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Troll Jun 12th, 2001 01:32 PM

Web TV for TA Internet access?
Has anyone ever noticed that Paul T uses Web TV for his email address? Have you ever know a Travel Agent that uses Web TV to access the Internet? <BR>Troll

Techydude Jun 12th, 2001 03:17 PM

Troll don't knock it. If he had better access think of how fast and many times he could post. This would no longer be Fodors, but Paulers. I have suggested he start his own web page. That way the people that actually wanted his advice could go there.

Paul Therault Jun 13th, 2001 10:45 PM

<BR>Now there is a sensible question you asked Troll. <BR> <BR>You just met a TA that uses the internet ..... duh. <BR> <BR>And techydude is an idiot. <BR> <BR>Paul

Techy Dude Jun 14th, 2001 05:03 AM

Paul. Good mature response. Nice to know you can show your true colors. The web tv is considered a minor league tool in the internet world. Web TV was developed for people who are technically illiterate. Guess we know what you are. <BR> <BR>Try using the internet properly. I suggested you try your hand at your own web site. How I went about it is immaterial.

Sharon Jun 14th, 2001 12:20 PM

I am not going to get into the discussion on whether a TA should use a Webtv to access the internet. I really don't care. <BR> <BR>I would like to point out one thing. I know quite a number of "retired seniors" who are on "fixed incomes". Their incomes are so fixed that they barely cover their prescriptions and they all have webtv. They are not illeterate but webtv is an affordable alternative for them to keep connected to the world. Most of them either have no family to speak of, or have family that live a long distance away. There is just not any way their budgets could include the price of a PC. The price of a PC is coming down and I do know a lady who can find it in her budget to purchase one. I volunteer any spare time I have at the local Senior Citizen complex here and I know first hand that they are crazy about their webtvs. I have difficulty getting them involved in activites as they want to stay in their rooms and play with their "toy". :o)) <BR> <BR>My post doesn't really have anything to do with whether a TA should use webtv. I was disturbed by the "illiterate" remark as that is really not the case. I only wanted to present another side to the "illiterate" remark. <BR> <BR>Thank you, <BR> <BR>Sharon

Techy Dude Jun 14th, 2001 12:37 PM

Sharon, My sincere apologies for the illiterate comment. It was meant to be directed at people that are not as comfortable with computers(and could be), and find this as a lazy method to stay in touch with today's world. I do understand that people with techno fear might be more at ease with this system. <BR> <BR>Paul is quite intelligent and should take advantage of today's more sophisticated technology. <BR> <BR>Also, you may want to have these people look into a computer. Webtv costs approx. $200.00 and then tack on a monthly access fee of $22.95. This can add up to the cost of a basic computer that will do twenty times what webtv can do. As far as monthly access, NetZero is free and would cost them nothing. <BR> <BR>In the end they would get a machine they can exchange pictures with friends and a whole lot more for less money. <BR> <BR>That's what I meant by my earlier comment. Sorry for the negative conotation towards more mature adults.

Sharon Jun 14th, 2001 12:40 PM

Oops, Techy Dude <BR> <BR>It looks as though I am the one that is illiterate. lol I re-read your post and I correct myself. The term was "technically illiterate" and that is a completely different defination than the word "illiterate". I apologize. <BR> <BR>But again, I would like to point out that the majority of seniors I have worked with would not be technically illiterate. I find them to be much sharper than myself. Their cash flow is very limited. <BR> <BR>I do not volunteer at one of those big, fancy retirement complexes; rather, I volunteer my time at the low income complex. There is a world of difference. <BR> <BR>Thank you, <BR> <BR>Sharon

Troll Jun 14th, 2001 12:45 PM

I think you got my point Techydude, I was just trying to say that "no" Travel Agent I have ever seen would be useing Web TV to access the Internet. In other words, I think we are dealing with a real imposter here that has done a lot of reading about travel and cruises, but is in no way a travel agent. So take his advice with a warning here folks. <BR>Troll

Sharon Jun 14th, 2001 12:46 PM

Hi Techy Dude <BR> <BR>Looks as though we were posting at the same time. But you are correct about the cost of a Webtv as opposed to the cost of a PC. I have found that the large majority of the seniors there have bought theirs "used" through the classifieds. <BR> <BR>As a matter of fact, I have been speaking to a group about the different alternatives there are now. You brought up a very good point about some great deals out there now. Some other business people and I are compiling a list of deals as I type. :o)) The biggest challenge to all of this is getting them to make the change. lol <BR> <BR>Regards, <BR> <BR>Sharon

Techydude Jun 14th, 2001 03:08 PM

Hello again Sharon. I understand that budgets with seniors are limited. Although my Mom is not in a home she is on a limited budget. I scraped together $400.00 between my siblings and I and bought my Mom a new computer. She now is not shelling out monthly fees. A lot of schools, businesses, and groups that need to upgrade their systems on a constant basis also donate their older sytems to worthwhile causes. I would put your group in the worthwhile cause category. In most cases it is also a tax write off for them (other groups). I hope this advice offers some atonement towards seniors from my earlier post. <BR> <BR>I only ride Paul's case because he seems like an intelligent man from his verbage, but is wasting his potential. <BR> <BR>If he can travel all over the world he can certainly shell out a couple hundred dollars for a computer and apply his knowledge to those who find it more worthwhile than the rest of us that don't. Thereby achieving two goals. Giving us a break. And for those who need or want his exclusive advice any avenue to reach it. Plus he could make money doing it through banner ads and various links that he could control and approve ( hint hint Paul). Paul I may be abrasive but I am by far an idiot. Those who don't take advantage of their potential can be deemed an idiot. I retired at age thirty and now travel the world.

Joe Jun 14th, 2001 08:40 PM

Techydude... <BR> <BR>Who cares about your supposed retirement...etc. You are not impressing anyone. You are dealing with many high income people who frequent this board who could have easily retired...etc, except they chose to continue working for their own self satisfaction and for the contributions they make or for whatever reason. So don't be so pompous! You are showing your true colors. You take issue with Paul and then come up with an stupid remark like that. Something about living in a glass house comes to mind. Geez!

Paul Therault Jun 15th, 2001 01:10 AM

<BR>C'mon guys ..... of course I have a computer and many e-mail addresses. <BR> <BR>I would be nuts to post them here. <BR> <BR>And a note for all the sarcastic posters. Webtv costs me $14.95 per month. It has great storage capacity for small unit. It does support a printer and you can e-mail photos. It will not accept a virus and the spam is limited. It is most convenient. <BR> <BR>So put that in your pipe and smoke it. <BR> <BR>Paul <BR>

Bob Jun 15th, 2001 03:17 AM

Very good answer sir. disregarding money, age and techofactor I just can't figue just why the heck anyone would care how another person sent/received their e-mail or got internet access (not familiar with web tv can it do that?) .

Techy Dude Jun 15th, 2001 05:18 AM

Joe being of high income I guess someone else reads for you. This last comment was in relation to Sharon. She deals with low income people. I was trying to give her some friendly advice. <BR> <BR>You also need to make your quotes in the true context of the issue. Also, why don't you come up with something original when you make a negative comment (i.e. true colors). People like you amaze me. How you function in life is beyond me. Before you open your mouth find out what the WHOLE ISSUE is. As far as impressing anyone. I'm certainly not trying to impress you. You seem to lack the intelligence to grasp the concept. <BR> <BR>In regards to webtv and Paul. The original poster is alleging that Paul is not who he says he is because he is using limited technology to post comments on this board. I believe Paul is who he says he is, and has the best intentions when he makes comments, plus his somewhat witty reparte is fun. I just don't think he is realizing his full potential. Also Paul, set up a firewall on your computer and post all you want. It can block any unwanted e mail. Thereby giving you the benefits of your computers without the hassles of a virus or unwanted spam. <BR> <BR>Webtv is limited in its access time. It still uses a 14.4 baud rate. It does not support a large amount of files i.e. gif, tif, and the like. It is sometimes impossible to scroll through info on the board, and opening certain word documents is next to nil. Also Paul. $0.00 dollars is much cheaper than $14.95 a month. <BR> <BR>Paul I hold no malevolence to you and I think you are a very well rounded and thoughtful person (not that it matters to you what I think). It just irks me when I see someone like you who can generate a whole new business and next to nothing, as opposed to people like Joe who go through life fooling no one but themselves. Rock on Paul.

Techy Dude Jun 15th, 2001 05:23 AM

last paragraph, "at next to nothing" refers to cost.

Joe Jun 15th, 2001 06:21 AM

Techydude, <BR> <BR>Obviously you mistake me for someone that gives a flying leap about your opinions. Not! <BR> <BR>When you no longer can afford your lifestyle and need to return to work, please let me know. I think I know of a village that needs someone just like you. <BR> <BR>Bye!

hello Jun 15th, 2001 07:28 AM

Joe you must or you wouldn't have replied to his comment. Or he could be right, and you don't know how to read much less interpret the basic concept.

Techy Dude Jun 15th, 2001 08:16 AM

My my you're a nasty one aren't you. With that much anger you're sure to shorten your life span. <BR> <BR>Maybe you should go on a cruise. I hear it does wonders for tension, hehe.

Kathy Jun 15th, 2001 07:41 PM

<BR>T D, <BR>I use a computer all day at my office and don't need a computer at home. I have traveled ALL over the world using WebTV. There is nothing I can't do as far as travel on Webtv. I book airline reservations, hotel rooms, tours and cruises. I "talk" to B&B's and anyone else thru out this world that can assist me in travel plans. The benefit for me is that it doesn't take up space, no office required. Money is of no concern as I will agree a computer is cheaper. I send and receive pictures and never need to use my computer at work for Internet access (for personal use). Like Paul I have several emails: my webtv email which is used for personal correspondence, Hotmail acct which is used for travel newsletters, AOL which is used for business emails and is never given out for personal use. And one more "phoney" email address to use when I think a better travel deal can be held. Using POP I can pick up others even using Webtv. I'm wondering if you aren't as literate as you think and therefore, are unaware of what each can do.

Paul Therault Jun 16th, 2001 12:13 AM

<BR>I did take a short psychology course in college and found out I am not anywhere near the most intelligent person in this world. <BR> <BR>But I did learn that people like Techny-dud does not listen to critics. He just loves to aggravate people. Thinks everyone is below his intelligence. <BR> <BR>He gets a big kick out of this. <BR> <BR>I hope he keeps his mouth shut when he visits St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. <BR> <BR>Paul

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