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audrey Oct 22nd, 2002 01:59 PM

Kevin- Grenada EC $$
Kevin-<BR>I was unable to "reply to your msg" so I am answering this way!!! We just returned from an awesome 2 wk honeymoon at Laluna.<BR>I don't know if you can get EC (rate is 1.00 US to 2.67EC) in the States, but I wouldn't worry about it. US dollars are accepted EVERYWHERE - and if you really wanted to exchange, I am sure you could do it any your hotel or any hotel. If you have any questions and I can help, just put up a POST!<BR>Audrey

kevin Oct 23rd, 2002 12:26 PM

Audrey: Thanks. We are planning on going to the market on Sat. a.m. and weren't sure if they took US $$.<BR>Did you rent a car, or take any guided tours? We want to explore the island, but have heard mixed opinions on car rental.

Lauren Oct 30th, 2002 05:03 PM

Audrey,<BR><BR>Can you post some info about Laluna? We are considering it for our honeymoon.<BR><BR>Thanks!<BR>Lauren

curiousx Oct 31st, 2002 04:55 AM

Audrey, you are absolutely right that US dollars are welcome in 99% of the tourist-oriented businesses in the Eastern Caribbean. And credit cards are accepted widely as well.<BR><BR>Smaller businesses though have more difficulty. I am thinking of the smaller bars and restaurants frequented more by locals than by visitors, produce sellers in markets, fishermen who sell their catch right from their boats, local theatre/music/dance shows and so on. For these people, using their own currency is much more acceptable. <BR><BR>So if your are interested in more than the resort experience, it's always good to have some EC dollars in your pocket. <BR><BR>Furthermore, even the established tourist businesses appreciate the courtesy when visitors take the trouble to deal in EC.<BR><BR>I agree that money-changing can be a pain, especially at the banks - but for a small extra charge, my experience has been that hotels, villa owners (if they are on-site) and larger restaurants will gladly do this for you. <BR><BR>EC currency is also cursed by lots and lots of small coins - I pile them up and add them to the maid's tip at trip end.<BR><BR>Now I'm going to contradict myself a bit. Some businesses actually want to get their hands on US currency. This is especially true of those owned by ex-pats or by locals who have family obligations in the US. So sometimes it's helpful to ask people their preferences. <BR><BR>For the record, I've never had anyone ask for Canadian dollars or French francs !<BR><BR>Hope this helps.

curiousx Oct 31st, 2002 05:25 AM

Kevin, I should have added the following.<BR><BR>1. You should be able to find a money-changer at your departure airport, if it is of any size. Many operate 24/7. In my experience, the market sellers in Grenada really do appreciate EC although they will do their best to accommodate you in US.<BR><BR>2. For seeing around the island, I'd recommend a personal tour, actually. That way you can really get to see the country and not get stressed about the driving. We simply hired the taxi-guy who picked us up at the airport, and checked with our hotel to make sure the price quoted was in line.<BR><BR>He took us on a total island circuit - including Grand Etang volcano park, the old-fashioned town of Granville, Betty Mascoll's Great House (where we had made prior reservations for lunch), two rum factories (a large modern one and Westerhall where, at the time, corks were still being pushed in by thumb, though I think that has changed now), fishing villages etc. We could stop anywhere anytime we wanted to get out and stretch, or see more on foot. It was a long day but well worth it.<BR><BR>For the rest of the time, we used the local 'dollar bus' transport - cheap, relatively reliable, courteous, crowded, noisy and fun. Pay in EC dollars only. Oh - and we used taxis to and from the airport.

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