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joiedeamour Sep 8th, 2004 10:25 PM

A Male Dominated Society?
Hi,I'm new here and I am planning a vacation to Italy and Sicily. I am concerned that Italy is totally male dominated and the island of Sicily even more so. I know so many of you have been to Italy. Is this true? How will it effect a woman traveler?

Thank you.

baldrick Sep 8th, 2004 10:32 PM

Depends mainly on the looks and on the way you act.

SeaUrchin Sep 8th, 2004 11:20 PM

Hi Joie, I am not sure what you are asking, but I think as a tourist you would not be up against male domination.

Is this what you meant? Maybe some of the women who live in Italy and post here can be more specific.

BTilke Sep 8th, 2004 11:28 PM

I work for a billion+ euro Italian company owned entirely by one woman--no male domination there! And both my bosses are women. I've traveled throughout northern Italy on my own and never encountered any problems as either a woman or tourist.

Kate Sep 9th, 2004 01:19 AM

I'm afraid you have a very outdated view of Italy.

I also can't see how, even if society and family WAS still so male dominated, how it would affect a tourist?

I don't know who's been telling you this nonsense.

If you're worried about unwanted male attention, then smile politely and say no thanks. You'll find the italians CAN be more forward that repressed anglo-saxons, but you'll also find them extremely gracious in defeat.

sognatrice2 Sep 9th, 2004 04:13 AM

Well, try not to make too many assumptions about what you term "Male domination" in Italy. It sounds like an extreme generalization, with little basis,

Your question is rather vague, but if you mean, will you be approached in a more direct way that you are accustomed to, that is possible, and they usually mean no serious harm. It is also possible to stand your ground and say no in a polite but firm way. In the South, and in Sicily, the locals are less formal in the way they approach things,

if you want to visit Sicily, and are worried about this normal aspect of travel there, it may help to buy a small phrase book and learn how to say "no", or Please leave me alone!" in Italian.

As to how "it will affect a woman traveler", that depends entirely on the person.

I hope you can overcome this type of anxiety, and enjoy your trip. You will find a gracious, warm and generous culture to welcome you.

raspberry7 Sep 9th, 2004 04:44 AM

well - in my experience the male domination of society in Italy is pure bluster.

It's the mamma who calls the shots.

nytraveler Sep 9th, 2004 05:46 AM

If what you;re concerneed about is being approached by strange men in public places - yes, there are certain parts of the world where this is more likely to happen. It is not dangerous (barring some sort of lunatic you could run into anywhere) but I know it can make some women uncomfortable.

My advice: learn how to say: no - go away - firmly. Also learn to say that you will call the police if they don;t leave (I actually had to use this one in Mallorca once - but it was about 15 years ago - and I doubt the same thing would happen now. The stalker didn;t have any evil intent - he was just completely out of the loop on acceptable modern behavior. The arrival of my beau - who topped him by about 8" - finally got rid of him for good.)

ira Sep 9th, 2004 05:55 AM

>I am concerned that Italy is totally male dominated ...<

Well, based on many posts about what to wear, I fear that you will be forced to dress in all black. Your shoes will be unsuited for walking. You will need a scarf or pashmina.

Veils, however, are not required.

joiedeamour Sep 9th, 2004 07:29 AM

To the contrary - I am not a troll. I have genuine concerns and I thank you for your advice. The question came to me after I have heard my two girlfriend's stories about their vacations in Europe.

One of my friends was seduced in France and Belgium and the other was seduced in Italy, Portugal and Prague. They said the men started out helping them or just talking then demanded something in return. The friends said that since male domination is so accepted that they were duped.

I am going to be traveling with a younger girlfriend in Spring 2005.

sol_veracruzano Sep 9th, 2004 07:31 AM

good one Ira! :)

degas Sep 9th, 2004 07:42 AM

Did someone say SEDUCED? The friend who was seduced in three European cities must either be a slow learner or a braggart!

ira Sep 9th, 2004 07:49 AM

Hi Joie,

>One of my friends was seduced in France and Belgium and the other was seduced in Italy, Portugal and Prague. .....The friends said that since male domination is so accepted that they were duped. <


In one of her films, Sophia Loren says, "keep your nose up and your skirts down".

That's good advice.

SuzieC Sep 9th, 2004 07:52 AM

Degas! Your post... I just got busted reading Fodors at work! "What's so funny?" they're shooting out of my nose .. I can't tell'em!


Spygirl Sep 9th, 2004 07:58 AM

Joie-pay absolutely no attention to that rockhopper poster. I have seen absolutely nothing from that poster except sheer unadulterated nastiness and ugliness -not one SHRED of travel information. Frankly, Fodors should put posters like that off the board, and rock can go and crawl back under the rock from which IT came!

degas Sep 9th, 2004 08:02 AM

SuzieC, men are such lusty and sneaky animals! Its hard for an innocent woman to even sit naked a hot-tub and have a dozen or so beers without some stupid man getting the wrong idea and making an UNWANTED advance!

OaktownTraveler Sep 9th, 2004 09:31 AM


Well, from this little ole American woman who does not live in a male dominated society (said with a very straight face)your travel to Sicily?Italy will be most enlightening...

I do not know your country of orgin but here in America NONE of my girlfiends have EVER been seduced by any how. We are just not that gullible!

And...when they travel and men "start talking" as you wrote they get a good swift knock up side their big heads!

These men abroad NEVER get the chnce to start all that demanding mess with them...the men simply run away, nursing their wounds and fixing their bruised egos...

Now, in all seriousness I did get chased in Rome...appalled by that years ago...Today I grin and brag about it today... I wish some young, rich, sexy, hot and lusty Italian man would want to chase me in his shiny new sports car...

As long as your not travelling with your "men-magnet" friends that you mentioned...YOU should be just fine!

gnrbernstein Sep 9th, 2004 09:37 AM

>it may help to buy a small phrase book and learn how to say "no", or Please leave me alone!" in Italian.

Umm, wouldn't that be "no"? LOL

<font color=#990033>~gnr~</font>

lobo_mau Sep 9th, 2004 09:41 AM

When a lady says &quot;no&quot; she means &quot;perhaps&quot;.

When a lady says &quot;perhaps&quot; she means &quot;yes&quot;.

When a lady says &quot;yes&quot;... well... then simply she is not a lady...

rockhopper7 Sep 9th, 2004 09:41 AM

joiedeamour, I have not heard the phrase &quot;male dominated society&quot; used with a straight face since I sat through Modern Women's Lit in the 80s. Are you really saying that your two friends felt compelled to acquiesce to unwanted advances because they perceived Italy to be a male dominated society? I'm with ira and Sophia Loren.

Spygirl, Your ad hominem attack was uncalled for and I have forwarded it to the forum editors.

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