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anonymous Jun 20th, 2001 08:43 AM

Drugs in St. Lucia???
This fall my fiance and I are going to St. Lucia to get married and have invited a small group of friends to join us. A few of them are, how shall I say it...prone to searching for enlightenment through the use of various drugs (pot&coke). They were wondering (hypotheticlly of course) if they could easily stumble across these items. <BR>As drug use is strictly enforced in St. Lucia, I strongly suggested they abstain and get high on the scenery, drinks and natural vibe of the island. Any thoughts...

not my bag Jun 20th, 2001 09:51 AM

It's not my bag, but while in St. Lucia last year a few people did approach us on the beach offering to sell us pot. <BR> <BR>Other than that, can't help you.

Anonymous Jun 20th, 2001 12:50 PM

Bring your own, small amounts, and enjoy them in private, not public.

Anon Jun 20th, 2001 01:10 PM

We went with a big group and I know of a couple people who were able to get their hands on both. Don’t ask me how they find eachother (is it like a radar or something?). Anyway, they had a “dealer” available to them for the whole week who just happened to work at the resort we stayed at.

Anon Jun 20th, 2001 01:12 PM

Oh yeah, and apparently it was good stuff. And whatever you do, DON'T bring your own on a plane.

No Way Jun 20th, 2001 05:24 PM

I agree with the previous poster. DON'T EVER TAKE DRUGS TO OR FROM ANY ISLAND. Not a pretty future if you're caught!

no drugs Jun 21st, 2001 03:45 AM

Dumb and dumber-Most of the planes and airports in the US and SJ have drugs dogs standing on the jetway as you return. Nice doggie! Stupid! Maybe you ought to go to Turkey-rent "midnight Express" Enlightment thru pot and coke, yes you are truly BRIGHT!!!

anon Jun 21st, 2001 06:02 AM

Have taken small amounts of pot into many many Carib islands (tucked inside something fragrant, like an instant coffee jar). Their security is almost nonexistent. NEVER EVER have brought them back INTO the US, for the above reasons...

Shar Jun 21st, 2001 06:23 AM

While sitting in the Curacao airport - waiting for a connecting flight - they had drug dogs walking thru the terminal sniffing everyone. They brought them thru about every half hour.

Gillian Jun 22nd, 2001 05:11 AM

All the beaches in St. Lucia are public and the police (who made their presence very known all of the time) seemed to have trouble controlling locals. We were constantly approached by dealers, even at a beach front restaurant while eating. We were very turned off.

xxx Jun 28th, 2001 10:06 AM

Sure there are drugs to be found there, but you need to be careful where you go to look for them. When we were there, the taxi drivers seemed to be quite knowledgable about the area and where to find different things you may be looking for. That would be my suggestion if you have to find your fix...maybe other can share their thoughts. Good luck and I hope we don't read about you in this posting!!

Jim Jun 30th, 2001 09:40 AM

While we were at the Friday night Jump Up a local turned us on to some good weed.

anon Jun 30th, 2001 10:11 AM

Sure drugs, crime, povery ah Paradise.or Ship of Fools.

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