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annhig Oct 4th, 2016 01:43 PM

actually Tomboy, Schmal means narrow in german and Schmalfeld is probably not that common a surname [it's not in the top 99 most common German surnames, at least according to wiki].

In fact google maps only came up with one Schmalfeld which is indeed near Hamburg, which is where the OP says her DH's relatives emigrated from. So she's probably not that far of the mark.

zoecat Oct 4th, 2016 02:21 PM

<<Me, I'd savor as much of Provence as I could those 10 days. There's a lot of different cultures to savor. If you think 10 days is too much after 4 days in Paradou, make it 5 days more in Provence, then 4 or 5 in Paris.>>

I agree with tomboy. Especially since you will be in Provence in May/June. If you do go to Paris, try to fly home from there rather than backtracking to Marseille.

Sassafrass Oct 4th, 2016 02:48 PM

May is beautiful everywhere in Europe.

Save anyplace in Italy until you can make Italy the focus of a trip.

Use your time to actually see and experience places, rather than extended train trips or planes and airports.

You will already be in Provence, one of loveliest and most romantic places imaginable. Many people spend weeks to months visiting Provence and make repeat visits. I have been twice, total of 14 days, and it was not nearly enough. You won't actually have much time to explore with all the wedding stuff, so I strongly recommend you rent a car and spend at least 3 to 4 more days in Provence after the wedding, and really see more of Provence while you are there. Why be there without seeing it, and rush off to see other places that are no more wonderful? Even then, you will have time for just a few highlights.

Then, ditch the car and take the TGV from Avignon to Paris (about 2 hours). Come home from Paris. Four days Provence, six days Paris. That would be my recommendation.

However, if you are determined to go more places (not see more) and wanted to rush a bit, spend 2 & 1/2 more days in Provence, train to Paris for 4 days, train to Amsterdam for 2 & 1/2 days, depart from Amsterdam. The 1/2 days are allowing the other half for travel.

Another option (again a bit rushed) could be more time in Provence, train to Paris, train to Bruges (day in Bruges, day in Ghent) home from Brussels.

Brenkjtravel Oct 4th, 2016 03:05 PM

I would recommend Paris, then quick flight to Venice (flights can be very affordable on Ryanair) for maybe two days max, then train or drive to Tuscany. The whole of Tuscany is not to be missed. If you don't love cities then maybe avoid Florence, but there are many great and notable museums there. I found the food in the Chianti region to be the best. Out of all of Italy Tuscany is just so amazing and beautiful. It is no wonder it was the cradle of the Renaissance!

Sassafrass Oct 4th, 2016 04:30 PM

Google images of Provence and look at a lot of them. Google images of Tuscany and look at a lot of those. You will see many similarities. I love Tuscany, have been several times, but Provence is equal in beauty, food, wine, nature and little villages with stone buildings. You might see them differently, but if I could return to only one, it would be Provence, and you will already be there, no extra time or money spent traveling.

jamikins Oct 5th, 2016 12:29 AM

We spent a week in Provence last year and it was heaven. I would stay in the area for a few more days and then take the train to Paris from Avignon and spend the remaining days there.

You can see our Provence pics here:[email protected]

We take several trips a year to Paris...although usually in the late autumn. You can see our pics here:[email protected]

Happy planning!

Sassafrass Oct 5th, 2016 03:56 AM

Your pictures of Provence are absolutely wonderful! Makes me want to be there - right now!
The Paris pictures are so artistic. Love the umbrellas and food and people here and there, and the Eiffel Tower that looks like a shadow. Wow!
Thanks for posting.

jamikins Oct 5th, 2016 04:27 AM

Thanks so much for the kind words Sassafrass! I want to be there too (if only I didn't have to work for a living!!!)

RSchmalfeld Oct 5th, 2016 06:24 AM

Oh my gosh, Jamikins! I love your photos of Provence, I wish I was there this very minute!

I like the idea of seeing more, not going further. It seems like it makes good sense to explore Provence and save other options like Italy and Germany for another time.

We have one way flights booked into Marseille, and will need to decide where to fly home from. I like the idea of the high-speed train to Paris, my husband thinks we should fly out of Lyon. I think I will check out, as bvlenchi recommended and also check with Advantage miles...

I am home recuperating after major back surgery, so this vacation planning has been a fun diversion, and I am highly motivated to be feeling great to fly, enjoy the wedding festivities and soak in the beauty of Provence in May! Thank you Fodor's Friends!

StCirq Oct 5th, 2016 06:31 AM

<<We have one way flights booked into Marseille, and will need to decide where to fly home from.>>

Is this a done deal? Already paid for? One-way flights are usually the absolutely worst, most expensive way to fly. What you want is either a RT into/out of Marseille or multicity-flights into one place and out of another, but NOT one-way tickets on either leg. Plus, these days you run the risk of the airline or immigration folks pulling you aside to ask what your plans are for returning home.

RSchmalfeld Oct 5th, 2016 07:04 AM

Oh my! I can cancel - those flights are booked on our miles... Thanks for the excellent advice.

PalenQ Oct 5th, 2016 11:24 AM

Yes by all means fly open jaw -into one city like Marseille and out of another like Rome or Paris or anywhere you will end up -negates having to backtrack.

janisj Oct 5th, 2016 11:38 AM

>>Oh my! I can cancel - those flights are booked on our miles… <<

That is different -- we all assumed you had paid for the one way tix with $$$ :). Do you have enough miles to book your return flight?

RSchmalfeld Oct 5th, 2016 03:04 PM

Well, I plan to buy more miles to pay for our return flight - because of this big back surgery my husband thinks I should be flying First or Business Class - I have so much metal in my back now that I may actually need a note from my Dr to get through security at the airport!

Purchasing more miles ends up being an okay deal - and how often are we going to fly to Provence for our Daughter's Wedding? Right?

My dear friend was just here and said we may want to consider flying into or out of Lyon, that it is a nicer airport... I had also wondered about flying into or out of Nice. Marseille is much closer to Paradou, where the wedding is taking place. Any suggestions?

Thanks again for the wisdom and advice!

Sassafrass Oct 5th, 2016 07:42 PM

I have only arrived at mp2, a nicely converted storage building for low cost airlines. With business or first class, you will probably be arriving at one of the other which has halls 1,3 & 4, but may also be called terminals 1,3 & 4. My experience is with only the one terminal, but it is clean and very efficient. I personally think any advice to fly into another airport that then required a good bit of extra travel just because it "is nicer." is silly. What does that even mean for an airport? Extra lounges and nicer restaurants? I assume you will land and leave the airport. You won't be hanging around for any fine airport dining or napping.You are not there for a layover, so what else would you need? Marseille airport is quite close to Paradou. You could not possibly have it more convenient! I would choose a small, simple airport anytime I could. As an aside, however, the main terminal does have VIP lounges and even a restaurant where local chefs, on a rotating basis, create menus highlighting foods of Provence. So, even if you had a layover, wouldn't be too shabby. Absolutely stick with Marseille, at least for arrival.

StCirq Oct 6th, 2016 04:17 AM

I have to agree with Sassafrass. Who needs a "nicer airport?" I'm not looking to make friends with an airport, just get in and out of it as fast as possible. Lyon would put you WAY out of your way and add a whole new layer of transport issues - makes no sense to me. Marseille is the obvious choice, IMO.

Sorry about the back issues - I agree, if you can swing business or 1st class you'll probably be grateful for the extra level of comfort.

RSchmalfeld Oct 6th, 2016 06:05 AM

Thanks and yes, I agree - we just like to get in and out as quickly as we can, find our transport out of town and be on our way.

I am booking in and out of Marsielle. Our plan is to enjoy the wedding festivities and then travel through Provence for the remainder of the trip, enjoying the hill towns, and all the other great places to explore, and then perhaps drive south for a day to see a bit of the Mediterranean and eat boullibase! We are l forward to such a great trip, with the celebration of a lifetime, and a wonderful vacation afterwards.

As I am recovering, I am reading about Provence and southern France. Last night I read about Parc National Regional du Vernon and the Grand Canyon of France and the beautiful valleys there. This looks to be east and north and would add a longer driving day or two, but sounds lovely - any thoughts on whether we should include this area in our itinerary? Also, do you recommend that I make reservations or will we be able to be kind of footloose and fancy free? We plan to stay two or three nights in several spots.

Thank you for your great advice. I appreciate you all!

jamikins Oct 6th, 2016 06:31 AM

Sounds like a wonderful plan!

You may also want to read A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle to get in the mood!

bilboburgler Oct 6th, 2016 07:04 AM

End of May is still quiet except that long weekends start to arrive across Europe. I'd stay fancy free M T and Wednesday but book over the weekend. we tend to use at breakfast to book that night's stay (using the free cancellation option if possible) then we can cancel if we end up somewhere else.

Tarn Valley may interest you, read "Travels with my Donkey" RLS

PalenQ Oct 6th, 2016 01:09 PM

This looks to be east and north and would add a longer driving day or two, but sounds lovely - any thoughts on whether we should include this area in our itinerary>

Yes but if you take the inland route from Nice/Grasse to Aix-en-Provence you go right by the awesome Grand Canyon of the Verdun - we stopped and took a canoe ride thru part of it- coastal routes are very busy - this inland route is gorgeous and I think conducive to lavender fields.

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