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vinceygirl Dec 19th, 2005 05:09 PM

Trip Report 11/30 - 12/12/2005
This is the first time I've done this so please bear with me.
I must give a bit of history leading up to my departure from PIT.
I booked my Windjammer cruise on the Yankee Clipper for Dec 5. I always spend a few days In SVG with a longtime friend who I met 14 yrs ago on my first WJ aboard the Polynesia. He was worked as part of the crew. Over the yrs his family has adopted me and vice versa. This visit was to be different from all the others. When I called to let him know I was coming for a visit I found out my friend was having some major health issues. To make a long story short between Sept and Dec my friend had surgery and was diagnosed with terminal esophageal cancer. Needless to say my nursing background in home health and hospice played a big part in this trip. I shipped vitamins, nutritional supplements, just about anything I thought would help prior to my leaving.

11/30 My flight takes off from PIT, connects in Charlotte and onto Barbados. Those of you who travel thru the airport there know what a pain it is due to construction. Believe it or not it wasn't to bad. Arriving on a week day the flight schedule and passenger arrivals were minimal. No problems with immigration or customs since I was "in transit". Checked in with LIAT and awaited the call to board my connection to SVG.
The flight was fine. My friend usually meets me at the airport and of course I stayed in complete denial hoping he would be there. Ardon always pokes his head thru the door searching for me everytime the security officer opens it for another passenger. Reality set in real quick when that didn't happen. Lucky for me my seat mate was an American who had been lived in Bequia. He was staying on St.V overnight and happened to be going in the same direction so I took him up on his offer of a ride. Crazy yes but any of you who truly spend time on the island outside of a resort would understand why this was the most logical thing for me to do.

I arrived at Tranquillity and was taken to my room.The room had been newly updated in anticipation of my arrival. You see I have been going to this hotel since 1992 and the owners also treat me as family. Tranquillity is small and barebone basics. A true one room efficiency apartment with stove, fridge, sofa, table and chairs double bed and private bath. Neat and clean. The view of the Caribbean is to die for. Every room has a porch overlooking the sea. No air conditioners here. A fan on low and louvered windows kept me quite comfortable as the chirping of the tree frogs and sound of the waves put me to sleep. I contacted my friend to let him know I reach safely, spoke with Lucille the owner for a bit and then bedtime. I slept like a baby.

12/1/05 The phone in the office rings. What time am I coming to visit. I haven't taken the trek up the hill to visit since 1998. I'm not the most atheletic person so usually everyone comes to visit me at the hotel or we go out. This time was different. I knew I had to be the one to go and them. Here's the scenario... Down the hill from the hotel about 3 blocks or a bit more on level ground then up the hill to the main road to catch a bus. With some huffing and puffing I make to the top. Boy have I been spoiled the past few visits. I hop the minivan and off I go. It's about a 15-20 minute ride. I remember which stop to get off and then I look around because someone was to meet me. No one's there yet and I know I have to climb the hill to their house but where to start. I thought one of the men at the busstop might have been a brother of my friends so I asked but he wasn't . Didn't matter he knew where I was headed so he stopped traffic for me at the bottom fo Sion Hill so I could cross the road and start my ascent.Up 2 but steep hills and then thankfully some level street. There is a corner minimart/bar you know the usual with men sitting around playing dominoes and drinking some rum.I ask if I'm headed in the right direction and yes I am just keep on going up the hill. At the end of the level part of the road the road forks, again I must ask direction. A nice young woman and her son are kind enought to tell me bear to the right, straight up to where the paved road ends and then climb the steps. The grade was more than 45 degree angle and not quite 90. I made it. Now I'm really huffing and puffing plus I'm carrying a large package with some medical supplies. I start up the steps and then # 1 son appears. We hug and discuss his father's status. I shed a few tears,compose myself and then hit the goat path literally. I walked in and couldn't believe the man I saw was the same person I've known all these years. The cancer has taken it's ugly toll. We talked for a bit and then I commenced into doing what I do best. I began teaching them how to care for him. His wife is the absolute best and I love her too. If anyone ever needed a picture of what "one love" is then this is it. We all laughed and cried and had one goal... to help each other thru this tough time. I played with the grandchildren, we listened to music, talked politics and relaxed. Bittersweet yet so wonderful. I stayed until almost dark and then #1 son escorted me all the way back to Tranquillity. Lucille had dinner waiting for me. She mothered me the entire stay. I am so blessed to have friends like this.
This was my routine for the next 3 days. Didn't make it to the beach but briefly one evening and watched the sun set. Breathtaking as the crescent moon and one very large star appeared. Thank you Lord for giving me ths opportunity. Stars at night are endless. At time sthe clouds would roll in then a pretty good downpour and then stars again.
Yes I worked during my visit doing the same job I do everyday here at home. What a wonderful experience. I will cherish it forever.

Sunday early am I went to see them before I left for Grenada and onto my cruise. I left SVG around 6:30p on LIAT and arrived in Grenada to flooded streets and a downpour in which you could hardly see 10 feet in front of you. Mandoo was waiting. A true professional in his job. If you ever need taxi service or a tour while in Grenada he is the man to call. I was quite impressed with him. I had no way to contact to tell him I would be late and he waited well over an hour for me. I made it to the dock and Lynn my friend from home was aboard and enjoying her rum swizzle. It was nice to see familiar faces in the crew from my trip last year. The best part though is being remembered by name. Hugs and kisses exchanged and then onto making some new aquaintences. Buffet dinner in a word excellent. It is amazing what that small galley turns out. Shrimp curry, rice, salad and dressing homemade bread, beef tips Ic can't even remember what all was there but one thing i do remember is it was GOOOD!!!
Listened to some music had a few drinks then off to bed for me. I fell asleep almost instantly.

12/5/05 The Carenage. What a maze to transverse thru all the containers on the dock and vehicles and large trucks coming and going. A true working seaport. Lots of reconstruction going on. St. George is making a comeback from Ivan. We checked out the shopping, bought a few odds and ends then onto a small bar at the end of the Carenage where they have the absolute best Pina Coladas. A couple from on the ship Cheryl and Jack joined us and Cheryl agreed with me that these were the best Pina Coladas she had ever had. Back to the ship for lunch and then sailing. We are headed to Bequia. Safety drill session and off we go. The sailing was tremendous. The white sails and strains of Amazing Grace as we glide across the water. I'm speechless everytime.

12/6/05 Bequia Mac's lobster pizza and a walk around town. I didn't take any tours felt like being a bit lazy and had done the island tour last year. I highly recommend it though. The Turtle sanctuary and Spring Pottery should not be missed if you have never been to Bequia in the past. This is one of my favorite islands just enough attractions if you want to be a tourist but very low key. My idea of a vacation. I stayed on board for dinner and visited with other passengers. This trip was quiet and I wasn't complaining. Just what the doctor ordered. I'll continue the rest tomorrow.

owa Dec 20th, 2005 02:52 AM

Well vinceygirl, you started my day with tears. I had my cup of coffee in hand when I saw your name and knew you were going to report on one of my favorite regions. I volunteer two days a week at a local cancer center and I was just going to scan the forum before I started getting myself together. I am always amazed at the courage of my cancer patients, and am blessed to be part of their lives. And thankful. I'm like you when I get to the Caribbean--I feel so lucky to be able to travel to such a beautiful part of the world. We have such fond memories of SVG and Bequia.

You are blessed to have good friends, but they are equally blessed to have you.

Merry Christmas and thanks for sharing your trip. Owa

faithie Dec 20th, 2005 03:18 AM

Wow ...... Thank You very much for posting . Faith .

ajax_1 Dec 20th, 2005 04:27 AM

Thanks vinceygirl, for your first passage. It was a great and humbling read this morning.

jlillberto Dec 20th, 2005 04:49 AM


Thanks for your excellent and touching report. I'm looking forward to the rest.

I've traveled many times on the Poly over the past 15 years and as much as I try to rack my brain (what's left of it!), I can't remember Ardon. Did he use a nickname that I might remember? I know Alan was from St. Vincents and Sam from the Fantome. And many others that don't come to mind right away.


vinceygirl Dec 20th, 2005 05:41 AM

Ardon worked on the Poly I believe from 1989 or 1990 -Dec of 1991. I met him in July 1991. He was happy go lucky and always singing. To my eyes he had some resemblence to Philip Michael Thomas from Miami Vice only a bit taller and broader across the shoulders. When he resigned in '91 he went home and started a fishing business. I remember Alan well, in fact Ardon and I took a drive up the Leeward coast last year and stopped to see him. I think he lives in Barroulie. Ardon wanted to surprise him to see the look on his face when he saw me. Instant smile and recognition. We stayed awhile and talked with he and his wife. Alan has lost a good bit of weight since leaving the Poly but then again it has been a number of yrs since I saw him.

curiousx Dec 20th, 2005 08:39 AM

Thanks for the report vinceygirl. It's very sad about your friend, and wonderful that the family is sharing this time with you.

ejcrowe Dec 20th, 2005 08:50 AM

Thank you for sharing this immensely personal trip report, vinceygirl. You and your friend and his family will be in my thoughts.

joan Dec 20th, 2005 10:45 AM

I too have tears in my eyes from reading your report. Thank you very much. Looking forward to the rest.

vinceygirl Dec 20th, 2005 06:18 PM

Thank you all for your kind comments but most of all your prayers and thoughts for this family during a difficult time. May God bless you all.

12/7/05 Wednesday was a beautiful morning. It started out a tad cloudy but soon the sun was shining. We were headed to Tobago Cays but we saw one of the large sailing ships Star Clipper I believe headed in the same direction. WJ's prefer to avoid large crowds if at all possible. We like having the Cays to ourselves. Capt. Julian gave us the option of a beach day anyways or one of sailing since the weather was perfect. Our crowd voted for the sail. We started off with a beautiful blue sky and fluffy white clouds only to turn gray and windy. The swells grew large and we were really rolling, FANTASTIC ! Then it started to not just rain but absolutely pour. I was top deck and had only found my comfortable niche when the weather turned. Fascinating. The swells became larger and the rain pounded hard yet I couldn't bring myself to get up and go below. People were scurrying every which way to stay dry. I sat mesmerized watching the sea go from beautiful clear aqua to angry angry gray. The crew working together sailing the ship, everything in tandem, such exquisite team work.
I sat out in the open and watched everything. The rain pelted and stung me leaving my skin red. Such exhileration and energy. Now you'll probably think I'm crazy but this storm was truly one of the highlights of my trip. The power of the sea is awesome. It's not often a person gets to see it up close and so personal.We then dropped anchor off Mayreau and the weather began to clear. Some passengers made their way onto the island. I caught some rays top deck and again relaxed. Usually I'm ready to go at the drop of a hat. This trip was a change of pace for me. Guess my body and mind were trying to tell me something. The evening was quiet some went ashore for the "Cultural Tour" the rest of us chose to stay aboard and talk, play cards or sit quietly. And again yet again more rain.

12/8/05 Beach day Tobago Cays. Some of the best snorkeling around. The current was strong so some found it a bit tough. The T-shirt trees were decorated with a great selection from which to choose. The weather held for a good portion of the day but lots of clouds and the occasional light sprinkle. I spent about 3 hours on the beach and then back for lunch on the ship. We were going to set sail for Carriacou but Prime Minister Gonsalves gave everyone an unexpected holiday due to his winning the election. All government offices were closed Thursday creating a problem. Carriacou is part of Grenada. Grenada is NOT part of the Grenadines. Capt. Julian couldn't complete the necessary procedure for the ship to leave one country and go onto the next. We sailed to Chatham Bay over night. No Carriacou for us.

12/9/05 Capt. completed the necessary paper work. We stayed in Chatham Bay for most of the day. Were allowed to jump off of and swim aside the ship or go to the beach. Later that afternoon we set sail for our return trip to Grenada.
And it rained again and yet again. Dependent on which side of the ship you sat it could get really wet even with the tarps in place. We docked in Grenada in the evening and most people retired for the night. Many had early flights and 4am wake up calls. I was one of those people but could not bring my self to go to bed. You see even with the bad weather a rainy day on the ship or the beach is better than no day. I didn't want the trip to end. I was well rested and thoroughly enjoyed my time spent.
I talked a good bit with the crew. They have such interesting stories to share. Real people and they can spot a phoney a mile away. Guess that's why I prefer sailing on a WJ. No pretention. All excess baggage is left behind before departure. We passengers are all on even keel. People from all walks of life, medical personnel, attorneys, engineers. Most everyone gets along. Income, race, size or religion no longer matter. We are all here for the same reasons. TO ENJOY.
Gotta love the crew. I was even invited to attend their Christmas party being held Saturday evening. If I wasn't returning to SVG I'd have been there with bells on. Those guys know how to have fun.

12/10/05 LIAT flight scheduled for 6:55am. That was a joke. Lines were long and mass confusion. All the med students from St. George's were going home on Christmas holiday. Each carried one or two huge suitcases plus backbacks and purses. I was supposed to land in SVG @ 7:30ish but didn't arrive until going on 9am. Lucille from Tranquillity was picking me up and God love her she waited for me. One problem where in the world was my bag????? I deliberately booked a direct flight so I could be on time and how much could be screwed up on a direct flight? The much weight. All those students taking their world home with them and my bag was lost in the shuffle. LIAT had me fill out a form and told me to return around 1-2pm when the flight from Barbados would arrive. My luggage would now travel to SVG from Grenada via Barbados. Well Lucille took me back to the hotel to drop off my things and then time to make my trek up the hill for the next to the last time. I spent Saturday with my friends much the same way I had days prior to the cruise.
The view from their front door is incomparable. You can see all of Kingstown and the dock, Bequia and the planes taking off and landing at the airport. A little slice of heaven. We had combo lunch dinner. Peas and rice, vegetables and turkey wings. other days the mandatory peas and rice with fish and vegetables. One day a stew of some sort I think made out of leftovers with dumplings. Delicious. Portions so large I couldn't finish. Then there was Vitamalt. Because I was their guest I got the best of everything. Vitamalt was my treat. Well i didn't really care for Vitamalt but it is brewed by Hairoun and Vincentians are very proud of all things Vincentian. Think something akin to a non- alcoholic dark German beer or Guinness. Sweet with the taste of beer. I waited until the ice melted that made it a bit more palatable. I was glad when they ran out. Of course I never let on I didn't care for it.
I stayed till evening and then back down the hill to the bus and an airport stop to pick up my luggage. Surprise surprise no luggage, and the best part is I had to wait to get into the all purpose customs, immigration, and baggage area because a flight had just landed. Personnel were very nice but Americans have very little patience and mine was about gone. I spoke with anice young lady from LIat and she said I don't know why they told you your luggage would arrive via Barbados. Anyways she tracked my bag. It had NEVER left Grenada. She promised it would be there the next day.
I returned to the hotel. I sat outside my porch so I could look up at the stars. No one was around so I had this world all to myself. AWESOME. God's handiwork.
Time for sleep. I had no clean clothes so I washed everything out in the sink. I did have a sundress I forgot to take out of the closet when I left for Grenada. I at least have something to wear the next day.

12/11/05 My last day. Mixed emotions. I want to go home I want to stay. I know short of a miracle it will be the last time I see my friend. I set out, thanks to Lucille I don't have to take the bus. We go to the airport and yes my bag did arrive. She takes my luggage and drops me at the bottom of the steps where the road stops. 2 neighbor children who have been greeting me when I reach the top of the steps are there today. They want to know when I'm leaving. I tell them tomorrow. "Why do you have to leave we are going to miss you" They climb the hill with me making sure I don't fall. They told me I walk much faster than I did last week. Today is much like the others except it is my last. No one really talks about it. But as the day wears on the subject gradually emerges in conversation. We all tear up and hug. I feed the youngest grandchild his bottle. He's named for his grandfather. Baby AJ (Ardon Jr.) was born the first week in November. It's really dark out and I have to leave. It's time to say good-bye, but how do you do that. I thank them for their hospitality and they thank me for caring so much and the help I gave. "We wish you didn't have to leave" "I wish I didn't have to go" And then we say those words we've been dreading. #2 son sees me home. He and I spent about 2 hrs visiting. Bubba G needed to talk and wanted to do that with me. What a gift I've been given.

12/12/05 Beautiful morning sunny no clouds. I left St. Vincent at 11:45am. Easy flight to Barbados. USAirways flight connecting to Charlotte is late. Chaos thru immigration and customs. Everyone is worried about making the final connection home. The officials did a really good job and I made my flight to PIT.....barely. We touch down at 10:30pm I proceed to the baggage claim and guess what...Where is my frikkin bag. I fill out the form. It's still in Charlotte. It will be delivered to my home tomorrow.
Onto Charlie Brown's to pick up my car. It's 16 degrees and I'm still in cuttoffs. No time to change in Charlotte. It's freezing. The ride home uneventful. Quiet. Snow on the trees. Peaceful.
It's good to be home.

owa Dec 21st, 2005 02:35 AM

Well, a repeat of yesterday morning, vinceygirl. It hit me when you said "what a gift I have been given". You have had the privilege of entering and being part of the life of a family with cancer. It is indeed a gift.

Thanks and your trip sounds wonderful. Your emotions watching the storm remind me of mine when I am snorkeling and view the beautiful life under the water.

Merry Christmas. Owa

joan Dec 21st, 2005 05:37 AM

Thanks again, vinceygirl.
I did not know what I would be getting when I teased you to do a trip report. Wow. It is like a special Christmas present - helps to make me appreciate all that I have. You have touched alot of us today, I guarantee it. Your gift to your friend!

MSQ Dec 21st, 2005 12:17 PM

For those of you on here who love the Grenadines as much as I do and who from time to time (way too much time) have to be in northern climes, I have discovered that NBC (St Vincent Radio) is now live on the net ( you want to forget where you are in the world.

12 more days

cmcfong Dec 21st, 2005 12:37 PM

Vinceygirl, you are a marvel. Your report was very affecting and a wonderful testament to friendship. Peace to you, your friend and his family.

caribtraveler Dec 21st, 2005 03:19 PM

Thank you for sharing. You tell a great story. I'm so sorry about your friend.

brenandg Dec 21st, 2005 04:54 PM

Thanks for a very touching and honest trip report. It had to be very sad leaving your friend for the last time. I'm sure you did a wonderful job caring for him. I remember that you are a nurse, but don't you do hospice care at home as well? I'm sure you were their angel.

vinceygirl Dec 21st, 2005 07:00 PM

Yes Brenda I am a hospice nurse here at home. All the more reason to believe God crosses people's paths whether for a minute, a day, or years as part of His plan. We never know what the future holds and each and every one of us should take the time to live each day as if it is our last.

Again I thank each and everyone of you for your support and concern. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

I appreciate all the praise but I'm sure each and everyone of you would do the same in my position. Trust me the halo is mostly askew and quite often tarnished. It wasn't hard for me to care for my friend and his family it's only natural when you love someone. I did it for my mother, many yrs ago my father and a multitude of other friends and relatives over the years before and since I joined the ranks of hospice.

The trip was good. There was much laughter and happiness shared thru out the entire trip. I made many new friends on the cruise and my friendship with those from the past has grown more solid.

I ate delicious food, although I had enough peas and rice to last me for awhile, got some much needed RnR, played with children, accomplished a major physical feat. Believe me I wasn't sure I could ever climb that hill for one day let alone 6. I'm quite proud of myself for having the determination to do it. Now if I could only keep that determination when it comes to avoiding all the goodies this time of year. I've gained back 5lbs from what I weighed when I arrived home last week. No self discipline ugh!
Shame on me.

I wrote the trip report from my heart. It helped clear a lot of the cobwebs. If others have gained from my experience then it was that much more worthwhile. I may go back late winter or early spring. If not then someday. Time will tell.

My Christmas and New Year's wish is for each of you to have love in your lives as I have been blessed with. Try to recognize it when it's present and never take it for granted. We only go around once make it count.

Happy Holidays and God bless.

owa Dec 22nd, 2005 02:16 AM

vinceygril, I didn't really expect to read a post from you this morning. You are absolutely correct about living and loving each day to the fullest.

I'm reading a book by Katie Bryon called "Loving what is". Whatever is. It is the book I'm going to try and live with and by for 2006.

We are off to Jamaica with our children and grandchildren on Sunday to what I know will be a wonderful time as a family. I'm grateful.

Merry Christmas to you and everyone on the board. Owa

vinceygirl Dec 22nd, 2005 03:02 AM

Owa, Thank you for volunteering. Volunteers are part of hospice's foundation. Without people like you it just wouldn't work.
Merry Christmas to you and a safe journey.

pegoode Jan 2nd, 2006 05:55 AM

vinceygirl, I enjoyed your report very much. I was on Mandalay the two weeks before you arrived in Grenada. We had fantastic weather during the sail from Antigua. The rain hit Saturday and Sunday nights in Grenada - wow! What an amazing downpour. Gotta love Mandoo. He took us on an island tour Saturday, then to the airport on Monday. Hated to leave!

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