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Songdoc Sep 23rd, 2005 09:56 AM

Crazy Swimming with Dolphins Question
I did a dolphin "encounter" (not a swim) many years ago and the deal was that the dolphins came to you because you held out a big dead fish. Well, I was planning on taking a friend swimming with dolphins in Cozumel and I mentioned this. She's sort of phobic about fish (especially dead ones) and doesn't want to do it if there are any fish involved (dead or alive).

Can anyone answer tell me if you feed the dolphins or if there are lots of fish in the water? (I think little pretty ones might be okay :)

SUNSHINE1223 Sep 24th, 2005 03:27 AM

I would research the place where you want to take her and ask. I went to the one in the bahamas and I did the encounter one where you really were not in the water. I remember giving the dolphin something it might have been a fish. My sister and niece did the part where you are in the water and they did the dolphin push and other things differently from what I did. they were fully engulfed in the water. They might have given fish. The fish are really tiny and not big ones at all. If the fish was the length of my hand that was pushing it.

Again just notify the place and they will help you

Songdoc Sep 24th, 2005 07:05 AM

Sunshine, thanks for your response. I probably did the same one as you in the Bahamas. FYI, in this instance, a fish "the size of your hand" would be totally unacceptable. We're talking serious phobia.

bonniejns Sep 24th, 2005 08:32 AM

Go to Chankanaub, a national park, in Cozumel. Haven't been there for a yaer so so but it was a $10 cab ride & $10 @ to get in. You can watch the dolphim encounter and the swim with the dolphins. And, you can go to sort of the back of the big beach and see beautiful fish in the clear water there. When I have left over bread or rolls I brake it up and feed these fish. Think I remeber a few of these 'platforms'. You are standing above them so your friend should have no problems. Most fish are little and pretty.

triathlete Sep 26th, 2005 01:59 PM


When I did the dolphin swim in the Bahamas, we were in the water with the dolphins. They then went through a series of bahaviors, only one of which involved a fish. (You were given a very small fish, you gave it to the dolphin, it swam away then give it back to you, then you fed it to the dolphin). This was only one of five or six things the dolphins did (give you a "kiss", let you rub their belly, jump over you, etc.) so if your friend wanted to skip it, she wouldn't miss much.

The best thing was the "foot push". You floated on your stomach and arched your back. Two dolphins swam up--one on each foot and pushed--so you hydroplaned across the lagoon at dolphin speed--unforgettable.

Anyway, the may well do things differently in Chanknaab, but I think you should drag your friend along despite her phobia. I think she'll be glad she went.

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