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Nilbil Jul 1st, 2012 08:45 PM

European citizenship !
Hey everyone I am Brazilian and I have have citizenship in Germany ! so I have two passports ! German and Brazilian .
I would like to know which Caribbean islands can I work legally ??
Thanks so much for your attention !!

bajangirl Jul 3rd, 2012 10:39 AM

With your German citizenship, you may find it easier to get things in order in the French, Dutch or Spanish islands, and perhaps even the English speaking ones that are still under British rule, such as the British Virgin Islands, Anguilla and the Turks & Caicos islands. Perhaps the nearest German consulate could assist you in that regard.

RoamsAround Jul 3rd, 2012 12:05 PM

Sorry bajangirl but the BVI's are a British Protectorate not a British Territoriy so for all practical purposes they are not under British Rule but they are the same as an independent nation. If you were not born BVI's you do not have any legal rights to live/work there. A German citizen (and for that matter a British citizen) would have to meet the same legal immigration/work requirements as any other foreigner wishing to relocate there.

Anguilla and the Turks & Caicos are also independent islands (not under British Rule) so the same situation applies..

You are, however, correct about the French and Dutch Islands.

I don't think there are any Spanish islands in the Caribbean. The so called "Spanish Virgins" are actually part of Puerto Rico and thus US Immigration and work laws apply there.

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