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merrytimes Jul 15th, 2008 01:15 PM

3 girls + 2 grandparents off to Paris (first leg of trip
Hello All,

Well in 1-1/2 weeks we will be off to Paris with our 3 granddaughters . It seems like we have been planning this trip forever(which we have).
We are down to last minute inserts into the luggage , and PACKING LIGHTER (this time)!!!I am actually looking at the packing and taking items out. This is big for me .I have to set a good example !!!!

The girls have picked the things they wish to see in Paris. Pretty exciting time for us all, and just to have our lovely granddaughters to ourselves for a week , is great.

After 3 nights in Paris we are on to Bruge (Eurorail)for 3 nights and have a trip planned to Flanders ;should be a hightlight for all of us . Bruges will be our downtime after busy Paris .

The girls" parents come the following week and will meet us in HOlland for 3 nights , then Germany for 3 and finally Italy for a week of downtime.
The family will fly back home to Canada Aug. 16 and my husband and I will stay on for another 2 weeks of relaxing in .
beautiful Italy .

I plan to journal each day (hopefully) and do a trip report upon our return .

Thank you all for any help and advice you have given us.

If dreams come true , this has to be one for us.

pittpurple Jul 15th, 2008 02:30 PM

What a lovely post - I think the last sentence is perfect, have a wonderful, wonderful time - your granddaughters will remember this always!

LCBoniti Jul 15th, 2008 03:41 PM

This sounds amazing! How blessed you are to have this time with your granddaughters. I am flying to Phoenix for the birth of my first grandchild next week and look forward to someday taking him on lovely trips such as yours.

Have a wonderful time - and with your attitude it can not be anything but wonderful!

dmlove Jul 15th, 2008 03:43 PM

Sounds like a fantastic trip, for all of you! (And LCBoniti, congratulations!)

MelJ Jul 15th, 2008 04:59 PM

merrytimes, I understand your feelings. Last April (07) we fulfilled a wish of ours by taking our two grandsons (13 and 10 then) to London and Paris for a week in each place.

We also took our two grown kids.

It is truly wonderful to share the places you find so special and to give a gift like this.

Please be sure to give us a trip report. I never did one and I think this would be of great interest and help to other grandparents.

Have fun!!

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