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Lili May 22nd, 2001 09:53 AM

Your favorite site or experience in St. Lucia
My husband and I are going to St. Lucia in June in search of true relaxation. We chose the Jalousie Hilton b/c it seems to be away from everything and looks beautiful. We would appreciate any tips on any truly special sites others may have visited. We would also love info on good restaurants (Dasheen I know is wonderful, any others?). Your advice on how to take it easy, but make the most out of our trip would be truly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Larry May 22nd, 2001 11:53 AM

The day sail to the Pitons and the "drive thru volcano" is a must do. The catamaran sails down the coast and the view of the Pitons is incredible. You are then loaded onto buses for a trip to the volcano- which is really a bubbling sulpher pit, but interesting none the less.Lunch is provided, buffett style at a hilltop restaurant with a nice view of the Pitons.I think a stop at the botanical gardens is also on the agenda with a photo op at Diamond Falls waterfall.All in all it takes in quite a lot of St. Lucia's beauty.It seems like a lot but there is plenty of time to relax on the deck of the ship. Also on Friday evening there is a "jump up" in Gros Islet with music and dancing in the streets until the wee hours. We stayed at Sandals so I can't help with dining suggestions.Please e-mail if you need more info.

Vicky May 22nd, 2001 12:44 PM

Just wanted to agree with Larry. We took the same trip to the volcano and gardens and it was the best part of our trip--beautiful, relaxing, and interesting.

Kim May 22nd, 2001 02:04 PM

We also took the same trip Larry and Vicky took but our best experience was renting a taxi for the day with 2 other couples let the resort at 9:45 am and did not return till 7:00 was $30 per couple well worth the cost. We stopped at various sights and villages to shop and sightsee. Took lots of pictures and had a wonderful day. Simon was our driver very knowledgable of the island knew where all the good stops were.

Kay May 23rd, 2001 03:56 AM

Lili: <BR> <BR>Instead of doing the catamaran trip we did that same trip on a tall masted sailing ship "Brig Unicorn" the same ship used int eh mini searies "Roots". It was wonderful being on a tall masted sailing ship sailing along the coast of St. Lucia. <BR> <BR>Keep in mind you are staying in the south and will have to travel to the north part of the island to do either of the sailing trips then go all the way back north to cme back soth to your hotel. You might want to just rent a taxi for the day like suggested above to see all the sights in the south part of the island. To see the island by sea just rent a water taxi to take you out so you can see the Pitons by water. <BR> <BR>I have great pictures of St. Lucia and the Hilton on my web site as well as my full trip report. E-mail me if you want the address.

Lili May 23rd, 2001 01:01 PM

Thank you all. These are great tips! We hadn't thought of the Catamaran trip, nor the day long taxi-tour. Good to know also that our southern location might make it difficult to take advantage of some of the more well known activities and that we should therefore plan a little more carefully. <BR> <BR>Can anyone recommend any good restaurants around town? Also, is the Friday night jump-up as fun as it's billed up to be? I heard mixed reviews... <BR> <BR>Thanks again for your input!

addie May 31st, 2001 01:30 PM

Just ot back from Jalousie and loved it. Definitely have dinner at Dasheen - you won' regret it. Plan on about $40 for the cab roundtrip. <BR> <BR>Cab from the airport/hotel is $90 each way ($80 if not air conditioned). <BR> <BR>We took the half-day excursion called the "Soufreiere Experience" and it was really enjoyable - you visit the sulphur springs and mineral bath, diamond falls and botanicl garden, and then a bit of time in Soufriere. There's not much to see - it' a very poor fishing village. Mostly you'll want to just relax at the resort. Also, for the guides at both the sulpher springs and again at the gardens, plan to tip about $20 - they live by gratuity only. <BR> <BR>I didn't see anyplace in Soufriere I'd want to eat at, not to mention you'll pay a lot just for the cab ride. <BR> <BR>But the restaurants at Jalousie are pretty good. Not 5 star like Dasheen, but 4-star at least. <BR> <BR>It's very secluded - total relaxation. Breathtaking views. You'll love it! <BR> <BR>Take a water taxi over to Anse Chanstanet for snorkeling (I advise entering from thebeach rather than he dock where they drop you off. My husband cut his hand on the big coral rock jumping in.) <BR> <BR>The black sand is neat to see, and the boat ride ($40 round trip) was fun.

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