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rockingal Dec 8th, 2004 01:08 PM

Do you have continuous rocking after a cruise? Help and Info
There is a rare syndrome that is becoming more common as cruising increases. A person takes month or year to get their "sea legs" back after a cruise, boat ride, or even an airplane trip. Many of us have had this syndrome for years after taking a cruise. If you feel a rocking, swaying, or bobbing motion, imbalance, fatigue and have difficulty concentrating every day, all day, you probably have this. For a select few after being on a boat, plane or in car this feeling gets longer every time. We are not crazy or making this up it is a documented vestibular syndrome. It is generally thought to be an inability of
the brain to re-adjust to land.

This is called Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDs). If you need information email me or contact or type in Mal de Debarquement into Google. A lot of people feel like they are going crazy when the rocking doesn't stop for weeks or months and this actual effects your ability to think and speak for most people, in some degree. We are trying to increase awareness of this syndrome and let people know what they have. I have had this for over two years after a cruise. I have had other shorter episodes after boat rides and cruises.

It is true that other types of vertigo are similar to this syndrome, but many doctors have never heard of this. Most of the people in our support group (yahoo) self-diagnosed and had to print out Medical articles (Dr. Timothy Hain) to take to our own doctors. I am just trying to get the word out that there is such a syndrome for the people who are struggling with this. I had this after my first cruise for 1.5 years; it went away in one day. I went on a 2nd cruise 6 months later and now have had it 24/7, for 2 years and 4 months, not fun. We have over 100 people in our support group and some have had it over 14 years. They cannot work or function normally. Some drugs are helpful for different people. But it helps to get ideas on treatments and coping skills.

Here's some web sites:

We have a great support group on Yahoo:
Good luck to all that have this.

Patty Dec 9th, 2004 11:59 AM

I've felt rocking for a day or two after a cruise sometimes. I can't imagine feeling like that for years! Hope you find a treatment that helps.

mscarls Dec 9th, 2004 02:17 PM

I also had it after an Alaskan cruise, but only for short periods of time, and ending gradually after about two weeks.

LLindaC Dec 9th, 2004 09:27 PM

Thank you for all your work on this subject. I have major motion problems...I can't run on a treadmill while ship is sailing! Still get sick on road trips reading maps. Cruises don't make me sick, but I am dizzy for weeks. The effects last a few weeks.I get very dizzy after flights and cruises. I don't know if it's linked, but my mom also suffers from periodic vertigo.

rockingal Dec 10th, 2004 09:12 AM

Thanks,LLindaC - Here's a few ideas. A lot of people who are prone to long bouts of rocking and are now in remission take a drug called Klonopin before, during and after travel, also plan to make your flight less stressful. My Dr. recommends this and many of us take this drug or others, in order to reduce the symptoms of rocking and brain fog and make everyday living much easier. There are web sites that address treatments -Dr. Hain's for example. But I wish I had know about this before I went on a cruise, as I had many shorter (2 weeks to a month episodes after short boat rides.) Check it out. Also many people, myself included have really increased our exercise levels and we think that that helps.

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