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Keith May 18th, 2005 09:22 AM

Amazing Race 8
Any speculation on how much the 4 person teams will change the next race.

Ignoring the different dynamics, the logistics is going to be a lot more complicated. With 4 team members and 2 film crew, it is going to be a lot harder to find transportation for 6.

In the first leg, you could possibly have a flight with over 70 racers and crew on it.


Barbara May 18th, 2005 09:39 AM

Keith, it must be the we're-doing -all-we-can -to-keep-the-airlines-in-business season!

Marilyn May 18th, 2005 09:49 AM

All I know is, if you've ever traveled with more than 1 other person, EVERYTHING is a lot more complicated and takes longer.

When I think of all the split second decisions that have to be made during TAR, which detour to choose, who will do the roadblock, whether to get a taxi or public transportation -- I foresee lots of squabbling, and lots of blame if the decision turns out to be a bad one.

With 4 people (family, no less) there is so much more opportunity for bad tempers, not to mention the emotional alliances that usually exist within any family, and the scope for self-pity when all 3 of your family members are down on you. It should be rather ugly, I think. We'll see. When does it start?

Tiff May 18th, 2005 09:52 AM

Hi Keith & Barbara,

My husband and I fell upon the 30 minutes of the most recent final show and found it quite enjoyable.

We had never watched it before. Will need to tune for the next one from the beginning!

Addicting is it?

Best wishes, T.

MichelleY May 18th, 2005 10:02 AM

Is the first season of TAR available on DVD??? I caught it at about the last few stops of the race and would really like to see it from the beginning?


Keith May 18th, 2005 10:29 AM

None of them are on DVD at this time.


ally67 May 18th, 2005 10:48 AM

I noticed there are bootleg DVDs on sale at ebay. Also for sale is Amber's backpack- last I checked it was up to $500!

sandi_travelnut May 18th, 2005 11:19 AM

I hadn't heard it was going to be a four person team on the next AR. Where are you reading this?

Barbara May 18th, 2005 11:29 AM

Sandi, a few months ago the application for TAR8 was on the CBS web site and they were running ads looking for competitors. It's a family of four, no kids under 10(I think?) and no upper age limit. There could be a weird/interesting mix in this one!

It won't be on tv until the Fall, but I don't know exactly when.

The application for TAR9 is on the CBS web site now. Back to two people for that one.

Garfield May 18th, 2005 11:36 AM

Do a search for Amazing Race 8, much information.

Here is one:

... Coming next will be The Amazing Race 8, a "family edition" featuring teams of four. ...

Applications are being taken by cbs

Jean May 18th, 2005 04:15 PM

Larger groups will eat up available seats on flights much faster. Perhaps there will be fewer instances where all the teams catch up and end up on the same plane. I always thought that resulted in negating the cleverness of some teams and bestowing dumb luck on others. A little of that is OK but not in every episode please!

moldyhotelsaregross May 18th, 2005 08:18 PM

I am torn between my feelings. Part of me looks forward to a new "twist" on things. Another part of me is afraid that they will mess up what is a good thing with too much drama.

Princess May 18th, 2005 08:28 PM

Have you read what you have to agree to if you apply for TAR? You really almost sign your life away!!! You really can't hold anyone accountable if, for instance, some equipment fails, one falls and is injured, or even dies!! At least that is what I understand from reading the fine print. I thought it would be fun to apply and give it a try until I read a lot of the fine print.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Would you still apply? Wouldn't you have to be able to get at least a month's time off of work?

MalTru May 18th, 2005 10:25 PM

I agree with "Moldy"- a twist could be interesting, but it also makes me worry they are messing with a good thing.

I do enjoy this more than the rumor I'd heard, which was that the next TAR was going to a celebrity TAR. I don't know if anyone ever watched "The Mole," but that was actually a decent show until they had it go celeb. I was worried when I heard that rumor; I am looking forward to the new season with 4 member teams, however.

JamesA May 19th, 2005 01:24 AM

Time and again legs are won or lost due to whether teams get a good or bad taxi driver, even in the final of TAR7 the winners had a great taxi driver who knew where to find those cigars!
With 4 it's going to be a tight squeeze in the cabs, especially smaller ones, if they head to places like India they probably won't get 4 in 1, and what about the cameraman, they would need the 4 team members plus the driver plus the cameraman! Will be interesting.

Keith May 19th, 2005 04:08 AM

I would still like to see an Amazing Race with teams from multiple countries.


Wednesday May 19th, 2005 05:31 AM

This is a very qualified bunch on and everyone loves discussing how they would do it, any posters going to apply ??? That would be really cool if you did !
Hopefully the family aspect will yield more interesting ways to get around that just flights, maybe more travel by water or trains, etc. within countries...and I'm sure it will bring some families closer and some will meltdown...looking forward to the change....

Barbara May 19th, 2005 07:17 AM

I've always thought that people should win a prize just for completing the application!

Shane May 19th, 2005 09:39 AM

Teams with two women have it hard enough. Teams with more than two women will be unlikely to win.

Keith May 19th, 2005 10:02 AM

Has a same sex team, either men or women, made it to the final three?

The boyfriends had the highest finish for the the three ARs that I have seen and they were still fifth.


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