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Kris Apr 23rd, 2002 09:26 AM

I haven't suggested to anyone that they skip the sites, I originally introduced the topic of the fee increase to try and help Duncan save a little money, if indeed the tour operators can do that. I'm not personally skipping anything that was on my original itinerary, I probably just won't go back for a second look at the places I've already seen.<BR><BR>And [email protected], I really hope I haven't discouraged you from traveling to Istanbul as it is an amazing city. Paule makes an excellent point on the remainder of the travel expenses (food, lodging) being a relative bargain. And if you do go, perhaps you could compromise and pay the general admission to Topkapi and Hagia Sophia. It would be a shame to be there and miss two of the top sites. If you are traveling after May, I'll be happy to post the real prices that I find.<BR><BR>Given the current travel climate, not only due to post 9/11 anxiety but also the current crisis in the Middle East, I found it odd timing to hike admission prices 150% (if this is true, since we seem to be debating it) in a country where a lot of the travelers seem to be the backpack/hostel type of traveler who can't afford to pay $20-30 to see each attraction.<BR><BR>Sorry for taking over your post Duncan. I promise to be quiet now :-)

x Apr 23rd, 2002 09:45 AM

I must say hat I get real annoyed when people start talking about "a few extra dollars" and the dollars belong to someone else - especially me. $120 is not a few extra dollars. Add this to the outrageous $45 visa fee, and suddenly Turkey isn't so cheap. A couple is out $210 before they've unpacked their bags. <BR><BR>I also get annoyed when people plead just cause - the money goes to archeology or some such. I am not a charity. I travel for enjoyment within my limited means. I do not travel to solve other peoples' problems. Besides, raising fees is almost sure to revenue by discouraging tourism, so it hurts everyone. <BR><BR>I agree with Kris that it is really amazing that country so badly in need of boosting tourism would do their best to turn tourists off. I am furious because this was sprung on me a few days before scheduled departure.<BR><BR>Lastly, in spite of what Sinan says, the tour operator I contacted knew exactly what I was talking about when I asked about the extreme increase in fees. He said that he was very upset about them too, as well he might. They are real.

XXX Apr 23rd, 2002 12:55 PM

Sorry for this foolish statements said by one of our collegues. <BR>Topkapi Palace Entry Fee: 15,000,000 TL<BR>Harem Fee: 15,000,000 TL<BR>Treasury Fee: 15,000,000 TL<BR><BR>Totally : 45,000,000 TL<BR><BR>Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofia)<BR>Entry&First Floor : 15,000,000 TL<BR>Second Floor : 15,000,000 TL<BR><BR>1,300,000 TL = 1 USD NOWADAYS<BR><BR>Like Ephesus,Troy,Cappadocia (Most touristic) Entry Fees have been increased by the Ministry of Culture. This was a trick made by The GIANT TOUR OPERATORS in or out of TURKEY.<BR><BR>So,Turkey's museums and ruins' fees are the most expensive ones of the world.<BR><BR>Tour Operators are getting combined ticket like 15,000,000 instead of 45,000,000 worth of Topkapi Palace.<BR><BR>Sorry for foolish people from our Country Who are talking non-sense.<BR><BR>You can check the entree prices in <BR><BR><BR>Best Regards,<BR>

carol Apr 23rd, 2002 01:15 PM

I think that these admission prices are well worth it. You would pay as much or more to go to the Tower of London or Versailles.<BR><BR>The prices have gone up. A year ago I am pretty sure the Topkapi was 13 million, and the harem was definitely only 7 million. But the extra for the harem is worth it, even at twice the price, and it inlcudes a guided tour. I wish we had been able to see the treasury. It was being renovated when we were there. I would have paid the extra. The Topkapi is a full day of tourism, and what you will save at dinner over any other European city will pay one of the tickets. It has a special exhibit on Mohammed that is particularly important to muslim visitors.<BR><BR>Haghia Sofia is a totally separate museum. It is a bit overpriced for what you see compared to Topkapi, but if you are an architectural buff like me, it is a classic. Compare its dome to the Blue Mosque. And speaking of such, the Topkapi prices will be balanced by the Blue Mosque, which only requests a donation. We gave one. It is beautiful.<BR><BR>I agree with Sinan that Turkey needs to preserve its heritage. It is just beginning to do so.<BR><BR>I wish we had hired a rehber for Topkapi. I think it would have been worth it.

x Apr 25th, 2002 02:53 AM

I've cancelled my trip turkey.

Susan Apr 25th, 2002 04:26 AM

To the previous poster, "trip turkey" - what does that mean? <BR><BR>I read yesterday that it costs just under $11 to go to the Dick Francis museum. He's the British writer whose stories often involve the horse racing world. I wasn't sure if that was $11 Canadian or $11 US. I'm a fan, but I can't imagine paying $11 in either currency to see a museum devoted to Dick Francis! Seems like Turkish prices are most reasonable in comparison. <BR><BR>I can't wait to go back to Turkey. Even with our lousy Canadian dollar, prices were good.

sinan Apr 25th, 2002 05:27 AM

TO: x ([email protected])<BR>GOOD FOR YOU

x Apr 25th, 2002 05:56 AM

The Alhambra in Spain is comparable and is $7. The Uffizi is $6. The Vatican museum is $10-12. So don't tell me that $33 is cheap for a major tourist attraction. And Spain and Italy don't charge you $45 just to enter the county.<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>

x Apr 25th, 2002 05:56 AM

The Alhambra in Spain is comparable and is $7. The Uffizi is $6. The Vatican museum is $10-12. So don't tell me that $33 is cheap for a major tourist attraction. And Spain and Italy don't charge you $45 just to enter the county.<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>

sinan Apr 25th, 2002 07:31 AM

TO: x ([email protected])<BR><BR>You don't know that we have many museum that you don't pay any CENT. Or some museum less then $2. If I write these museum in here they are not fit in this message. I am not happy that you canceled your tri to Turkey. I wish you go to Turkey and get some information about how cheap country we have. I just want to give a sample. You can not have LUNCH $1 anywhere in EUROPE but in TURKEY YES. And you can get this price in the center of TOURIST PLACE SULTANAHMET.<BR><BR>Sinan Akdeniz

x Apr 25th, 2002 09:55 AM

Sinan, You don't mention:<BR><BR>1. That I have to pay $45 for an visitor visa. That makes your $1 lunch really $46.<BR><BR>2. Air fares to Turkey are more than for travelling to Western Europe. The money you save on lunch is eaten up by travel costs.<BR><BR>3. I wouldn't travel all the way to Turkey for a cheap lunch. <BR><BR>4. I don't care if the "Museum of Ancient Camel Teeth" is free. That's not the issue. That's not why I was planning to make the trip. <BR><BR>Actually, I did consider going and just skipping the offending sights. I was really looking forward to trip, but..<BR><BR>But it really isn't a matter of money. Changing my tickets is going to cost me about the same as going to these places. I simply don't want to go place that the government thinks that they can gouge me for whatever they want. I refuse to be taken advantage of. If they wanted to gradually increase prices over a few years to reach some level, fine. But to do it in one jump without warning shows complete comtempt. <BR><BR>And if it is true that the increase is driven by a deal to promote large tour operators, that's even more reason not to go. <BR>

sinan Apr 25th, 2002 11:21 AM

Dear x ([email protected])<BR>,<BR>I don't know where are you from But I can see when you posted your last message and then I can uinderstand that you are living in ASIA. Am I right/<BR>I didn't created the VISA this is the politicians idea. Some countries charging some money to the tourist. Not the Turkey charging this VISA the countries in Europe and America charging TOO. <BR>I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY you were coming to Turkey? sorry.<BR>Then You saw Turkish goverment increased admission fees, so you decided not to go Turkey.<BR>You are saying that <BR>" if it is true that the increase is driven by a deal to promote large tour operators, that's even more reason not to go."<BR><BR>Who is promoting LARGE GROUP? NO ONE? this is not the ISSUE. I saw one of the Turkish man posted some unexceptable idea in here and his or her name (FAKE)<BR>is "XXX ([email protected]". There is no different price for large group and small group or INDIVIDUALLY TOURIST.<BR>If you cancelled your trip because of the admission fee DON'T GO TO MUSEUM or RUINS.Or (If you believe LARGE GROUP IDEA)you can FIND LARGE GROUP TRAVEL AGENCY in ISTANBUL to get CHEAP TICKET<BR>If you want I can arrage from here (USA)<BR><BR>Don't worry BE HAPPY<BR><BR>Sinan Akdeniz

carol Apr 25th, 2002 01:11 PM

It is not only asians that have to pay the fee. I am Canadian and I did also. It cost $70CDN each for us because we were ripped off on a fee because we only had Canadian travellers' cheques.<BR><BR>However, Sinan, I loved Turkey. Istanbul is my favourite city in the world, better than Paris or Rome. We even named our kittens after the two guys who looked after us in our hotel. Do not be discouraged by negative people on this site. They are in the minority.<BR><BR>An [email protected], it sure is easy to be nasty when you don't put your name or email to it, isn't it, TROLL!!!

Annie Apr 25th, 2002 02:11 PM

Boy, am I confused. Is The Lonely Planet correct when stating that the Turkish Culture Ministry has rised admission prices to all monuments by 150% and the admission to Topkapi Palace is now $30? If anyone can just give a yes or no I would appreciate it.

Cathie Apr 26th, 2002 11:50 AM

Just returned from a wonderful 9 days in Turkey. The entry fees to sights are very high, but we didn't feel that we had to see every bit of all of them. The food and lodging are quite good and fairly cheap. Because of the short time we were there, we hired a guide for 1 1/2 days in Istanbul and 3 days in Cappadocia for a very reasonable price and were very satisfied. <BR>email me for specifics if you wish

x Apr 26th, 2002 12:26 PM

To people who think that $30+ is justified, look at the "Budget for Attractions thread:<BR><BR> art=0&keyword=135<BR><BR>Just to quote from one post,"but I can't recall a museum in Italy that ever cost me much more than the equivalent of US$10 or so"<BR><BR><BR><BR>

x Apr 26th, 2002 12:31 PM

To: Annie ([email protected])<BR><BR>The fees are actually more than $30. It is confirmed without doubt. <BR><BR>Apparently the definition of troll is: Someone who speaks the unpleaseant truth that a lot of people would prefer to not face.

Murat May 6th, 2002 08:47 AM

Well I was curious of the museum entrane fees and checked personaly by phone to day. Topkap&yacute; itself 15.000.000 TL. roughly 12 USD. and other two sections the same 12 usd each.<BR><BR>I agree with Sinan, all those sights are world heritage is not only belongs to Turkish nation. We all need to care for them and try to protect while still enjoying and benefiting culturally. <BR><BR>It is not my position really to disuss weather it was necessary to increase the fees but there is one reality; in which currency... Until 19th April 2001 1 USD was around 645.000 TL after develuation exchange rate rocket up to 1.600.000 TL per dollar. Now around 1.350.000 TL. Might explain something. Yes thats true the travel agencies had one time privilage to buy tikets with lower prices only with the condition to buy bulk for a year and pay cash... This obviously reflected their tour rates. My main point here is : The Goreme open air Museum in Cappadocia where we live, which is a national park and Unesco World Heritage,charges 15.000.000 TL per person. Each time I visit this site I am thrilled and I am amased. This experience worth much more and I believe if this was elswehere than Turkey being only one of a kind site they would charge minumum 50 USD. and would well worth it. Same applies for Ephesus and others. As mentioned if you go to P&yacute;nara at Lycia you pay nothing, Xanthos 5.000.000 TL only. By the way to may knowledge visa charge is 45 Usd for American citizens and Turkish pays also a fee to get Amerian visa. This not becouse Turkey do not want American tourists. If you divide 45 usd to a week you pay 6,42 per day, hope this eases the pain for Mr.x...<BR>Its a piity he is missing a lifetime experience.<BR>I also agree on the good deals on hotel rates and the food issue as mentioned.<BR><BR>Turkey is a land offering 21 different ancient cultural mosaic which makes the land richest in this category. Friendly people, delicious food, cristal clear sea, nature, history and most important warmth of hospitable people. <BR><BR>Duncan you should at least hire a professional guide in istanbul and the rest try to find out yourself.<BR><BR>I wish everyone a wonderful time in Turkey when they travel here.

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