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Bostonblondie226 Apr 17th, 2014 02:26 PM

Amsterdam / Belgium Itinerary
I'm considering a quick trip (5 full days) to Amsterdam and maybe Belgium in early May. I have heard that Amsterdam is worth 2 full days and am trying to figure out what to do with the other 3 days. Right now, I am thinking about Belgium, having recently seen the movie In Bruges :)

Thanks for any suggestions!

PalenQ Apr 17th, 2014 02:34 PM

Well you could spend all the time in Amsterdam and not be bored - I'd say 3 days in Amsterdam - maybe including a half-day trip to places like Haarlem - a net old regional city just 20-minutes away from Amsterdam but in many ways so so different - a real Dutch town!

Bruges is 3.5 hours by train from Amsterdam - changing at Antwerp so figure in losing a half day each way but IMO Bruges is fantastic - well worth the time. Stop in Antwerp for a few hours en route to Bruges - Antwerp is also a most fascinating unique city.

To get a fix on European trains check these informative sites:; and

Try to fly perhaps into Amsterdam and out of Brussels if same or similar price - Bruges is about an hour or so from Brussels.

lavandula Apr 17th, 2014 02:43 PM

Belgium is a very underrated country - lots to see and do in Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp and Brussels (yes, even Brussels, people knock it but it has quite lovely parts). What are your interests?


lavandula Apr 17th, 2014 03:12 PM

You just might alert the editors and get them to tag your question for Netherlands / Belgium - this will drop off the boards without any way of finding it without the tags, and not so many people will see your question.


Bostonblondie226 Apr 17th, 2014 05:05 PM

Antwerp sounds interesting - particularly because diamonds are among this girl's best friends. Is there anything neat there to see involving diamonds?

In speaking to people, I was thinking about skipping Brussels, which I've heard has a pretty square, but not much more to it. If there are other places in Belgium with great chocolate and waffles, I'd probably find those more interesting.

I also love historical architecture and have a soft spot for cobblestones, which is why I think Bruges is appealing. (In any event In Bruges was pretty funny!)

What is good to see in Ghent? Do you think 1 day or 2 days in Bruges?

Also, do you think I should train or fly between cities? I would think train, since that way you get to see a bit of the country.

Andrew Apr 17th, 2014 06:57 PM

I'm not sure you can economically fly between Amsterdam and Bruges (is there even a direct flight?). I didn't find the scenery in Belgium all that interesting from the train. But I loved Bruges. (The movie is pretty good. I had seen it before I visited and even brought a copy with me while I was in town, so I could say I saw "In Bruges" in Bruges.)

How many days Amsterdam is "worth" depends on your interests. I personally didn't care for the city. I spent some time they years ago and stopped back for just a night more recently, and I didn't wish it to be longer than that. But some people do love Amsterdam and could spend lots of time there.

There was a diamond museum by the train station in Antwerp (so super convenient for a quick stop), but in 2013 while I was in town, the museum was closed and being moved to a new location. If you find diamonds interesting, check into whether it is open while you visit. I don't even know if the museum itself would be worthwhile or not, but I would have visited had it been open.

John Apr 17th, 2014 08:40 PM

Three days in Amsterdam for sure imho. Two days split between Bruge and Antwerp. The rail station in Antwerp alone is worth a visit!☺
Withonly 5 days I'd skip Brussels. There is no such thing as bad chocolate or waffles anywhere in Belgium. Don't forget to taste Belgium fry's!!

MyriamC Apr 18th, 2014 09:59 AM

No, you can't fly between Amsterdam and Bruges. The nearest airport is Ostend, but it's a local airport used for chartered flights to southern Europe only. The train is the best option.

If you like cobblestones, waffles, chocolate ... no need to travel any further than Antwerp. It's all there!

The diamond museum in Antwerp is closed for good. There is a 'diamond pavillon' in the MAS museum that sounds interesting.

PalenQ Apr 18th, 2014 02:31 PM

The rail station in Antwerp alone is worth a visit!☺

MyriamC Apr 19th, 2014 12:15 AM

That is correct, PalenQ. The Railway Cathedral, as it is also called, is ranked 4th most beautiful train station in the world. Very much worth a visit!

brendonb29 Apr 19th, 2014 12:21 AM

I much prefered Delft over Amsterdam, I am probbaly going to get weird looks lol. I would spend 2 days in Delft, one day doing Kinderdijk and Rotterdam. 1 day Brugges. I day Antwerp and perhaps 1 day Brussels.

Vttraveler Apr 19th, 2014 03:53 AM

I always feel compelled to defend Brussels when people say things like "I've heard [it]has a pretty square, but not much more to it." The Grand Place is spectacular and there are many other things to see there including some wonderful museums and great Art Nouveau architecture. Also very good food.

I wrote a TR about our 2011 visit to Brussels with day trips to Antwerp and some other Belgian cities.
At the bottom there is a link to a thread about beers to sample in Belgium.

PalenQ Apr 19th, 2014 04:15 AM

Myriam - I suppose you have seen this famous Flash Mob singing this famous Sound of Music song in Antwerp's Cathedral but for others it is pure fun!

MyriamC Apr 19th, 2014 09:08 AM

Yes, I have. Not live, though. It must have been fantastic to be there during the Flash Mob.

Ruby99 Apr 19th, 2014 09:55 AM

I'd say if you want to travel to Bruges, spend at least one night there. I went for 1 night in 2008, and had to return in 2011 to see everything, as I felt 1 night wasn't enough.

During the last trip I also went to Ghent and Brussels... While Brussels was ok (great food and we enjoyed the Atomium and especially Cook&Book!!!), I really preferred Ghent out of the 3...

With just 5 days though, I would concentrate on Holland.. You could base yourself in Amsterdam and make day trips...

Bostonblondie226 Apr 21st, 2014 08:07 PM

Wow, thanks everyone! So much information. :) I think I'm going to do 2.5 or 3 days in Amsterdam, 1-1.5 day in Bruges and maybe 1 in Antwerp. It doesn't look like the trains take terribly long, although it's too bad there's no great scenery to look at.

I'd be curious to know if anyone has been to both Dubrovnik and Bruges? They strike me as similar cities - small, compact, historical centers that are wonderful but can be seen in a day. I'm a quick study, but does anyone think the analogy holds up?

Thanks!! ;)

Andrew Apr 21st, 2014 08:29 PM

I've been to both. No, they really didn't feel to similar to me at all. Dubrovnik is a walled city (and with a small old town) which kind of climbs the hill; you climb steep stairs as you ascend some of the "streets" of Dubrovnik. And there are a lot of tall, narrow dwellings.

Bruges is not a huge old city, but it is lined with canals and is pretty flat and much more spread-out than Dubrovnik.

You can see pictures of both on my website - click on my name to find links.

I suppose you can "see" any town in a day. Dubrovnik is probably more easily absorbed in a day by walking the walls (in about an hour) so you can circle the whole old town quickly. If you see just the touristy parts of Bruges you could see them in a day too, but I think Bruges is harder to absorb in a day.

menachem Apr 22nd, 2014 10:01 AM

Instead of Brugge, spend a few days in Gent. Much nicer, better bars, not so geared to tourists, student town, beautiful town.

Andrew Apr 22nd, 2014 11:20 AM

I loved Bruges, even though it was touristy. I did a day trip to Ghent, which I also liked, but the town was not busy while I was in town, so it seemed kind of dead. Maybe at the height of tourist season Bruges would be unbearable and Ghent would be busier, but I certainly don't regret my stay in Bruges.

PalenQ Apr 22nd, 2014 11:56 AM

What locals like menachem like and what foreign tourists like are often IME quite different. Most tourists overwhelmingly prefer Bruges and like Gent.

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