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PatrickSch Mar 27th, 2011 07:42 AM

St. John mosquitos??
In preparation for a trip to St. John next February I have been reading this board and I am surprised by the reports of mosquito problems. We started going to St. John in 1983 and went most years through 2001. We never had a mosquito problem. We started at Cinnamon Bay and Maho in February and then rented a couple of houses by Great Cruz Bay and then condos at Lavender Hill and Battery Hill in April. We can remember sitting outside our camping cottage at Cinammon for five years and being amazed at the total lack of any bugs. So my question is- Has the bug problem become much worse? Can we expect bugs even in dry season?

hawksbill Mar 27th, 2011 10:09 AM

I've been going several times each season for the past eight years or so, and I'm surprised by how often the subject of mosquitos is mentioned here. I usually come back with some bites, but I don't find it to be a significant issue, except those times when a mosquito makes its way into my bedroom and feeds off of me repeatedly while I sleep. Even then it's not really a big deal.

I just keep a can of bug spray in the jeep, and spray some on if I'm hiking in the woods, or if I'm outside at dusk. I can't imagine there'd be more bugs than there were in 2001, would there?

Troy_Glasgow Mar 31st, 2011 03:36 PM

i've lived here for 11 yrs n there's always a mosquito in my house .....i've got tight screens, sliding doors n i live alone w/plenty of space n views and breezes.... yes it's gotten worse n i'm giving up the fight...they're assholes....they never give up. especially when alone in a room/house/apt for a considerable amount of time or in the 2 hours of one bef. sunset n sunrise and an hour past sunset n sunrise. .........white flag wavin wimp

StanKase Apr 1st, 2011 03:33 AM

Based upon 6-7 visits the last in 2009 it was a minor problem but using 30% or greater DEET spray after a shower or after 4-5 PM is the wise thing to do to ward off 90+% of them. On the beach after about 3-4 PM the sand flies are very annoying but do not leave you with welts like mosquitos often do.

Pulley Apr 1st, 2011 12:38 PM

We've been going at least twice a year since 1999 and have only had one trip where there was a mosquito problem. I wouldn't worry about it, just bring some Cactus Juice.

1969corvette Feb 20th, 2013 07:36 AM

I am spending the month of February, 2013, on St. John. This is my first visit. My wife and I rented a villa on the East End near Haulover Bay. It's high up on the mountains. The mosquitos, and other bugs, are a MAJOR problem, 24/7. We must spray ourselves heavy, every few hours with Off (DEET), while staying at the villa. There seems to be more mosquitos in the house, then outside, in the pool area. We are always scratching. At night, while sleeping, one must stay fully covered, or be eaten alive.

Wearing long pants and a long sleeve shirt helps keep the critters at bay, however, they are then swarming around your head, or bare feet.

The mosquito issue is so bad, I would not return to St. John. We also notice, and feel, mosquitoes on the rest of the island.

Bassguy66 Feb 20th, 2013 10:20 AM

Spent 10 days there....never used a drop of bug dope....not a single bite. Maybe I smell weird or something, but I honestly have never had a mosquito prob on any island I've been to.

eastenderusvi Feb 20th, 2013 11:25 AM

Mosquitos in the tropics are seasonal and related to rain fall amounts. They also really like the new "fresh meat" of visitors!LOL

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