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tineke Feb 7th, 2012 03:34 PM

adapters for computers
My daughter is travelling to France and leaving in four days. We are having trouble finding an adapter that takes her three prong laptop plug in and converts to the two round pins. Any suggestions? We are in Canada and live in a city with limited shopping:-(

MmePerdu Feb 7th, 2012 03:40 PM

#11B seems to be the one you want:


Southam Feb 7th, 2012 04:31 PM

Since you are too late for Internet shopping, it is possible that the airport from which your trans-Atlantic flight takes off will have shops selling adapter plugs, usually displayed with other travel accessories. I know Toronto's airport does because I bought one there a couple of months ago. Otherwise, stores at your destination will have them. You're better off with a grounded plug adapter, to match the one on your machine. It will have the two round pins, but also a hole for a similar pin that protrudes from the receptacle to complete the ground. See it here
Suppliers promote universal kits with an assortment of gizmos but they are relatively expensive and relatively heavy to cart around. A single adapter shouldn't cost more than $10. The big BHV department store at 52-56 Rue de Rivoli, 4th arrondissement, Metro: Hotel de Ville, can help your daughter.

toupary6 Feb 7th, 2012 04:39 PM

I have a computer with a French plug (two round pins), and I have an adapter -- I think I bought it before a trip to the States -- that is a universal adapter. I believe I bought it in France (probably at FIAC), but I would try to get it before departure. If not, the airport is a good suggestion.

tineke Feb 7th, 2012 04:46 PM

Thanks everyone for your tips. I know we left it too late so I will get her to look in the Toronto Airport. I knew I could count on someone on this website!

toupary6 Feb 7th, 2012 05:28 PM


I hope your daughter has a lovely visit in France -- Paris? -- and that she finds her adpater. :-) These things have a way of working out.

111op Feb 7th, 2012 05:38 PM

I use two adapters, one the converts the 3 to 2 flat pins, and then another one that converts the 2 flat pins to 2 round pins.

Both should be fairly easy to find. A universal adapter kit is more than you need, I think.

Dukey1 Feb 7th, 2012 08:15 PM

You can actually buy an adaptor that will accommodate the two flat pins AND the grounding to a "continental" (two round pins) plug

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