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janisj Sep 24th, 2015 10:31 AM

4 special meals, 2 GTGs, Benedict Cumberbatch and a Tattoo
I've been back nearly 3 weeks and am late getting to my TR. Then last week took a 3 day jaunt over to the Mendocino coast w/ my cousin (another TR to be written) and now I'm trying to finalize bookings/details for a short trip to Japan in November.

If I'm ever going to do this I'd better start. This TR won't be as much a day-by-day/blow-by-blow as I usually do. Mostly just an overview of the highlights, w/ details of the main events.

As w/ most of my trips - this one began with a couple of 'must' events and then I planned around those. Event #1 at the beginning of the trip - the Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Event #2 a week later - a date w/ Benedict Cumberbatch in Hamlet. Once those were booked I filled in the 'middle' w/ 2 GTGs, 3 or 4 terrific meals, a few museums and shopping

<B>Aug. 24/25 California to Edinburgh: </B> Flew AA Business SMF>LAX>LHR, then Virgin LHR > EDI. Arrived at EDI about 5PM on Tues and planned to take the tram to St Andrews Sq near my hotel then walk up to Grassmarket for a 6PM GTG with jane1144, Mr jane1144 and unclegus. Two snags -- the tram ticket machines at EDI don't take non-chip cc's and there was a stoppage on the tracks. Got the ticket situation sorted out and and ended up getting off at the bottom of Princes Street and hoofed it. Traveling w/ just a small carry on really helps w/ stuff like that. I stayed at the Travelodge in Meuse Lane just off Princes Street and near St Andrews Sq and Waverly station.

(<B>Note:</B> Sometimes people don't take us seriously when we warn how busy/expensive Edinburgh is in August. To give an idea - This property is usually available for £45 to £49. Aug 25 & 26 it <B>£177</B> per night!)

Typical Travelodge - nothing special but fantastic location. Got to the hotel about 5:45 checked in and asked them to call me a cab in 20 minutes. Ran upstairs, unpacked just a bit and knocked off the worst of the 22 hours of travel grime. Back down the stairs to my waiting cab and up to the Last Drop. jane1144, Mr jane1144 and unclegus were settled in and a drink ahead of me but I caught up quickly :)

Had a really lovely visit and managed to stay awake/lucid. Had some (truly) delish haggis -- Honest ;) In fact maybe the best haggis I've ever had. jane1144 and Mr jane1144 left after a couple of hours -- and unclegus and I walked to another pub to try some single malts. Then I walked back down Cockburn Street (believe me -- would NOT have walked if it had been up :) ) wandered along Princes Street Gardens, rode the Ferris Wheel and stumbled back to the hotel and (finally) crashed about 11 PM.

<B>Aug 26.</B> Tonight is the Tattoo and I'm not pre-planning anything else for the day. Just wander around Old Town, have an early lunch, shopping at Ragamuffin, and maybe catch a free fringe show or two. I managed all of the above -- Lunch at the Whisky Centre, a beautiful jacket and long cardi at Ragamuffin, and sat in about 30 mins at one (really funny) comedy show and and maybe 30 mins at a 'performance art' installation - the 'art' part is used loosely >) Plus watch just tons of street performers.

Then the Tattoo -- I've been a couple of times before but it has been years and this time it was a 'bucket list' version. I got a special package through the Tattoo office that included a small/posh dinner up in the top of the castle next to St Margaret's Chapel, followed by entertainment, escort from the castle and up into the Royal Box. There were 35 at dinner -- about 1/3 Americans, most of the rest Scottish or from Northern England, 2 from Singapore and 3 from New Zealand. Lovely food, great wines and a piper. Then a fellow in a cutaway coat, top hat and carrying a silver rod on his shoulder walked us down out of the castle and across the esplanade to the far end and up to our seats. The grandstands were filling up so several of us practiced out 'Royal Waves' up to the 'plebs' while walking the length of the Espanade :D

The Tattoo was wonderful of course . . . And now it is actually comfortable since they installed seats from the London Olympic stadium -- back, Armrests and padding !!!! A HUGE improvement.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Glasgow -- for Mackintosh sites, the Kelvingrove, the River Museum and mainly for dinner at the Honours.

(Damn! It won't let me preview Grrrr! so here's hoping for the best :) )

OK -- 14th time's the charm -- been trying to post since last night. fingers crossed

elberko Sep 24th, 2015 10:34 AM

Yah! it posted!

janisj Sep 24th, 2015 11:20 AM

A few typos but not bad. After struggling getting this installment up, I'll try to finnish tonight.

bettyk Sep 24th, 2015 01:03 PM

Oh I envy your ability to get back to the UK so often! Wish I could convince DH that I really need to get back, especially after recently seeing Outlander!!

Sounds like a lovely time in Edinburgh and looking forward to the rest, especially the BC part.

Trophywife007 Sep 24th, 2015 01:13 PM

Great start! I'm looking forward to the rest of your report... the Tattoo is on our bucket list as is a return to Scotland in general.

annhig Sep 24th, 2015 01:16 PM

The grandstands were filling up so several of us practiced out 'Royal Waves' up to the 'plebs' while walking the length of the Espanade >>

lol, JJ, sounds a hoot. had you practised the Royal wave at home before you left?

glad you got to post at last.

Cathinjoetown Sep 24th, 2015 01:24 PM

Following along!

jane1144 Sep 24th, 2015 02:11 PM

Hi Janis,
So glad to heave met you and unclegus. Looking forward to your report.

gailscout Sep 24th, 2015 05:27 PM

Following as well!

janisj Sep 24th, 2015 07:05 PM

I've been trying to post the next installment for the last hour and it won't work -- maybe this TR is just jinxed :(

janisj Sep 24th, 2015 07:10 PM

I tried breaking it into chunks but no dice . . . and Bryan/tech support will be away for a few days so they probably won't fix things til next week . . .

janisj Sep 24th, 2015 07:15 PM

This is soooooooooooo frustrating! >)

historytraveler Sep 24th, 2015 07:43 PM

Always enjoy your trip reports. Hope you get the technical figured out. Yes, extremely frustrating.

janisj Sep 24th, 2015 09:50 PM

attempt # 7 -- will try to break it into small bits . . .

Hi everybody --

I absolutely LOVE Edinburgh but I've been there many times including a couple of times in the last 3 or 4 years, and August is a pretty difficult time to visit. Of course the Tattoo and Festivals are wonderful -- but the extra traffic, closed roads, massive crowds not to mention the the high hotel rates - £177 for a Travelodge fer cryin' out loud! :)

So I decided early on to only spend a couple of days in the city then get out of Dodge. So where else to go? I haven't been to Glasgow on about 7 or 8 years and I missed out getting in to York back during the 'sprained ankle' trip last year. And of course there is the date w/ Benedict C. and GTG in London. So that was the framework of the itinerary 2 nights/1.5 days in Edinburgh, 2 nights/2 days in Glasgow, 1 night/almost 2 days in York, and 4 nights in London all by train.

janisj Sep 24th, 2015 09:51 PM

<B>Aug 27-28, Glasgow:</B> Thursday morning walked over to Waverly Station and jumped on the train to Glasgow, I had booked at the Park Inn by Radisson because it is almost exactly mid way between Queen Street (arrival from Edinburgh) and Central (departure to York) stations. Semi-weird hotel set up -- no real front desk but more just a hostess stand outside the bar/lounge. In fact one of the waitresses popped in from the end of breakfast service and checked me in. There was a room ready about 20 minutes after I arrived so I was settled in an unpacked before noon. While the 'public' parts of the hotel were odd -- the room was fine, large-ish and the bed was very comfortable.

janisj Sep 24th, 2015 10:01 PM

Ok - that didn't get me very far. I could post the next 3 paragraphs but the rest won't post. :(

janisj Sep 24th, 2015 10:06 PM

It was a lovely place and the meal was AMAZING. I ended up essentially having 3 starters and a main. There are marinated Orkney Scallops which are priced per so I started w/ one before my 'actual' starters. It may have been the largest/sweetest scallop I've ever tasted, marinated in lime w/ apple and radish. Then my real starters were smoked salmon, followed by a small order of a pea and Saffron risotto which was sublime - I don't know what else was in it but it was absolutely delish. My main was a rabbit dish w/ sautéed teensy potatoes. Very VERY good. Had prosecco w/ the starters and a Viognier w/ the rabbit. Then walked the 15-20-ish minutes back up George St to the Radisson. Had a (decaf) gaelic coffee and went to bed and dreamed food :)

janisj Sep 24th, 2015 10:07 PM

Friday is my main sightseeing day. I took my pedometer on the trip (sort of a lower tech fitbit) and today I walked 9.1 miles!. Basically walked the entire day and saw a LOT. Started at the Willow Tea Room - where I had tea and a scone and bought a few small gifts. Then I walked to the School of Art mainly to see the damage from the tragic fire. I was surprised to see no actual restoration/rebuilding has yet begun. They have created a nice visitors centre and exhibition gallery across the road. I made a donation and spent maybe an hour learning about their restoration plans. Then I walked <B>UP</B> and <B>Down</B> the big hill to the Tenement House. This was fascinating and more interesting then I had imagined. Probably spent more than an hour there. Then I walked over the motorway and over to Kelvingrove Park and the Gallery. While I was in the gallery there was a wonderful recital on the massive theatre organ. I could have spent hours in the gallery museum but tore myself away after maybe 90 minutes to walk over to the River Museum (I hadn't been to the transport museum since it was still in the city centre). Really enjoyed all the old cars and nostalgia.

janisj Sep 24th, 2015 10:07 PM

Then I trekked back into town and to the Lighthouse which was probably my favorite thing all day. just wonderful displays and exhibits plus the building itself.

I was one pooped puppy by this time :) Was famished but this is Friday night and most restaurants were packed. I did find a nice Italian place not far from Central station -- prosecco, and who knows what else ;)

<B>Next: The weekend in York:</B> Tomorrow I have an early morning train to York staying Saturday and til Sunday evening . . .

(it still won't let me preview so wish me luck . . .)

janisj Sep 24th, 2015 10:13 PM

Needless to say - I'm not posting any more til they fix whatever is going on . . .

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