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Elizabeth Feb 24th, 2001 04:30 PM

A Ribbon in Your lapel will say" Fodorite"
It seems a great many of us are in the travel mode in the immediate future. Why not put a ribbon in your lapel, and if we see another ribbon, we can share a small conversation, perhaps a glass of wine, or a cup of coffee....even a nod or smile. Let's see how small a world it really is!

sandra Feb 24th, 2001 06:13 PM

Elizabeth what a great idea, now the hard part what color ribbon . I am off to europe from 4/3 to 4/26 starting in london,edinburgh for 2 days and then to paris on the 10th with a 2 day jaunt to brussells and then back to london for a 26th departure. keep me posted on any decision

travelman Feb 24th, 2001 06:21 PM

Nice idea.How obout blue just like Fodors background.T

Patrick Feb 24th, 2001 06:27 PM

OK, what lapel? If this were Rick Steeve's we could tie a ribbon on our fanny packs, but for Fodor's? Do I pin a ribbon on my T shirt or regular shirt?

kalena Feb 24th, 2001 06:34 PM

Hey, I'm on. Now who wants to refine <BR>Patrick's idea? I'll go with the flow. <BR> <BR>And more specifically, will any of you be in Paris juin 2-5 et peut-être ; juin 16-18 pour une réunion? <BR>Cheers, salut et aloha, <BR>k

betsy Feb 24th, 2001 07:07 PM

Love it! How about a little unobtrusive baby blue bow, say about an inch wide, worn on the collar or lapel? <BR> <BR>Or...maybe Fodors would be interested in coming up with a design for a lapel pin to sell to us addicts. I would really like to be able to identify fellow Fodorites before our next trip to Europe in October. <BR> <BR>Anyone else?

betsy Feb 24th, 2001 07:11 PM

Oops, didn't proof my post in all the excitement :-) <BR> <BR>Of course, it'd be impossible to identify fellow Fodorites <BR>BEFORE our trip in October! But it sure would be fun to identify you while we're ON our trip. <BR> <BR>Buon viaggio/bon voyage or whatever

Monica Feb 25th, 2001 05:03 AM

Since most people carry some sort of a day bag, purse, or camera, the ribbon could be on the strap. <BR> <BR>When I planned to meet other Fodorites in Paris (May 1999), I had been corresponding with them via email and although I didn't get pictures of all of them (only 2 - while others described themselves), they all knew what I looked like from my travel page. I did have a red rose on my table to i.d. myself, which they knew to look for. If anyone is planning to meet others, you could email photos of each other, if you have a scanner.

Judy Feb 25th, 2001 05:10 AM

Great Idea! Count me in...whatever the concensus is! Judy :-)

karen Feb 25th, 2001 05:18 AM

I like this idea, too. A Fodor's blue ribbon, worn in a lapel or tied to whatever bag one is carrying seems easy and logical to me.

Tina Feb 25th, 2001 05:24 AM

I'm not up on all the ribbon colors & what causes they relate to (other than pink for BC), so are we sure that a baby blue ribbon doesn't also have another meaning or significance? I'd hate to bound up to someone wearing what I thought was the 'Fodorite' signal & have them look at me like I was crazy (well, okay, okay -- many of our fodorites are a bit wacky). <BR> <BR>Do you need a bit more specificity? Like an emblem or a "F" on the ribbon?

arjay Feb 25th, 2001 05:25 AM

We take off from here on Thursday - I'll be the one with the little blue ribbon (I'll aim for Fodor's blue) in a buttonhole or purse tie-on. "Fodor's" spoken here - feel free to say hello..or bonjour...or guten tag!

Rex Feb 25th, 2001 05:36 AM

Concerned that your ribbon will not be recognized? Or that it might mean something unexpected? How many people have a decent color printer available somewhere attached to a computer on the internet? <BR> <BR>Print this - - - - and make it the center "button" of your (blue - - or any other color) ribbon. <BR> <BR>

Ann Feb 25th, 2001 06:10 AM

I sense this idea is mainly attractive to us girls (my husband says baby blue is O-U-T OUT). Since I expect to be in Paris on business 4/10-11 how about a girls luncheon at noon at Au Pied de Cochon? It's a large and popular brasserie very close to the Bourse on Rue Coquillere in the 1st. To get there via Metro exit the #3 line at Bourse. Or, if walking, from the corner of Rue de Rivoli and Rue de Louvre follow Rue de Louvre away from the Seine about 3 blocks until you pass the Bourse. Just after the Bourse you will cross Rue Coquillere. Turn right and the brasserie is down the street just a ways on your left.

s.fowler Feb 25th, 2001 06:23 AM

Anyone going to be in Paris March 16-20 [until noon] or Amsterdam March 20 [evening]-22? <BR> <BR>I'll be shepherding our Macedonian family -- but *hey* the more the merrier!

Elizabeth Feb 25th, 2001 07:09 AM

Glad everyone likes my idea! Let's do the Fodor's seen on the logo above this posting. It doesn't have to be a bow...just a small(Carol, pay attention)insigna(sp). I'll be in Paris Apr9/23. Look forward to seeing you!

Jayelle Feb 25th, 2001 07:29 AM

Great idea! I'll be in Paris 4/12-4/15 and will keep an eye out for blue ribbons!

Florence Feb 25th, 2001 07:52 AM

OK, anyone I spot with a Fodor's ribbon in Geneva (Switzerland) or Saint-Germain-Laval (Loire) will be treated to a drink !

Carla Feb 25th, 2001 07:55 AM

I am in! I'll be in Madrid 4/5-4/11 wearing the Fodor's blue ribbon either on my coat or the purse strap. Please fellow Fodorite, talk to me! <BR> <BR>Elizabeth, brilliant!

kavey Feb 25th, 2001 09:17 AM

Elizabeth I like your idea of wearing ribbons to identify oneself as a Forum reader and Rex, also yours of adding the little lounge_globe logo to distinguish our ribbons from the many other ribbons worn to support various charities and groups. <BR> <BR>I wonder what you all think of suggesting to Fodor's that they manufacture and sell little metal and enamel badges with the Forum logo on and sell these to us Forum participators? <BR> <BR>Just an idea...

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