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EmmaWilliams84 Jan 9th, 2014 05:59 PM

8 days Europe (1st time) - Australian Couple. Need help with everything!
8 days in Europe (1st time) - Australian Couple celebrating 30th. Need help with everything!

Hi there. My husband and I are wanting to fly from Melbourne to Europe as my 30th gift in mid September for a total of 10 babysitting days.

Aim of the trip for me & my husband is to see beautiful places, walk around, maybe relax at beach, eat great food, taste new foods, drink yummy wine. We're not particularly into any architecture or art - but not adverse to it either.

I've always wanted to go to Paris so that is a must. We simply want to experience the city, walk around, eat out, maybe dinner on Eiffel Tower. Don't want to do too much or too little but take in as much of the city as we can.

Thought of also taking the train to Nice and possibly enjoying some of the French Riveria.

Here is where we get stuck, do we fly to Barcelona and enjoy the experience there or do we go to somewhere like Venice and enjoy the experience there?

There's no order to our itinerary we are flexible. We're aiming for the most cost effective and time efficient holiday. So with flights, direct and short stop overs etc. If its cheaper to fly Melbourne to Paris then Melbourne to Venice or Melbourne to Barcelona is the way we would go.

We currently received a quote for $1,599 (AUD) flights with Qatar each flying Melbourne to Paris, September 18th 2014, returning Barcelona to Melbourne, September 28th 2014. We feel this is a great price but unsure if going to Spain is better then Italy?

This is our first time to Europe & unfortunately we don't foresee being able to return anytime soon.

Thank you for all your help!

janisj Jan 9th, 2014 06:04 PM

You only have 8 days on the ground - probably closer to 7.5 - and the first day will be pretty jet lagged. You could easily stay that whole time in Paris and not see it all. Also, since you are from Oz, you may be very disappointed by the beaches. Not the glorious sandy spreads like you have back home. There are some sand beached but most are pebbles.

If you really want to see more than one place, I'd maybe do 5 days in Paris, and 2.5 days in either Barcelona or Venice. Both are great but Venice would be my (totally subjective) choice.

KTtravel Jan 9th, 2014 06:55 PM

I agree with janisj. Congratulations on your anniversary!

EmmaWilliams84 Jan 9th, 2014 08:55 PM

Thanks janisj and KTtravel definitely a lot to think about.

The reason why we were thinking of doing another country is because a lot of our friends think that 3-4days is suffice in Paris.

So we are purely stuck with the rest of itinerary?

I am actually celebrating my 30th birthday not anniversary my title was unclear. :)

janisj Jan 9th, 2014 09:16 PM

>>The reason why we were thinking of doing another country is because a lot of our friends think that 3-4days is suffice in Paris.<<

Do these friends have really REALLY short attention spans? >)

You could easily spend 3 or 4 <i>months</i> in Paris and not tire of things to do. But 5 days is a good first taste of Paris.

kja Jan 9th, 2014 09:45 PM

Of course it depends on what you want to see and experience, but your friends who think that 3-4 days are sufficient for Paris are the FIRST people I've heard of who would say so, and I definitely disagree! Give Paris as much time as you can!!! :-)

To be honest, with at most 8 days on the ground (and actually less, for the reasons others have already given you), I personally wouldn't try to go to Venice OR Barcelona. Each of them deserves, IMO, more time than you have to give. If I really had to pick between them, I'd probably go with Venice, where 2 days can at least give you a decent feel for the place.

Personally, I think there would be some wonderful benefits to staying in/around Paris for the entire time, perhaps 5 or 6 days in the city and a couple of day trips (Chartres, Versailles, OR... depending on your interests).

If you are committed to including a 2nd city, I would pick the closest small city in which you have an interest - something with an airport (so you don't have to backtrack), that won't take long to reach (because your time is limited), and that is small enough to be reasonably seen in 2 or 2.5 days. Looking through guidebooks at your local library might prove helpful.

Happy Birthday and good luck with your planning.

ThulaMama Jan 10th, 2014 01:04 AM

I agree with all the above comments.

This is not long to be in Europe and it's such a long way from Australia that it's easy to get carried away trying to see too much.

If I were you I'd fly to Paris for the whole time and fly home again. Stay long enough for this magical city to get under your skin - so that you can explore without worrying how to get from A to B because you will simply know without thinking; get to understand the rhythm of city and the people;and create memories of boulevards, shop windows, pavements, parks and food that will never,ever leave you.

Second best is to fly to Paris, train to Rome or Barcelona and fly home straight home.

If you have to travel from Venice to the departure city, it just takes another day off your trip. I love Venice and never thought I'd tell someone not to go, but you just don't have enough time.

That air fare from Qatar sounds like a bargain. We paid more with Emirates from Sydney via Dubai to Rome and back last year. Don't know anyone who has travelled with them though.

All best with your planning. I've travelled a lot as if I had a bucket list of things to tick off, but it wasn't until this last trip to Europe where we actually stayed in apartments for over a week in each place, that I realised that there is a far better way of travelling. Less is more.

di2315 Jan 10th, 2014 01:15 AM

Hi Emma

I agree with ThulaMama - take an apartment in Paris for the whole time, and really immerse yourselves in the city and culture.

By the time you reach Paris, you'll have had quite enough of airline travel for a while; changing to another city takes out a whole day of your short stay. No matter whether you fly, drive or take a train or bus to a second place, by the time you pack up, take your transport, arrive and settle in, there's not much of a day left.

I've spent a total of 3 weeks in Paris over recent years, and still have a long list of interesting things to see and do. European cities are so different from ours in Australia - you'll only be able to scratch the surface, but by living for a time in an apartment you get much more of a 'local' experience than in a hotel.

Hopefully this will be the first of many trips . . . better to come away wanting more, than to try and cram it all in and just ending up confused and exhausted!!! Di

Sue_xx_yy Jan 10th, 2014 03:15 AM

Well, I'm going to give the minority opinion. For a first visit to Paris, you can spend 4 days (5 nights.) The first day/night could be blurry after the long flight.

However, the tougher question is what to do with the remaining 5 nights.

If you are determined to see more than one country, I would think about what "Europe" means to you. Europe of course is a group of separate states, but perhaps you have some 'picture' in your mind of what "Europe" is.

If snow capped peaks and cowbells come to mind, perhaps a quick jaunt to Switzerland is in order. Note though that it is 6 hours by train from Paris to Zurich, so you would lose a day traveling. Then you'd want ideally to head to the Berner Oberland area (another 3 hours on the train to Lauterbrunnen) for 3 nights before heading back to Lucerne or Zurich for the night before your flight home. Note though that this is quite intense travel. If you are used to long drives in Oz, it might work however - but you'd have to be sold on the idea of what you see at the end, to be happy with this itinerary.

OR if what you think of are old city squares and windmills: Perhaps hop the train from Paris to Brugges, to see old city squares; and then on to Amsterdam/Holland with a chance to see windmills. On a very short trip such as yours this is what I would do as Brugges makes a nice 'split' between Paris and Amsterdam; it's about 3 hours to Brugges and another 4 or so to Amsterdam.

It's not impossible, but it will be a 'blitz' kind of trip. So long as you are prepared to need a few days back home to rest up and recover, you should be okay.

Sue_xx_yy Jan 10th, 2014 03:16 AM

oink, I just saw you have only 8 days - do you mean 8 nights?

Then you have to forget Switzerland, too far. You could get as far as Amsterdam though. Mind, I don't endorse this as anything other than a 'one and possibly only chance to Europe' itinerary.

Rubicund Jan 10th, 2014 03:31 AM

I totally understand the fact that if you think that it could be a long time before you can come to Europe again, the temptation is to cram lots in to the trip. Alternatively I'm not one of the Paris worshipers who feel the necessity to spend weeks there and immerse myself in the city by staying in an apartment. All that does is make you go to the local shop--I can do that back home. My preference is a hotel and eat out lunch and dinner where the locals eat, the feeling is the same.

If you intend this to be a one off, not to be repeated European trip, then do two centres. If Paris is a "must", then you have to choose between Barca and Venice based on what you can read or research about the places. I've been to both a number of times and couldn't choose between them enough to convince you either way. They are both unique, fantastic destinations and worthy of your time.

Maybe the good airfare will sway you to Barca?

Maudie Jan 10th, 2014 03:36 AM

From one Aussie to another, stay put in Paris for the entire time. It's a long flight, you will have only just adjusted to the time difference when you will have to head home again.

Search here for day trips, you might even get to Brugge. Take time to picnic in the gardens, enjoy each other's company seeing as you have a chance to have a child free holiday, it's the city of romance after all. We had to wait until we were in our 50's to do our first Euro trip, you will get back. Something to work and plan for.

And the Riviera was a big disappointment to us, give us Cottesloe Beach anyday!

Nikki Jan 10th, 2014 03:43 AM

Since you mention beaches, I would say Barcelona over Venice. I would start in Paris, spend a few nights and then fly to Barcelona for a few nights. The distribution is up to you.

At your age I liked traveling around more quickly than I do now. Sure, you won't see everything in Paris in four days, but you can still have a great time there. And I like the idea of going somewhere with a contrasting culture, language, food. For this either Venice or Barcelona would be fine, they are both wonderful cities, but the beach idea tips the scale to Barcelona.

BigRuss Jan 10th, 2014 06:39 AM

<i>>>The reason why we were thinking of doing another country is because a lot of our friends think that 3-4days is suffice in Paris.<<

Do these friends have really REALLY short attention spans? </i>

Janis: they are AUSTRALIAN, therefore the question answers itself. You know Aussie travelers treat a 3-night stay in any European city (other than London) as an anchor and 4+ is a jail sentence.

To the OP: if you want beaches, stay home. If you want foreign beaches, fly to the Caribbean or Hawaii. If you want to see part of Europe, then examine why Barcelona and Paris (although both are fine choices) to decide how to spend your time.

RM67 Jan 10th, 2014 06:47 AM

You are coming half way round the world. You don't know when or if you'll be back again...I say do two cities. Which two you pick is entirely up to you, I'd split it 4 days in one, 3 in another and fly home out of the second city to cut down on needless transit time. All three are great choices and you won't be disappointed whichever you pick.

My TR for Barca linked:-

DeborahAnn Jan 10th, 2014 09:19 AM

Why did I think Australians only took long trips to Europe ;;)

If your heart is set on visiting two countries for this trip then Paris and Barcelona would be my choice because of your request for a beach setting as well as always wanting to go to Paris. Barcelona in September would give you decent weather for a sit on the beach. Personally I'd spend more of your time in Paris but that's because I can never get enough time in that particular city myself. I did, however, really enjoy Barcelona.

Taking the new fast train between Paris and Barcelona would give you some more views of France and Spain. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself wherever you travel. Deborah

love_travel_Aus Jan 10th, 2014 01:30 PM

Hi Emma, Happy Birthday for September!
I fully understand how you prefer two destinations and the best advice from comments on here suggests you explore the logistics of transport between the two possible places and then read some guidebooks and maybe trip reports to see what really catches your eye.
The airfare sounds like a good price - not flown them but you can also check reviews online for different airlines.
We have spent a week by the beach in the south of France - probably not what I would suggest for a first time visit - quite a different experience which however we really enjoyed.

The Paris Barcelona suggestion looks good - and of course I love Switzerland but tricky to get there with your short time frame.

Brugge and Amsterdam also offer great food and sights - as does the region around Strasbourg.

I will stop adding to your list and wish you happy planning and regardless you will have a fantastic time for your birthday celebration.

Geordie Jan 10th, 2014 01:47 PM

I would do Paris and Venice, I think Barcelona is a great city but Venice is unique, also check with Emirates as you could fly into Paris and out of Venice to Melbourne.

The Qatar airfare is a very good price and they are a very good airline,

cathies Jan 10th, 2014 02:05 PM

BigRuss, no need to be insulting. Not all Australians travel the way you described.

I agree that you should skip beach destinations, compared to what Australia has they are a major disappointment.

Maybe consider flying into Heathrow and having a few days in London then catch the train to paris and fly home from there. When we fly to Europe the jetlag isn't too bad, but you will feel like hell for a few days when you arrive home, so be prepared for that.

Enjoy your trip, wherever you decide to go.

BigRuss Jan 10th, 2014 02:41 PM

<i>BigRuss, no need to be insulting. Not all Australians travel the way you described. </i>

We love Oz and most of its people, but even if you don't, the typical Aussie traveler travels as I described.

1/2 and 1/2 in Barcelona and Paris is good. The beaches are still better at home where the kangaroo roam . . .

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