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slin7 Dec 8th, 2013 10:05 PM

7 days in Andalucia
We are going to Spain and Portugal for 3 weeks in April 2014, however would specifically appreciate your thoughts on our itinenary for Andalucia.

Day 1: Morning train from Madrid to Granada. Visit Alhumbra (Aware that I need to book tickets ahead).

Day 2: Pick up car at midday and drive to Priego de Cordoba, retun to Granada

Day 3: Drive to Mijas, Setenil and Ronda. Overnight in Ronda

Day 4: Drive to Vejer de la Fronter, Cadiz, Jerez. Need recommondation of where to stay (Santa Maria?)

Day 5: Drive to Seville in the morning (drop off car)

Day 6: Day trip to Cordoba via train

Day 7: Seville, Flamengo show

Specific questions:
Are the towns that I am planning to visit listed above the must do towns the region? Are there any other ones whic we should consider/ or drop off the list from above?

Many thanks,

kimhe Dec 9th, 2013 01:17 AM

Just a short answer about flamenco in Sevilla. Recommend intimate Casa de la Memória or Casa del Flamenco for an intro to this art so important for Sevilla and the region. Popular with tourists, but only real deal and top class artists perform here. No drinks, no food, just flamenco.

Casa de la Memória:

La Casa del Flamenco:

WomBatt Dec 9th, 2013 01:30 AM

Day 1 - You write this as if there is a direct train (which there is not) and the schedules suit you. The journey would take (I think) an hour and up to an hour and half longer than the bus. You can do the maths.

Day 2 - Alcala la Real can certainly be on the way to Priego as could Castillo de Locubin (but slightly off route) as could .... ahh - just take the map and google and look at the images to see if somewhere might interest you.

Regarding what towns (and villages) to visit - there are scores, if not low hundreds which might or have interested or suited me, see what floats your boat by perhaps starting here - or as I said google.

And rushing and giving only seven days to Andalucia greater in size than many countries in Europe you will certainly short change the region.

mamcalice Dec 9th, 2013 04:54 AM

IMO you are spending too much time visiting too many villages and too little in Seville. I would suggest going directly to Seville from Ronda, skipping Day 4. Seville is the gem of your trip and you are giving it less than 2 days.

kja Dec 9th, 2013 05:11 PM

As a rule, I don't think we can answer questions about timing without knowing a traveler's interests, but in this case, I agree with mamcalice -- you are planning to spend WAY too much time trying to visit various villages and WAY too little time in Andalusia's most prized locations. Unless you have some very specific and unusual purpose(s) that you haven't yet mentioned, then at the very least, I think you would to well to consider finding a way to spend a few days in Sevilla.

slin7 Dec 9th, 2013 09:10 PM

Thanks for the responses.

Thanks Kimhe.

@Wombatt: looking at the Renfe and ALSA websites, its appears that it takes 4.5 hours for both train and bus, am I missing something? Anyhow, I will spend an extra 1/2 days in Granada and go to Alumbra Day 2.

@mamcalice and kja: I agree, will drop day 4 and spend the extra half day in Seville.

Appreciate its not much time but we are from Australia, and it takes us 2days to get to Europe and return, therefore we are trying to do as much as we can

kja Dec 9th, 2013 09:33 PM

I can well appreciate the desire to do as much as you can in a limited amount of time. And with that very goal in mind, I would encourage you to consider whether that means you want to spend a LOT of time getting from one place to another once in Spain or whether you would prefer to visit one or two fewer places, but spend more time on the ground rather than in transit. I'm not saying there is a clear answer; I am honestly asking you to think through your preferences. Because even if you make these adjustments to your itinerary, I still think that you'll be spending a considerable amount of time in transit. And if this is only one segment of a trip that includes other similarly paced segments, I can imagine it becoming quite unpleasant for all involved. The good news is that you'll see some wonderful things, whatever you choose.

WomBatt Dec 10th, 2013 12:51 AM


I read your Madrid as Malaga, my apologies. Disregard my Day 1 comment.

MJLiggan Dec 10th, 2013 06:10 AM

I'd agree with kja...bear in mind some of these destinations are only accessible on windy roads that aren't in the best condition! They may look close on the map...but getting around is going to take half your time...and this is Andalucí of siestas and mañana...not rushing around! There are hundreds of white villages, admittedly you've chosen two well known ones but they all have their own Andalucian charm, and there's no sense leaving Seville for a day to see won't appreciate Cordoba and lose a day in Sevilla (my favourite Andalucian city!).
Looking at your route I'd say:
Granada - Antequera - Ronda - Vejer and finish in Seville. As the main destinations, you can fit in places like Setenil or El Chorro or any other small villages around this, but this would give you an unrushed and good feel for Andalucia

Bedar Dec 10th, 2013 10:13 AM

You can scratch Priego, Mijas, and Sentenil. Day 4 is fine. You mustn't skip Cordoba. It is part of the holy trinity of Andalucia - Grenada, Cordoba, and Seville.

Bedar Dec 10th, 2013 10:14 AM

Granada, that is.

michelhuebeli Dec 10th, 2013 12:19 PM

Re: Day One: You have time to visit the Alhambra in the afternoon - make sure your half-hour timeslot to enter the palace (inside the grounds) is late enough or you will be denied entry if you miss it. Otherwise you can gallivant around the grounds without specific time limits.

And re. earlier post: Yes there is a direct train from Madrid Atocha to Granada, the Altaria at 09:05, takes 4:25h and arrives at 13:30 (and another at 17:05 that takes 4:35h).

Day two: Get going early, not midday. You can see Cordóba - at least the Mezquita and a stroll in the old town - and by early afternoon you're on your way to Priego. On your way back from Priego de Córdoba, stop by Alcalá la Real and marvel at La Mota and visit the Palacio Abacial

On your way from Ronda to Vejer de la Frontera, swing by Arcos de la Frontera!

nytraveler Dec 10th, 2013 12:33 PM

Agree you are giving very short shrift to Seville and Granada in exchange for a lot of moving around to tiny villages. If that is your preference fine - but you will be missing a lot of major sights. (We have been twice - once for 10 days and once for 12 - and there are still many places we want to see = even after 5 days in Seville and 4 in Granada)

slin7 Dec 10th, 2013 03:11 PM

Thanks for all the replies. It seems that the majority of people think that I am spending too much time on the little towns. I think I will have to come back on another trip to do the Andaluscia in more detail.

So, this is what I am thinking now

2 days in Granada
1 day in Ronda
3 days in Seville
1 day trip to Cordoba from Seville

kja Dec 10th, 2013 03:37 PM

MUCH better! :-)

michelhuebeli Dec 10th, 2013 08:16 PM

Now you fill in the routes between those major cities with some of the small places you'll swing by why relocating, to take a look - if you drive on roads other than the expressways you can hit a lot of those you had on your list before - drive in, look around, drive out - still worth it.

For example, drive from Granada to Priego de Cordóba (a good hour, via N432 and A339), then to Setenil de las Bodegas (about 2 hours) before arriving in Ronda (about a half hour). Less than four hours drive time - plenty of look-around time.

Supermum Dec 28th, 2013 04:37 AM

Hey, i'm an Aussie, and yes, you need to narrow the itinerary and enjoy what you get to see, don't try and cram everything in!

Supermum Dec 28th, 2013 04:39 AM

Forget the hassle of the car and take the train. Divide your time between Seville and Granada/Cordoba

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