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imf54 Aug 25th, 2014 11:40 AM

How to pack for South America/Antractica cruise
We are sailing on the Zaandam November 10th from Buenos Aires - going around the Horn and finally docking at Valparasio 2 weeks later. We'll have a few days in BA first where it will be quite warm, but as we go further south it is likely to be wet and cold. I'm confused as to what/how to pack, given the weight restrictions on flights these days, and being mindful of things like formal nights. Any tips would be greatly appreicated.

someotherguy Aug 28th, 2014 08:15 AM

I've done this trip twice, once from Buenos Aires via the Antarctic over Christmas, and once just around the Horn but in the other direction and a couple of weeks earlier. On both occasions I used only carryons: a 21 inch rollaboard plus a small backpack.

It will be desperately hot and humid in Buenos Aires, but Valparaiso and Santiago are pleasant (like LA compared to Atlanta, say). Further south, it can get very windy and, if you are unlucky, rainy, so you need a Goretex-type outer layer. In the Antarctic, if it's nice enough to be outside, it will be cold but not extreme (it is their high summer, after all). I found a woolly hat, thin gloves and an insulating liner under the windproof outer were perfectly OK.

The threshold for formal nights is pretty low: a jacket and tie and dark pants and shoes (doesn't have to be a suit) for men, and the equivalent for women. This is a good trip. Enjoy it.

Eschew Aug 30th, 2014 09:34 AM

The weather on this trip ranges from hot to windy and very cool. Layers would be my advise. Make sure you have a waterproof wind breaker, and bring a light sweater for good measure.

happytourist Aug 30th, 2014 05:16 PM

We did this also and I expected colder weather in Antarctica so overpacked the heavy stuff. Just do the usual layers under a windbreaker and I think it will be enough.

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