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golden Apr 4th, 2010 03:43 AM

St. John's weather in April
Planning our first trip to the Caribbean in 2011. In an effort to save some money I was looking at the month of April. I have read that the temperatures don't flucuate much month to month but should I be concerned about rain fall? Will I be trading off saving money to having not so good weather?

RoamsAround Apr 4th, 2010 04:47 AM

The "weather" in the Caribbean is pretty much the same all year round. St. John is no exception. April is a great time to visit. The snowbirds are gone, the prices for accomodations are lower than in "High Season" and you are likely to experience some of the best "weather" of the year.

FYI - rain, when it does come to an island like St. John is usually in the form of fast moving, very brief and very localized showers lasting minutes rather than hours. It's not unusual for it to be raining in one area and there be bright sun 1/4 mile away. Why I've seen it rain in my front yard and be dry as a bone in my back yard.

golden Apr 4th, 2010 03:56 PM

Thank you! This is good to know. I like the idea of the crowds being smaller. On various posts I read about bad roads, should that be a concern? My husband has driven on the left side of the road in England, Ireland and Scotland and feels very comfortable.

RoamsAround Apr 5th, 2010 04:44 AM

The roads on St. john are a bit narrow and because the island is quite hilly there are lots of steep and twisty portions. If your husband (and you) are decent drivers you should have no difficulties.

StanKase Apr 5th, 2010 06:15 AM

You might want to check when Easter falls in 2011 because a number of schools have the week before or the week after (less than the week before, I'd guess) off as a break including Good Friday. You will find a noticeable increase then with a sizeable number of families.

RoamsAround Apr 5th, 2010 07:19 AM

Stan - good suggesting about checking Easter Week in 2011 which by the way will be April 24th. Since OP is hoping to capitalize on the lower room prices of "Low Season" he/she may find some hotel prices may not go down until sometime after Easter.

golden Apr 5th, 2010 09:23 AM

Thanks for the advice regarding spring break. I did check with our local school districts and state colleges and it looks like spring break in 2011 will occur during mid to late March regardless of Easter being so late in April.

virginislandtraveler Apr 8th, 2010 09:21 AM

Former resident of the Us Virgin Islands 2007/2008..
As Stated the weather doesn't change much during the year..April is as good a month as any..Always a brief shower maybe once a day..less than thirty minutes..During hurricane season a front can move in for a couple of days..but never more than a couple of times a years..You can't go wrong with St John..or more valuable tips On Virgin Islands..check out this webpage(middle of first pg)

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