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chicgeek Jul 12th, 2007 09:10 AM

Just Back from Alaskan Cruise and Had a Blast Trip Report
When I searched this site for info on Alaskan cruises, I wished there were more trip reports to help me out. So I am posting mine, in the hopes it will help others. We had such a great time, so this report is one way to (selfishly) relive our experience!

We sailed on the Dawn Princess 11-day cruise out of San Francisco on June 30. We live in the Bay Area, so we just drove to the dock. I stayed with the bags, while my husband parked the car in the lot across the street.

We had sailed on the same ship out of SF twice before, so it was very familiar and convenient. Embarkation was very efficient, and we were on the boat in time to leave our things in our cabin and head for the lunch buffet. We met a very nice couple from San Mateo with whom we ended up spending a lot of time on the trip.

Our bags arrived in plenty of time to get unpacked before the muster drill. Next to us at the Muster drill was an Elvis look-alike. In fact, he was about the age that Elvis would be! He had on a huge black wig, and black mutton chops. Black turtleneck, white shirt, Levi's with cowboy belt, and cowboy boots). My husband said he must be part of the entertainment, and I said I don't think they have to sit through this drill. It turned out he was a passenger, there with his whole family, and the talk of the ship wherever he went. People-watching is such a fun part of cruising!

We met our cabin steward, gave him $20, and asked for robes and extra hangers. We headed up to the top deck at sail-away to enjoy sailing out of SF under the Golden Gate Bridge while enjoying a glass of champagne. What a beautiful sight!

We changed our clothes for dinner. First we had a cocktail at "our bar" the one near the piano, where we can listen to the music. After the first night, the waiter knows your order, room number, and everything else about you for the next time!

We had signed up for Anytime Dining, and said that we would sit with a group. We ended up at a table for 2, which was very nice. I asked our Romanian waiter what he had done that day, and he was very excited. He had gone to an Apple store that day and "actually got to hold an iPhone!!!" It was like he had held the Holy Grail!

We had a great and relaxing dinner. The food and service were wonderful. They do everything they can to make sure everyone is happy, and it boggles my mind that people still complain so much.

After dinner we went to the casino, where they had a $3 minimum night (to get you lured in.........) I played blackjack for a couple of hours with $20, and still came out with chips-----so it was fun.

Every night you get a schedule of the next day's activities, and there are many. When you get back to the cabin the bed is turned down, the draperies are drawn, the lights are dimmed, and the chocolates are on the pillow. Since it was a full moon when we sailed, we sat out on our balcony enjoying the moon and the stars. We LOVE being on the water, and seeing and hearing the wake of the ship.

Every night we ordered coffee, juice, and croissants to be delivered to us the next morning in bed. You just hand the little order form on the door with what time you want to be served. They were exactly on time every single day! And always so cheerful. Heavenly to enjoy your coffee while taking your time to shower and dress.

We usually either ate a late breakfast or an early lunch---not both. And we always had those meals in the Horizon Buffet. We like the view there, and the convenience of being able to choose our own time and food. We never had any complaints about the buffet selection----there is something for everyone, and the variety of choices is amazing.

Since it was a sea day, and it was nice and sunny, we spent most of the afternoon reading out on our balcony. We decided it was a good chance to rest up for the rest of the trip.

We had cocktails at "our bar", and dinner with 2 other couples. After dinner we went to the comedy/magic show which was fun, then we joined our new friends in the Wheelhouse Bar for dancing to a great band.

Monday we had our coffee in our room, then headed off on our tour to Butchart Gardens. We chose the Princess tour, and it was great. We traveled to the Gardens by bus, and it was a beautiful and sunny day. We had time to walk through all the gardens, then we had High English Tea in the main house. The ship's food and beverage managers were also having tea at our table, and they said that they have done this all over England and everywhere, and that this was the best High Tea anywhere. The array of little sandwiches, cakes, scones, etc was beautiful and delicious----and extremely bountiful!

We asked the bus driver if he could drop us off downtown on the way back to the ship. He was happy to do that, so we walked all over the marina and downtown area, through the Empress Hotel, past the Parliament building, etc. We took a pedicab back to the ship ($1/minute) and the guy gave us a narrated ride through the historic Victorian homes area. Even though we were only in Victoria for the afternoon, we felt we saw a lot.

Back on the ship, we popped open a bottle of champagne we had brought with us to enjoy on our balcony during the sail-away from Victoria. Beautiful! Then we dressed for dinner, and enjoyed sharing a big table. Part of the fun of a cruise is going to dinner and hearing what everyone else did in port that day. Everyone does different things, so it is fun to share experiences. (We always ask the maitre'd for a "fun table", and he usually comes through! A tip is to make friends with him, and give him a tip up front, too. I think he has to deal with a lot of demanding and cranky people, and appreciates good-natured ones.)

After dinner we went to the comedy show, then spent a little bit of time in the casino, then sat on our balcony a while before going to bed. And, of course, hanging out our coffee order for the morning!

This is enough for one post---I will continue later, moving on to another day at sea..........If anyone has any questions about this cruise, I would be happy to answer them!

jacketwatch Jul 12th, 2007 09:25 AM

Thank you for the review. I know its a long shot but do you remember the name of the Romanian waiter? We had one last yr. on the Tahitian. His name is Relu and he was a blast. Sounds like the one you had was liked minded.
"We had a great and relaxing dinner. The food and service were wonderful. They do everything they can to make sure everyone is happy, and it boggles my mind that people still complain so much."
You're not kidding!

chicgeek Jul 12th, 2007 10:19 AM

I'm sorry to say that I don't remember that waiter's name. There were very many from Romania.

The next day was at sea, and it was cooler, overcast, and some rougher seas. We are lucky, because we don't get seasick (knock on wood), but we saw many people with patches on.

I wore a nice, cozy warm-up suit on at-sea days.

We had coffee in our cabin, then had a late brunch at Horizon. After that we went to a lecture on whales and glaciers by the naturalist on board. His name is Bob Basso, and he's a VERY dynamic and entertaining speaker. We ended up going to every talk he gave---that's how much we enjoyed him.

We had a latte at the coffee bar, then went to see the movie "Stranger Than Fiction". The theater is really nice and comfortable.

We had a little time for reading in our cabin before dressing for dinner. Every night I wore some version of black pants, black top, and colorful jacket or shawl.

We had cocktails with our waiter Wut at "our bar", then had dinner. After dinner we enjoyed some of the entertainment.

The next day was the 4th of July, and we anchored in Sitka. The ship was all decorated with red, white, and blue streamers, balloons, and flags. They even had a display with watermelon carved into the Statue of Liberty, Abe Lincoln, etc.

We had an early breakfast, then tendered into Sitka.
We walked around town, which is very touristy and full of tee shirt shops. I did buy a great jacket at a place called the Fur Factory, and I absolutely love it.

We asked a local what we should do, and he recommended walking out of town to the Sitka National Park, the Totem park, the museum (which he said has the best display of Native American artifacts outside the Smithsonian), and the Raptor Rehabilitation Center.

So we did all that, except that the museum was closed for the 4th (bummer). It was an absolutely gorgeous walk through the rainforest, over a river, and to the Raptor Center. It started to rain when we were coming back, but that was fine.

We have NEVER seen so many bald eagles as we saw in Sitka. They are everywhere! On the very tops of all the trees, and even on the tops of the telephone poles in town. It was amazing. We were told that they were waiting for the salmon run to start at any minute.

When we got back into town, we asked where to have lunch. We went upstairs to this restaurant, and were seated next to the window overlooking the street. Well, we had a bird's eye view of the 4th of July parade! It was sooo cute, and VERY local color. We had the best halibut fish and chips. And I found out that I really like Alaskan Summer Ale, even though I am not a big beer drinker!

We watched our sail-away from Sitka from our balcony, and it was beautiful. Eagles everywhere!!

We changed for our cocktails and dinner, and enjoyed talking about the day's activities with others at a large table.

After dinner we went to a concert given by the string quartet on-board. They also played during cocktail time every evening, and the concert was beautiful. They were amazing musicians, and we thoroughly enjoyed the concert.

We went into our cabin about 11:00 and I opened the drapes so I could go out and see the moon and stars. Well, it was broad daylight!!! It was so shocking. Not even like dusk-----more like 3 pm!
Thank goodness the drapes on the ship are blackout, since the Alaskan summers are 18 hours of daylight!

Tomorrow Juneau............

chicgeek Jul 12th, 2007 10:46 AM

We docked at Juneau about 8 am, so had an early breakfast and headed out for our whale-watching expedition. We had booked it on-line with Orca Enterprises. We boarded a bus to take us to the boat, and the driver gave us a narrative on the way there.

The whale-watching was fun, and we did see some humpbacks---up pretty close, and surfacing, spraying, and doing the tail flip. Mostly, though, it seems that whale-watching trips are fun boat rides with pretty scenery. We enjoyed it, but didn't get the experience they always show where the whales come up next to the boat, and everyone is petting them :>) The naturalist onboard was very informative, and we had fun.

On the way back, we asked the bus driver if he could let us out at the Red Dog Saloon. He was happy to do that, and we had a great time there. The piano player has been there for 35 years, and is fantastic. We had a beer and watched the entertainment for a while. The place was jammed.

We walked back to the ship, along all the shops. There are millions of jewelry stores, and it is amazing that they all just happened to have big sales on the day we happened to be there LOL

Our kids don't need more tee shirts, so we went to the Taku store and got smoked salmon to take them. You could tell we weren't flying, because we bought 3 fillets, each in wooden boxes! They weighed a ton.

I also couldn't resist buying a denim jacket, studded with crystals. Alaska is a great place to buy jackets of all kinds. And there was plenty of polar fleece everywhere.

We decided not to change for dinner, since time was short by the time we got back on the ship. So we had a cocktail on our balcony, then had a quick bite of dinner at the Horizon Buffet.

We wanted to make it to the talk that Libby Riddles was giving at 7:15. She was the first woman to win the iditarod race, and her talk was very interesting. She writes children's books now, so she signed the ones I bought for our grandkids.

As she was describing sleeping in her sled one night in 100 degrees below zero after taking 2 hours to change out of her wet clothes inside of her bag, I kept wondering "Why???" Especially telling us cruisers about it, who are traveling in such comfort!

After that we went to Bob Basso's (Alaska Bob) talk about the Gold Rush. He really brings the history to life. I told my husband that if I had had a history prof like him in college that I would have learned something!

We sailed away at 11:30, put out our coffee order, and went to bed!

Tomorrow Skagway..............

chicgeek Jul 12th, 2007 11:53 AM

I hope this isn't getting boring, but I am going to continue our trip...........

We arrived at Skagway very early, so had breakfast, then walked into town. We had been there on a previous cruise, and had already ridden the train up White Pass.

So we decided to walk around town, and took a free walking tour that the Park Rangers offer. It was very interesting, and took about an hour.

After that, we stopped at the Red Onion Saloon for a beer. I noticed a sign in the window that said "Bordello Tours $5 for 15 minutes". I told my husband we had to do that.

That was so fun and interesting! The upstairs of the saloon all 10' x 10' "cribs". When the bordello was in operation, there were dolls made up to look like the girls who worked upstairs. When a prospector took one of the girls upstairs, the bartender put the doll on her back. There was a small hole in the corner of each crib to put the money in, and when the bartender got the money, he sat the doll up again---ready for another customer!

Went back to the ship, changed for dinner, and had another great evening on the ship. We tried to have an earlier evening, because tomorrow morning we were to enter Tracy Arm at 5 am!

chicgeek Jul 12th, 2007 12:08 PM

Continuing on, if you are still with me........

We got up at 4:15 am (which wasn't hard, since it was very light!) to be up on deck when we entered Tracy Arm. Alaska Bob was narrating the whole time, but it was very hard to hear. We were lucky to have a sunny day, even though it was very cold. We were dressed for it, though, and they were bringing around coffee with goodies to spike it with.

It was absolutely beautiful, and Bob said that we were able to get closer to the glacier than usual. We both had cameras and binoculars, and spent the whole morning viewing the scenery.

We went back to our cabin with the intention of going to breakfast, but the views from our balcony were so awesome that we stayed there for another hour. When we finally did go up to the buffet, the views were still great.

By afternoon we were back out to sea, so I went to the theater to see "Dreamgirls".

We met our new friends for cocktails and dinner, then went to the 10:15 comedy show. I thought that since everyone had been up since 5 that morning that the show would be empty. It was completely full! I think the long days of sunshine really do energize people. I never felt tired like I would have if the sun had gone down!

Tomorrow is a sea day, and I think everyone is ready to relax...........

chicgeek Jul 12th, 2007 12:26 PM

We had a slower morning and a late breakfast. It felt good to relax. We went to Alaska Bob's talk about the Alaska Pipeline. I know these talks sound like they would be boring, but NOT! They were very interesting and fun.

Speaking of boring, one night at dinner I commented that many people think that cruises are boring. Everyone laughed, because they had all been so busy. A woman across from me said, "Maybe THEY'RE boring!" We all agreed. If you can't find something to do on a cruise, it's your own fault. There is something for everyone.

We spent the rest of the afternoon checking out various activities on the ship, then went to our cabin to get ready for dinner.

It was formal night, and DH had asked the maitre'd for a table for 4 for us for dinner (the tip he gave him, helped, I"m sure...... ) We had a cocktail at "our bar" first, then an elegant and spectacular dinner. We planned to go to the late show, so that we wouldn't have to rush through dinner.

It was a very memorable dinner at a small table with our new friends. We had twin lobster tails, and it was the best lobster I have ever had. For dessert, I couldn't decided between the Cherries Jubilee made tableside, or the Grand Marnier souffle. So the waiter brought me both! I lapped them both up, unashamedly.........

After dinner we went to the comedy show, which topped off the evening with a lot of laughs. It was a great day!

Tomorrow is the last day on the ship, and everyone is starting to feel a little sad about that.............

chicgeek Jul 12th, 2007 12:45 PM

Well, today is the last day of a great cruise. We had our coffee in our room, then went to hear Alaska Bob talk about "Alaska's Colorful Heroes, Fakes, and Fruitcakes". He is always so entertaining.

After that we went to our cabin to pack (YUCK!) Then I went to see the musical production "Piano Man", featuring all ELton John music. It was very good, and I enjoyed it. DH played in the casino----he takes along a certain amount of money he is willing to play with, and has fun. I can't believe, however, how many people are putting their losses on their credit cards! What a terrible shock when they get home!

That night we had our final cocktail at "our bar", and dinner with our friends at a large table. Everyone had had a great trip, and it was fun sharing stories.

We went to the late show (more comedy), then finally to bed. No one wanted the trip to end..............

The next morning we got up, had breakfast, then disembarked. We were home by noon, after hitting Safeway on the way home.

About 3:00 my husband asked me when the buffet was. I told him to open the fridge and it was in there. Pick out whatever you want. Later I asked him how it was, and he said that the selection basically sucked. There was nothing hot, and no desserts.

That night we each had a big bowl of cereal for dinner. My poor DH is definitely going through withdrawal.........

I always save all the chocolates they put on our pillows at night, and put them in a candy dish on my husband's dresser when we get home. Hey, at least it's something :>)

The good news is that neither one of us gained weight. I think that is because we were very active, walking a lot in ports especially. And we usually ate either breakfast or lunch, not both, and we never hit the ship's tea or midnight buffet. We talked to people who did all of the above. I can't imagine the shock of getting on the scales after that!

We had a great time. We saw beautiful sights, made new friends, were waited on hand and foot, ate great food, and had a ball. If anyone has any questions about the cruise, I would be happy to answer them. Ciao

jacketwatch Jul 12th, 2007 03:31 PM

Great report! I had fun reading it and one can just feel you enthusiasm. BTW did you sense anything Russian in nature in Sitka? I read that it was originally settled by Russians? Cheers, Larry :-)

chicgeek Jul 12th, 2007 03:46 PM

Thank you, Larry! Yes, the Russian influence in Sitka is huge. It was the first permanent Russian settlement in North America---until the US purchased Alaska in 1867.

We hadn't been to Sitka before, and it is very beautiful. Lots of small islands. And so many eagles everywhere!

jacketwatch Jul 13th, 2007 02:39 AM

Thank you. :-)

GrammaKel Jul 13th, 2007 03:11 PM

I really enjoyed your report...lots of useful info, re: the ports We're going on almost the same itinerary in August.
You have a great attitude, It's no wonder you had a blast!

chicgeek Jul 13th, 2007 03:39 PM

Thank you grammakel, I was hoping that this report would be helpful to others.

What cruise line are you going on? And what ports? We had been on an Alaskan cruise a few years ago, and did quite a few excursions on that trip. We did Glacier Bay (which was awesome!), the helicopter to the top of a glacier, the White Pass train in Skagway, but my very favorite was the floatplane through the Misty Fiords when we were in Ketchikan. That is the one I would have done again, but we didn't dock in Ketchikan this time.

I know you will have a ball. Alaska is beautiful. I forgot to mention that the best tip I have for packing is to take layers. And don't forget that you will probably buy a jacket or sweatshirt in one of the ports :>

jacketwatch Jul 13th, 2007 03:50 PM

Also a pair of binoculars helps too, esp. for all that scenery.

chicgeek Jul 13th, 2007 04:13 PM

Absolutely right, jacketwatch----we took two pairs so we could both watch for wildlife.

Lordy Jul 14th, 2007 04:15 AM

Hi chicgeek,
enjoyed reading your post. It brought back great memories of our first cruise ever, which was to Alaska.
We are from Australia, so it was a long trip but worth it!

hopingtotravel Jul 14th, 2007 10:00 AM

Glad you had a good time in our wonderful state -- and decent weather.

Sometime you should try a cruise that goes all the way to Seward, then take the train or bus or car to Denali Park--no guarantees the mountain will be visible of course.

chicgeek Jul 14th, 2007 10:25 AM

Oh, we would love to do that. The Travel Channel had nonstop specials on Alaska after we got home, and I have tivoed them all. The train ride looks spectacular!

GrammaKel Jul 16th, 2007 10:20 AM

We're sailing with HAL on the Amsterdam. Stopping in Juneau, sailing Glacier Bay,then stopping in Sitka (which I'm looking forward to most of all!) Ketchikan, and Victoria.

We don't have any excursions booked yet, (my husband does want to make sure he gets a fishing trip in,) but it took me 20 years to convince him to take a cruise, I don't want to push too hard! When we go anywhere, it's really hard to get him out of the car or the hotel room to go see things. I was thinking a cruise would be an easier way for both of us to see the sights?

I'm sure I'll have no problem getting him pick up a few sweatshirts, as he 'collects' them from vacations.

Thanks for your review, and the tips. Really looking forward to Alaska!

mikesmom Jul 27th, 2007 11:19 AM

Thank you for a great report.

Sounds like you had a wonderful trip!

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