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sgweiss2 Dec 16th, 2005 10:11 AM

What to see in Aruba with three young children this Jan.
Staying at the Hyatt with our kids ages 7-5-and almost 2. Suggestions please of some child friendly restaurants and places of interest to see while we are there? Beach and pool are wonderful but only wish to spend half of a day there. Are the child care or camp facilities decent? Not comfortable going off grounds with our children at a kiddy program.Would be interested in hearing from any Fodorites who have been to Aruba and/or who have stayed at the Hyatt with young children.

sgweiss2 Dec 16th, 2005 02:05 PM

PLEASE Can not believe that no one travels with kids but us. Someone surely has had some experience in Aruba dining (perhaps that is not the correct word when you travel with kids) at restaurants they could suggest. Our children are exposed to NY restaurants and are relatively behaved at informal places. Also VERY interested in the camp program at the Hyatt. Any input is welcome PLEASE

mah1980 Dec 16th, 2005 02:58 PM

there have been tons of threads about aruba restaurants. that being said, aruba is not the most popular destination choice amongst many fodors due to its commercialization.

jacketwatch Dec 16th, 2005 03:48 PM

OTOH Aruba is also quite popular for many other Fodorites as well. You will find, I think that the pros outweigh the cons. As for restaurants the two I can recall are Tony Romas and I think there is a Pizza Hut. Bon Dia, Larry :-)

sgweiss2 Dec 16th, 2005 05:10 PM

mah1980---We realize the fact that Aruba is highly commercialized. My wife is pregnant and we felt this was a reasonably safe choice because of the very feature that it is that way. Believe me we looked into Nevis and many other places and decided this was the best choice for us if we wanted to leave the USA

jacketwatch -- Thanks for comning through. I am sure there are plenty of people who do go to Aruba and I am equally sure that some of them choose the Hyatt.Hopefully we will still get some info on the childrens programs there.When you said Pizza Hut was there while obviosly not what we prefer, I now know there are commercial places available if we need to use them. Hopefully in a few years we will be reporting about our trips to Costa RIca and Virgin Gorda. SEEN many beautiful remote islands prior to our family.Right now this is best for us. Also thans

jacketwatch Dec 17th, 2005 04:19 AM

You're welcome sir. What you asked for was restaurant choices and not a critique of your destination selection. I was thinking PH for the kids. Personally I really liked Aruba. Have a nice trip. BTW "bon dia" is the Aruban version, in their dialect called Papiemento for "good day" You will hear that often. Cheers, Larry :-)

girlonthego Dec 17th, 2005 06:01 AM

Aruba is a great destination for families. We went two years ago with another family and we all stayed at the Marriott. Our kids all ranged from 8 to 11 at the time. We did beach and watersports at the time because our kids were old enough. So, I can't recommend specific things to you. Restaurants are child friendly and we took our kids everywhere. El Gauchos is a great steak place in the town. Go to . It is a website where people can ask questions about Aruba. I got most of my info there for our trip. You may get more help with your question about kid friendly things to do. Aruba is very casual. The Hyatt is a gorgeous hotel. (We had drink there one night on our way to the Texas D Brazil place across the way from the Hyatt). You will have a great time.

KVR Dec 17th, 2005 07:27 AM

We are planning our first trip to Aruba in Sept. 06. Have been to many other Islands. We decided on the Holiday Inn. I've researched many things to do including jeep tours, snorkeling, shopping, catamaran cruises, restuarnts, etc. However, we don't have children.

I also purchased Frommer's pocket guide to Aruba at my local book store and found it quite helpful. The book does have heads-up info regarding families/children.

MuyLinda Dec 17th, 2005 12:21 PM

Hi sgweiss2 - we've been taking our daughter to Aruba since 1994 and it's still her favorite vacation spot out of everywhere else we've traveled. Maybe because it is "commercialized"? Who knows - who cares - we've had great family vacations there and that makes me happy. A nice Italian restaurant that has mini golf and a game room is Alfredo's. Actually any restaurant we've eaten at in Aruba will cater to your children. As for places of interest, a ride around the island is fun for all and any of the snorkeling day or 1/2 day trips are fun. Can't comment on the children's clubs; we've never used one when vacationing so hopefully someone else can offer tips in that area. Take care.

sgweiss2 Dec 17th, 2005 06:15 PM

jacketwatch--- Felt bad that you took my meaning the wrong way. Actually meant it when I said I was thankful to you for your post. Good to know there is a PH around and better to hear that you and apparently many others enjoy the island. We are truly looking forward to our visit. I was upset with the prior post mentioning the "commercial" aspect and how so many Fodorites did not care for the isle.

Thank you all for helping us. Feeling much better Girlonthego--We will look into the steakhouse you mentioned and we will check out the website for Aruba. Much Thanks

KVR__Starting to read THIS TRIP IS VERY LAST MINUTE but sometimes those are the best ones

MuyLinda-- I am with you If we enjoy ourselves that is all that matters not what anyone else thinks. Happy to be in a position to take a
beautigul trip with my family--that is what counts.

Carola22 Dec 18th, 2005 05:58 AM

I think nobody recommended the butterfly farm on Aruba? When we were there there was also a white tiger in a cage at the shopping center in Oranjestad - might be interesting for kids (but we felt sorry for it!).

jacketwatch Dec 18th, 2005 06:28 AM

Sgweiss: No sweat amigo. Thank you for being considerate. All is well. :-) As they say in Aruba, bon dia!
Mah1980: While the commercial aspect of Aruba may discourage you and others from going there do realize there are many who are not bothered by this at all. Actually according to a readers poll of Carib. Travel and Life mag. two yrs. ago Aruba was voted to be the best destination AND have the friendliest people so you see many view Aruba in a different light. To each their own. Personally if a Fodorite is enthused about a destination I may not like then its best to leave it alone I think. No offense intended. JM2C. Cheers, Larry :-)

KVR Dec 18th, 2005 06:53 AM

I have to agree with 'jacketwatch'. We picked Aruba, after going to several other destinations, due to it's commercialism, many resturants, casinos and other active things to do along with supposably great beaches. One of our favorite destinations is Las Vegas and I've read several comments that Aruba is like Las Vegas in the Caribbean. So we are looking forward to that.

As for scenery, we live in West Texas. We have lots of cactus, mesquite trees, open areas and dust/wind storms. Hardly any rain, so that doesn't bother us either.

Actually, destinations that are remote with small, quite out of the way hotels or villas turns us off. We can't just sit still on a beach for an entire vacation. We want to explore the Island, see everything about it and enjoy being active. As an example, many people rave about St. John, USVI. We were not impressed. It was not the type of vacation we were wanting. Again, to each there own.

jacketwatch Dec 18th, 2005 07:23 AM

KVR; I agree. I'd hoist a Shiners to ya if I had one LOL! Larry

MuyLinda Dec 18th, 2005 07:48 AM

Good suggestion on the butterfly farm, Carola. We've never been but others have gone and think it's a great place to take the kids. Forgot to mention snorkeling at Baby Beach is great with kids. The water is usually pretty calm and you don't have to go out very far to see fish. Sadly the tiger you saw, Tessa the Tiger, has passed away.

jacketwatch Dec 18th, 2005 08:28 AM

Thats too bad. We saw that tiger as well.

ONZGO Dec 18th, 2005 01:38 PM

Thankfully Tessa the tiger is no longer being abused, because she died. She was abused by her owner for his profit and was forced to pose with people to have their pictures taken with her. Her cage was too small for a animal her size and she never got the exercise she need, nor the proper care for an exotic endangered animal and she was in the sun all day and she suffered badly and was very thin and in bad pain at the end, but still her owner forced her to pose for pictures for those who would pay for it right up till she died. :'(

Apparently Tessa's owner owed money and he tried to slip out out the country, but got caught. :-d

MuyLinda Dec 18th, 2005 04:10 PM

Yes, unfortunately the owner of Tessa appears to be an unsavory character but the other side of the story is that many Aruban's got together and donated over $10,000 to get Tessa off the island and to a hospital in Atlanta for treatment. Unfortunately she passed away before she could be sent there.
:0( I'm not a fan of any animal wild animal being held in captivity and I applaud the Arubans for their effort to right a wrong on behalf of this tiger.

christiegr Dec 19th, 2005 05:01 AM

I remember passing the tiger while in Aruba.That is so sad that it died.I am not a fan of animals being kept in captivity either.:(

hsmbusymom Dec 29th, 2005 04:21 AM

Try asking your question at this forum: You will get a lot of info there.

jazmine24 Jan 22nd, 2006 07:48 AM

DOn't know if you left yet w/your 3 children, but there is a Tomato Charlies across from the Hyatt on Palm's great pizza......seating outdoors.......can't go wrong taking your kids there.

cougrz007 Jan 22nd, 2006 09:30 PM

One place they might like, that is pretty close to the resort area, is the Buccaneer. It's kind of cheesy, but a seafood/steak place that feels like a ship inside (think dark, wooden, etc.). It has aquariums running along the entire walls, so your table is next to an aquarium. Kids would probably like that.

Delandry Jan 24th, 2006 04:27 PM

You should DEFINITELY visit Baby Beach at the other end of island. It is perfect for the young kids!!

As far as restaurants, we went to a restaurant in Oranjestad called Cuba's Cooking. It was good food and there was entertainment after 7pm. My 4 year old danced with one of the local girls there and had so much fun! It also kept my 1 year old's attention for a while. You might also want to check out a place on the Costa Linda resort called Pizza Bob's. He got the recipe for his pizza from a great restaurant in the Chicago suburbs...and it was a pretty good replica. Nice outdoor settings as well.

In addition....we had to visit the ER while we were there...had a child with an ear infection. WONDERFUL treatment and super cost effective (only $42 for the visit)! You should feel good about your wife being pregnant while you are there!

Hope this helps...feel free to ask me any questions about Aruba and young children!

Have fun!

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