BR>Dublin: I found Dublin (don't hate me, please) gray and depressing. Partly because I was there in the rain, the things I wanted to see were closed for ONLY the two weeks surrounding my visit, and there was a rugby match on, so my hotel (and restaurant, and streets...) was filled with male French rugby fans...oh well... <BR> <BR>Brussels: Eh. It really didn't inspire me at all. It was pretty in places, and the Grand Place was pretty cool. I'd go back, but maybe next week -- not today. <BR> <BR>I can't help with Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Munich, or Prague, though I'd love to visit them ALL!

Taylor Aug 22nd, 2001 02:14 PM

Vienna, Prague, Munich, Venice, Copenhagen, Madrid, Edinburgh, Dublin, Brussells, Amsterdam

janis Aug 22nd, 2001 02:22 PM

Haven't been to Prague or Madrid. <BR> <BR>So my top 8 in order are: <BR> <BR>1 Edinburgh <BR>2 Venice <BR>3 Vienna <BR>4 Munich <BR>5 Dublin <BR>6 Copenhagen <BR>7 Amsterdam <BR>8 Brussells <BR> <BR>But really 4, 5 and 6 (Munich, Dublin and Copenhagen) are tied

Mika Aug 22nd, 2001 02:22 PM

Venice, Prague, Amsterdam,Vienna, Brussels,Edinburgh,Munich, Madrid, Copenhagen (I don't know Dublin). <BR> <BR>

mike Aug 22nd, 2001 02:41 PM

Wow, I'm putting AMS at the top. The first time I went was like coming home. Young people, international, open minded, the canals, crowded; it's to be in love and breathe easy on a summer afternoon. OK, Madrid is 2nd because of friends, the art, and the best food (outside of Italy). I haven't been to all the rest, but I would take AMS over Venice (shoot me). Looking forward to Prague. Next!

John Aug 22nd, 2001 03:04 PM

Been to them all, don't want to rank them, plenty of great and not-so-great attributes in all of them. I will offer that (all IMHO) Venice and Madrid have the worst pollution, Venice and Prague the most tourists per hectare, Edinburgh and Prague the best bars, Vienna and Copenhagen the best pastry, Brussels the best chocolate and chips, A'dam is the quietest, Dublin the best bar singing, Madrid the worst traffic, Edinburgh the most and Munich the least, soul. <BR> <BR>By the way, to get rid of "funny frames" [in I.E. 5+ at least] grab onto the right edge of the grey bar between the list of messages and the message area, and drag it to the right, expanding the list area. The message text will continue to wrap.

RichardAB Aug 22nd, 2001 03:26 PM

10 - Edinburgh, a bit grey <BR>9 - Dublin, never been there <BR>8 - Brussels, good only for a day trip <BR>7 - Venice, nice but it's the Fishermans Wharf of Europe and very expensive. <BR>6 - Vienna, they say its beautiful but the people are not friendly. <BR>5 - Copenhagen, I haven't been there but its got to be nicer than the previous cities. <BR>4 - Prague, They say its beautiful. Maybe someday I will go there. <BR>3 - Madrid, Good shopping, nice people and great Tapas. OlŽ <BR>2 - Amsterdam - Quaint city with lots of bikes. Have a cheese sandwich and some Indonesian food. <BR>1 - Munich - My favorite. The friendliest people in Europe, the best food, lots of museums and great shopping. Oh I forgot, great beer!

Amy Aug 22nd, 2001 03:38 PM

1. Dublin--the talking, the music, the history! <BR>2. Amsterdam and <BR>3. Copenhagen--lot alike, lotsa fun! <BR>4. Venice--unique <BR>5. Edinburgh--cool and lively <BR>6. Madrid--not in the summer <BR>7. Munich--nice <BR>8. Brussels--maybe I'd like it better without rain--great waffles, though! <BR>9. Vienna--recognize it as a great city, but I just didn't connect with it. <BR>(Can't do Prague yet, but I want to go!) <BR>Purely subjective, obviously.

Green Aug 25th, 2001 12:42 AM

Amsterdam-2 <BR>Brussells-5 <BR>Copenhagen-7 <BR>Dublin-6 <BR>Edinburgh-7 <BR>Madrid-7 <BR>Munich-8 <BR>Prague-9 <BR>Venice-7 <BR>Vienna-9

Beth Anderson Aug 25th, 2001 03:40 AM

Hi <BR> <BR>Places I have been: <BR> <BR>1. Venice <BR>2. Munich <BR>3. Vienna <BR>4. Edinburgh <BR>5. Prague <BR>6. Dublin <BR> <BR>not to detract from the ones lower on the scale - I really had a lovely time in all of them... <BR> <BR>of the ones I have not seen yet, the order in which I would LIKE to see them (may not actually happen that way though) <BR> <BR>1. Copenhagen (I have always heard so much about this lovely city, would love to go..) <BR>2. Amsterdam. again have heard much about it... <BR>3. Madrid <BR>4. Brussels. (I did change planes in the airport on the way to Venice, does that count??)

s.fowler Aug 25th, 2001 05:20 AM

Well I'd divide these cities on this list that I HAVE visited into 3 categories. <BR> <BR>FIRST: <BR>Cities I have been to recently and would enjoy seeing again soon -- Amsterdam, Prague, Vienna -- in no special order <BR> <BR>SECOND: <BR>City I haven't been to in awhile and would like to see again soon -- Venice <BR> <BR>THIRD: <BR>Cities I have visited a long time ago and am happy to have been there but no need to return -- Madrid, Munich <BR> <BR>And a FOURTH category: <BR>City I want to visit soon -- Edinburgh

Beth Anderson Aug 25th, 2001 05:22 AM

Sally, <BR> <BR>Bummer about your illness! what happened? You aren't going to Paris now? c'est dommage! when are you going next? (where too) <BR> <BR>:-(

s.fowler Aug 25th, 2001 05:24 AM

Oooooops. <BR> <BR>Copenhagen should be in the THIRD category: "been there, enjoyed it, no need to return" :)

s.fowler Aug 25th, 2001 06:23 AM

Thanks Beth! I'm FINE now -- just planning to stay out of the clutches of doctors for a while:) <BR> <BR>Next [in late November through mid-December] is Skopje [for a wedding we think], Zurich [transit point & looking forward to meeting Ursula!] and Hannover [our young Czech friend have moved there.] So it is a "family-driven" trip -- I'll get back to Paris -- nema problem:)

Danna Aug 25th, 2001 12:45 PM

My views of those I've visited. <BR>Amsterdam (10)- good prices, lots to see, easy walking and tram and walking city, very accessible and fun folks. Copenhagen (7) - lovely, nice folks, Tivoli Gardens, and very cosmopolitan. Edinburgh (9) - lots of hills, wonderful streets in the old town, wonderful folks, more expensive. Dublin (9)- not cheap but easy to get around in, the gold finds in the National Museum is simply amazing!

Chess-yeti Aug 25th, 2001 04:31 PM

I've been to half of them via Field Service work. Hope this helps: <BR>1.) Copenhagen late spring...The place is clean and everone was nice. Stayed at the Admiral Hotel. Will go there again to show the family some day. <BR>2.) Amsterdam summer and fall...great walking city, people were nice. American hotel, Golden Tulip hotel near the central station. <BR>3.) Munich early fall and late fall... <BR>Lots to see, people love to party, German co-workers were a blast. <BR>4.) Dublin...was there only two drunk to remember the hotel name. <BR>5.)Edinburgh early fall...nice place...people are a howl (great partiers)...stayed on the Royal Mile which was very nice. <BR>Inever been to the others but from word of mouth: <BR>1.) Venice, if it is not under water. <BR>Prauge is supposed to be nice <BR>2.) Prauge is supposed to be Grand. <BR>3.) Vienna has got a lot of good press from my buddies. <BR>Have fun1

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