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PalenQ Aug 27th, 2016 01:38 PM

Sassafrass' itinerary suggestions are great- for time in Switzerland a Swiss Pass or Swiss Transfer Ticket or Half-Fare Card could be a good deal depending on what you do -for info - For more info check -plus the sites I mentioned in my earlier post far above.

I would spend the whole time in the Jungfrau Region around Interlaken - so many varied things to do besides seeing glaciers up close - like lake boat trips on either lake bookending Interlaken.

sparkchaser Aug 27th, 2016 01:51 PM

Is this real life?

StCirq Aug 27th, 2016 01:57 PM

No, it's the classic fantasy of the Asian traveler. One sees it here often.

P_M Aug 27th, 2016 02:13 PM

I like Sassafrass' suggestions, the only thing that concerns me is the OP's budget is limited and Switzerland is the most expensive country he will be visiting using that plan. I suggest to the OP that he should start looking on line now for hostels. Cheap accomodations in Switzerland are hard to find.

I don't know if this is still true but when I did the Jungfrau in 2004 it was considerably cheaper to take the first train up in the early morning. The early train is also a lot less crowded.

PalenQ Aug 27th, 2016 02:40 PM

Early Bird Special still around for Jungfraujoch - see official site.

Interlaken has cheap accommodations such as the famous Balmer's Auberge - where backpackers from round the world gather. Also ogrganizes action sports trips like rafting and para gliding - though if on a low budget well..

Grindelwald has a hostel as does Lauterbrunnen I think but a neat hostel-like thing in Grindelwald is the Nature Friends' House - can do you own cooking - hikers and alpinists of all ages use it:

janisj Aug 27th, 2016 02:51 PM

>>but you are counting time you do not have.<<

That is for darn sure -- even if you have 14 days total -- that is STILL only 11.5 days free on the ground. Then say you decide to go 5 specific places -- that will eat up another 2 or 3 days travel time. Plus you will have to be back in Amsterdam the night before you fly home. So actual free time to sightsee -- you are down to 8 or 8.5 days. For 5 destinations . . . you get a grand total of 1.5 days per city/country.

But you seem set so . . . spend all that time and money and get your 1.5 days per city. Not fun IMO/IME and very VERY expensive to not see or do very much.

Ah - you say - 'I'll take night buses to solve the travel time". Nope. What do you do when you get into a city at a 8AM . . . and can't get into your hostel/hotel until 2 or 3 PM. You can clean up, un pack, anything so you wander around lugging your stuff half the day.

Just an awful plan all around.

justal - we are ALL really REALLY trying to help you but you are reluctant to take our advice. That is perfectly fine -- it is your trip after all. But every single person posting on your thread either lives in Europe or travels there frequently. We are trying to help you not make some expensive mistakes.

In the end - it is your trip - your decision.

justal Aug 27th, 2016 03:08 PM

Thanks all for help me , it's like that I should make a better itinerary .
how about spending a week in Iceland , two days in amsterdam and three days in Paris ?

janisj Aug 27th, 2016 03:34 PM

Sorry about the typo - should say >>You can<B>'t</B> clean up, un pack, anything <<

>>how about spending a week in Iceland , two days in amsterdam and three days in Paris ?<<

That is MUCH better :) As long as Iceland is the main reason for the trip and is where you want to visit most.

P_M Aug 27th, 2016 04:18 PM

justal, I'm so glad you are making a new plan. I haven't been to Iceland but I've heard a lot of great things about it. I've also heard Iceland is very expensive so please take a look at the price of things. If you can fit Iceland into your budget then I think your new plan is much better.

You sound like you are young so you have plenty of time to return to Europe and do the other things you mentioned on a future trip. Happy travels!!

justal Aug 27th, 2016 06:04 PM

Yea , I'm a bit scared about teror in europe especially when I'm being a solo traveler .
Hopefully , everything went well . Thanks all ..
Yea but I red that iceland cheaper than finland .

RonZ Aug 27th, 2016 06:56 PM

This may be obsolete, but Amsterdam to Colmar: train to Basel 8:28PM-6:29AM, in Colmar by 8:24 with 1 change.

P_M Aug 27th, 2016 07:20 PM

I was in Munich earlier this month and the thought of terrorism never entered my head. Your chances of being in a terrorist attack are so slim, please do not let that deter you from seeing the world and fulfilling your dreams.

Whathello Aug 28th, 2016 01:17 AM

Oh no, now terrorism...

You have a lot of good advice Justal. I know nothing about Iceland and didn't like the way you were rebuffing posters, so I don't contribute.

So my advice is : make a preview of your posts before clicking on submit. It seems you are starting to get it, so you are on track - have a great trip.

justal Aug 28th, 2016 04:25 AM

Hello folks , it seems that I would skip Iceland and switch it to North norway , remembering my highlight is Aurora borealis .

StCirq Aug 28th, 2016 04:41 AM

So, you are going to one of the most expensive places in Europe, on a tiny budget, with no more hope of seeing the Aurora Borealis than in Iceland?

OK, do it and good luck.

sparkchaser Aug 28th, 2016 04:59 AM

<i>remembering my highlight is Aurora borealis</i>

OK. Then fly into Longyearbyen and spend your whole holiday there.

janisj Aug 28th, 2016 05:49 AM

>>remembering my highlight is Aurora borealis .<<

Will you be VERY disappointed to spend a fortune in Norway (one of the most expensive countries to visit in all of Europe) and not see the Northern Lights? Because that is a very strong possibility.

You really should not build a trip around maybe, just maybe, seeing the Aurora Borealis. They don't just show up every night and you can go out and see them. They might not be showing the nights you are there . . . and even IF they are, if it is cloudy you won't see them.

You have a tight budget - most of us understand how to pinch pennies and travel cheap -- but it is much harder in Norway.

I think maybe you should just plan your trip and good luck with everything.

Whathello Aug 28th, 2016 06:01 AM

Good move.
No terrorism there yet.
Just a crazy guy who shot dozens of people some time ago.

justal Aug 28th, 2016 06:47 AM

Okay then my itinerary should be like this
Two days amsterdam (not yet making any itinerary here )
Three days paris (same as amsterdam)
Five days iceland (probably tour each day cost about 100 usd)

Flight should be ams-paris about 35 usd by transavia

Paris-reykjavik about 111 usd by wow air

Reykjavik-ams about 100 usd by wow air .
I also thinking about going to iceland first then go to paris .

Sassafrass Aug 28th, 2016 07:02 AM

There are hundreds of articles about the Aurora Borealis and the best places and times to see the lights. I hope you will read a lot of them, including stories of people who spend vacation after vacation trying without success. It can be a wild goose chase.

They do list the best possible places and time of year. You cannot be in a city. The lights will interfere with your vision. You need to be in the country and it must be dark, but the sky must be clear, no clouds. Sparkchaser gave you one place, Longyearbyen, but there are many and Iceland is also one of them.

You will be spending a lot of money and time, so choose a place that you will find interesting, even if you do not see the lights.

Sightseeing in Europe and chasing the Northern lights are not very compatible trips. Also, you said you do not like to be in one place long, but you will be if going for the lights.
You might book five nights and get lucky and see them the first night. What do you do with the rest of the time there? You might book five nights and never see the lights at all. How would you feel about that?

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