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ladydianadiana May 2nd, 2019 09:38 AM

Just returned from vacationing in St. Lucia and spent 6 days at the Royalton. Our stay was uneventful until the third day at the resort. I had eaten a meal at one of the resort’s restaurants and shortly afterwards experienced a sudden illness. Violent vomiting, chills, horrible burning in my stomach, sweats, troubled breathing, unable to hold down any fluids. The sudden onset of the illness was alarming. I required emergency medical attention and was taken to the medical clinic at the resort. Before care could be administered payment was required upfront. An IV with medicine to stop the vomiting and ease the pain was administered. The bill came to $450 USD and two days were spent in bed. They had my husband fill out a three page report asking where I ate, what I ate and on what days. We spoke with the resort’s management explaining my situation and they had very little to say. The resort was unwilling to absorb the medical costs and offered little sympathy. We just received lip service. The night before leaving to return home I discovered on Trip Advisor several reviews from individuals staying at the Royalton in St. Lucia claiming to have been extremely ill with vomiting and or diarrhea. Several were sick the same week as I.

Upon returning home I started to look into the history of illness at the Royalton and found scores of reviews and complaints from guests and about guests suffering from extreme gastric illness dating back from 2017 to present.

Be forewarned should anyone be staying at the Royalton in St. Lucia heed the above! Not everyone who stays there gets sick but those that do suffer for days. Be sure to have travel insurance and the ability to pay for medical expenses upfront should medical care be required.

This traveler will never be returning to Royalton St. Lucia!

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