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mommyofthree Nov 2nd, 2004 04:42 PM

A Challenge to All Travel Experts: Where should we go?
My husband and I are desparate for a trip but we can't figure out where to go.

Our situation is as follows. We have only 5 days to travel (total, including travel time) and are traveling from Los Angeles. We will be travelling sometime in November or December. I am pregnant so I do not want to sit on a plane for too long (about 14 hours is probably my max). We have to fly United using our miles so that also limits our choices a little (for instance, we thought about Florence but nixed that when we found out we would have to change planes twice and fly on three different carriers -- not good for a pregnant lady). We thought about London but everyone we mentioned it to said we would freeze and the rain and the fog would really put a damper on our plans.

As for our interests, we want to go somewhere cosmopolitan with culture, shopping, nice restaurants, interesting people-watching. Also, since this will probably be our last trip alone for a while, we want luxury and a little romance as well. As an example, we have been to Rome, Paris, Barcelona, the Cote d'Azur and Seville and loved them all.

So that is my challenge. I am open to any suggestions. I'm even willing to be convinced that London really is worth visiting in the winter.

Thanks in advance.

cigalechanta Nov 2nd, 2004 04:47 PM

so what if it rains, go to London, it's closer and now has great restaurants.
Have a happy, cultured baby.

Scarlett Nov 2nd, 2004 04:53 PM

London would be wonderful, regardless of weather, you can go to lovely restaurants, museums galore and stay in a really fine hotel and be pampered. My problem is the 5 day part.
Figure most of a day getting there and back.

I vote London if you reeeally want Europe.

brookwood Nov 2nd, 2004 05:09 PM

London. I was there this summer.
Crowded but many interesting places to go. If you miss your directions, you can always ask in your best language!
Assuming you speak American of course.
Most Brits can understand it very well I found.

grandmere Nov 2nd, 2004 05:10 PM

I flew to London the day after the election in 2000, coincidentally, and more to the point, the weather was cool but not freezing. As someone said to me as I was contemplating the trip,"Who goes to London for the weather anyway?"
I was surprised how the one fewer hour or so on the plane and one fewer time zone made the adjustment to and fro much easier. We were in London 4 nights, plus one night on the plane. I'd surely recommend it for you traveling from west coast, being pregnant, and having time limitations. If you go, take layers that you can add, take off, as needed, and of course, an umbrella. It drizzled only one morning during our stay, and the weather did not interfere with our enjoyment of London. Of course, we are from Pgh., not LA, and we know what cold is! :-)
Have fun wherever you go!

bobthenavigator Nov 2nd, 2004 06:19 PM

With so little time I would pick Cabo or Maui.

travelphile Nov 2nd, 2004 06:35 PM

Do you like snow/cold at all? Why not Montreal? Eurpoean feel, but not so far away. Just a thought, as the cold would have not be a problem for me!

If you can are dying for Europe, try Dublin. Very chic city, not SO far of a flight, and while is chilly, is more temperate than many other European cities. Great sights, great restaurants, GREAT people, and doable in 5 days.

Good luck, its a nice dilemma to have!

P_M Nov 2nd, 2004 06:46 PM

There are a lot of good ideas here. My favorite, given your time and distance constraints, is Hawaii. But if you are considering London, I have been there in both November and December and I didn't think the weather was too bad. It was cold, but did not go below freezing and it did not rain all the time.

May I ask how far along you are? The only reason I ask is that I have heard there are constraints on flying overseas if you are in your last trimester. If that's the case, then something more close by might be best. Please let us know what you decide. Have a great trip.

dln Nov 2nd, 2004 06:54 PM

Mommy, I think you're on the right track, thinking about London. I've been there in both January and March and it wasn't unbearably cold or miserable! (I was pleasantly surprised, myself.) In addition to being easy to get to and closer than Florence, the language is the same, so you'll be able to orient yourself very quickly. And the transportation system is so good that if you wanted a day out in the country, all you'd need to do is hop on a train. It meets all your other requirements as well.

Amy Nov 2nd, 2004 06:55 PM

This is mostly 'cause I hate flying, and the thoughts of going from the West Coast to Europe and back again in five days would knock me right on out...but anyway, how about Vancouver? I was there in December/January and really enjoyed it; I'd recommend a stay at the Wedgewood Hotel and a romantic dinner up on Grouse Mountain and some terrific shopping...It's not Europe, true, but it's got a great vibe all its own. (Unless, of course, you go there regularly; I know I would if I were closer!)

rex Nov 2nd, 2004 09:57 PM

<<With so little time I would pick Cabo or Maui.>>

I agree that your better choices are south of the Rio Grande, not east of the prime meridian.

Best wishes,


Ronda Nov 2nd, 2004 10:19 PM

Considering you are pregnant, a five day trip to Europe does not sound at all advisable for your health or your sanity.

I also would suggest Hawaii but since you want cosmopolitan, good restaurants, etc., how about New York? There are restaurants that can give you the feel of France, Italy, etc. and stores as well. I love the museums, especially the Frick and of course the Met. And talk about people watching!

I have been told that Christmas time is the time to be in New York because the decorations are beautiful and there is lots of activity.

My husband's business associates from London just love to come here in the winter to get away from the gloom and rain in London. If you have to go that far, just keep on going to Paris. For romance, Paris takes the prize.

Of course, closer to home, there is San Francisco but you wouldn't need 5 days there.

Let us know where you decide to go.

HogtownJim Nov 3rd, 2004 12:37 AM

While not in Europe, if I were living in LA and taking my last trip for a while, I'd fly to Vancouver BC or Sydney Australia.

tangwah Nov 3rd, 2004 12:44 AM

Have you considered Asia?

P_M Nov 3rd, 2004 04:10 AM

With only 5 days I don't think Asia or Australia would be practical. I didn't think of NY when I posted before, but that is now my second favorite idea. Hawaii is still my first.

Grinisa Nov 3rd, 2004 05:19 AM

I've traveled to Europe twice while pregnant, both times for two weeks. I didn't have as far to fly as you do (Chicago/Rome)but believe me, that flight takes a lot out of you and the baby. With only five days, really less considering the travel days, travel to Europe just isn't worth it. My first pick would be Hawaii, or if you want to go a bit further Bora Bora is only seven hours away.

Kate Nov 3rd, 2004 05:24 AM

London really isn't in the grip of winter until January and February. It really doesn't get that cold in Nov/Dec. The idea that London at this time is constantly wet and foggy is really a Dickensian myth. London hasn't suffered from fog since the burning of natural fuels (coal fires) was banned in the 1950s, and while it may rain sometimes, it certainly isn't a constant annoyance. I think you're dismissing it out of hand. It gets dark late afternoon, but that just helps you see the Christmas lights more easily.

Ann41 Nov 3rd, 2004 11:20 AM

I would do London. Don't worry about the weather. It's not a big deal. Since you're flying United, you couldn't fly direct to Dublin (which would have been my first choice if you could fly direct) anyway, having to transfer in London.

I'm pregnant and have discovered a few things as I'm about to fly from Dublin to the US: get a letter from your doctor confirming how far along you are (most airlines won't let you fly after 32 weeks) and that you are "fit to fly"; wear support stockings. Being pregnant, we're more susceptible to deep-veined thrombosis, and the stockings apparently help prevent that). They sound uncomfortable, but preferable to death; take half an aspirin the mornings you fly, also help ward off thrombosis.

mamc Nov 3rd, 2004 12:33 PM

I was in London last year right after Thanksgiving on business. The weather was fine - a bit warmer than Washington, DC at the same time. If you can stand the length of the flight, it is a fine place to go at that time of year. There is lots to do indoors and the Christmas shopping (I liked the museum shops) was great.

mommyofthree Oct 4th, 2005 12:57 PM

In case any one was wondering, we did end up going to London and had a fantastic time. We stayed in the Knightbridge area. We did some sightseeing, enjoyed teatime at the Dorchester, saw a show -- the usual. The weather was chilly, but not too bad. Rained a bit but that is to be expected. Flight was also pretty comfortable but we upgraded to first class.

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