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ziggy123 Sep 18th, 2008 11:55 AM

8 days in Venice too long?
Travelling to Venice soon with two teenage children. Is 8 days there too long?

zooey91 Sep 18th, 2008 12:00 PM

Probably, but the answer depends on how long your entire trip is, where else you're going, whether you've been to Italy before, and, most importantly, what kind of trip you have in mind in the first place.

8 days in any one city will give you a much richer experience, allow for leisurely sightseeing mixed with living like a local.

But, like I said, the answer depends on several other factors.


PalenQ Sep 18th, 2008 12:12 PM

About 7 days too long for most teenagers IMO

sandra3120 Sep 18th, 2008 12:30 PM

Ziggy - that really depends on whether your two teens are at all interested in history. There is much to see and soak in, aside from the touristy shops, in Venice and being able to do it in a leisurely fashion is a real luxury. I've been to Venice 5 or 6 times, and I always find something else I haven't seen before; aside from that, it is a jewel - no place else like it on the planet. Other posters can take it or leave it, but I happen to be one who appreciates its uniqueness and its history.

dmlove Sep 18th, 2008 12:31 PM

I loved Venice, and so did my kids, but two days was still enough (3 would have been more than adequate).

LoveItaly Sep 18th, 2008 12:33 PM

Hi ziggy, it depends on the teens I believe. My daughter actually cried about our leaving Venice after spending 7 nights there as she absolutley loved Venice. Of course she also cried leaving most places in Italy and cried after two months in Italy when it was time to fly home, lol. One thing that it is great about Venice for teens is that you can let them wonder off on their own which they sure enjoy. Just speaking about our experiences and experiences with other family members who stayed in Venice with teenagers.

But I agree with zooey's (Jim's) thoughts. I don't agree with PalenO's thoughts unless the teens in my family are unusual as they all love Venice and one day would have not even begin to whet their appetite for beautiful Venice.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful trip no matter how you plan your itinerary!

Back2Sabi Sep 18th, 2008 12:39 PM

How have your kids fared on 8-day trips before? If they're fine, they'd be fine in venice, too! (Just think, there are 10s of thousands of teens who live there, so there must be something for them!) Just make sure to include a couple of "teen-friendly" activities. (Find out where the locals hang and what they do and let your kids do that, too.) Is there a skateboard park? Perhaps they can bring their rides. (My brother whent 8 weeks around Europe as a teen with his skateboard strapped to his carry on.)

PalenQ Sep 18th, 2008 12:54 PM

Unless counting grim Mestre, far away on the mainland i'd bet there are more like a few hundred teens in Venice proper = most folks have moved to the mainland

there is little for teens to do here IMO - unlike Rome, etc. If they are 16 or older though they can while away time in pubs and legally drink beer or wine - could be a novel thing for them

isabel Sep 18th, 2008 01:09 PM

You could do day trips from Venice. Most people don't because staying in Venice is usually more expensive than staying elsewhere, and most people only budget 2-4 nights there and then that's not enough time for day trips. But if there is some reason you want to base in Venice for 8 nights, and you want some other experiences I highly recommend Padua which is only about a half hour train ride away. There is tons for teens to do there as it's a university town and had a very young feel to it. I spent 7 nights there in July and did day trips many of the days to other places (including Venice, but I've been to Venice twice in the last few years, staying IN Venice so I only wanted a day there). Slightly further would be Verona, still a very doable day trip from Venice and very worthwhile. If I had 8 days in Venice I'd probably do one day each in Padua and Verona. If you are interested my photos from both those towns (as well as Venice) are at:

suze Sep 18th, 2008 02:13 PM

Is this part of a larger trip? Or this is the entire trip?

Sculptor Sep 18th, 2008 02:42 PM

Certainly some day trips are in order. Wake em up early and bring them back tired.

Venice is very quiet at night.

Will you take them too Padua, Verona, and Vicenza?

You say you are leaving soon. I believe in Vicenza now are the 500 year celebrations for Palladio. Maybe they'll find this interesting.

Padua is the Bo University, like Isabel suggests, and there is the Scrovegni Chapel. If there are future artists in the family then they may find the Giotto inside interesting. Make a reservation.

Maybe they are reading some Shakespeare around now and will enjoy Verona too.

Have fun.

sandra3120 Sep 18th, 2008 02:51 PM

Isabel - my heart just stopped. I love Venice and your photos are superb - I even found places you'd photographed that I blew by and all I want to do is grab the next flight out of Miami. Suggestions to take the train to Padua are perfect. But I wouldn't miss a minute of Venice...

nytraveler Sep 18th, 2008 04:32 PM

We spent 4 days in Venice with my stepdaughters - 14 and 17 at the time - and they both loved it. But- they like art and history, cafes and elegant restaurants and are city kids. And they did wander off one evening to a place with some local teens (reco'd by Concierge in the hotel).

So - it depends completely on the kids. Frankly I would find 8 days in Venice, not too much, but missing other opportunities - even if day trips to Verona, etc.

ChicagoDallasGirl Sep 18th, 2008 04:57 PM

To add to what everyone else has said... :-)

Like Sandra said, depends on the teens. Personally, 8 days would be too much for me. I think five would be good. However, if you opt for 8, I'd say throw in a couple day trips and then it might not be too long for the kiddos.

ziggy123 Sep 19th, 2008 01:17 AM

Thanks so much for all your replies. Ee are going to visit Padua but have also now decided to head off to Florence for three ot the eight days.
Loved the photos too Isabel - thanks.

YvonneT Sep 19th, 2008 01:48 AM


Do your teenagers have cameras? They might enjoy doing "theme" shots ... reflections, windows, doors, etc. Be on the lookout for the pozzi, which are well heads seen all over the city. Many moons ago, these were the well heads for the fresh water supply in the city. I was gobsmacked over the quantity and quality I stumbled across in Venice, and also Padua.

You all might enjoy the tour of the Torre dell'Orologie, not often done by visitors. To the far east end of Venice, you can visit a couple of islands, San Pietro and San Elena. They are accessible by bridges from the "tail" of Venice.

At the Telecom Future Centrale, Campo S. Salvadore, near Rialto Bridge, you can access some free internet, which might come in handy. Just bring some ID, and get a free hour.

Do use a traghetto to cross the Grand Canal, poor man's version of a gondola, and a short cut when the bridge is just too far away! And, there is a brand new bridge across the Grand Canal, which looks amazing. You'll get directions to this from the tourist information people.

The best tourist info is near San Marco, near the water. Someone will surely help you find this. Have the most wonderful time. Oh, and I spent 8 days in Venice and the same in Padua, and would go back with no coaxing.


ziggy123 Sep 19th, 2008 02:24 AM

Thanks Yvonne - you clearly know teenagers well with the suggestion of the internet cafe! Pardon my ignorance but what is the Torre dell'Orologie?

TDudette Sep 19th, 2008 02:28 AM

Hey ziggy123, OK, no kids so take this all for what it's worth.
When I researched our first visit to Venice, it seemed that most tour companies gave it 2 days. So I did and wished I alloted more time. After 4 more trips, and probably a month there, I'd say 8 months might be better.
But 8 days should be glorious! If you do run out of things to do, Venice can be a base for a trip to Padua (kids can see where they operated on people at the med. school!), Verona, Lake Garda and even Trieste.
This is a joke: if your kids misbehave, you could drop them off at one vap stop and see if they can find their way back to the hotel without a map. That was a joke.
Agree with all posters-just depends on the kids but it sure is an awesome place to visit!

YvonneT Sep 19th, 2008 03:09 AM


No worries, the Torre dell'Orologie is the clock tower in San Marco Piazza on its English speaking days. It's fun to watch the time being struck by bronze Moors.


caroline_edinburgh Sep 19th, 2008 03:17 AM

I agree with the posters who said it depends on the teens. And can't believe someone said "I loved Venice, and so did my kids, but two days was still enough" ! I've spent a week there three times in the last five years and will do again next year, banking crisis permitting - and have still only visited a few of the many islands.

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