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nance Feb 24th, 2001 06:30 PM

Going to St John next week with our 11 mo old daughter and after reading up some, am paranoid about the bug situation-don't want her to be miserable!How bad is it? Recommendations for the best repellent? Any info would be greatly appreciated..(especially now that I'm so psyched for this trip based on the general opinion of St John on this forum!)

Louis Feb 25th, 2001 05:21 PM

Just keep her covered with loose mosquito netting. Keep her out of the sun and away from ants. I would not put anything on an 11 mo old daughter. Take your own netting. The best repellent is to keep things away.

joan Feb 27th, 2001 04:10 AM

It was pretty bad when I was there, but we camped, and it was October, rainy season. You are going in the dry season, you'll be fine! <BR> <BR>I would, with great caution, use Deet. It is definitely the best repellent, check the % on the label and don't put it on baby's face. Use it sparingly and watch for a reaction. Lots of people here also recommend Benadryl lotion to relieve itching, I haven't tried it, but seems like a great idea to bring some with. Oh, and leave your flip flops and beach towels outdoors so you don't bring the bugs inside with you. <BR> <BR>Have a wonderful time! <BR>Joan

amy Feb 27th, 2001 04:21 AM

Avon has a product called Skin So Soft. It is a moisturizing oil. There is a scent in it that bugs, flies and mosquitoes do not like (no deet either!) Worked GREAT for me. And I ususally get ATTACKED, day and night everywhere I go. They also have a 15 SPF sunscreen that has the same scent in it. I just got back from Anitgua and my first time trying it and I highly recommend it. Talk to an Avon rep as there are a few Skin So Soft products and only 2 of them have the "stuff" Im talking about.

J Feb 27th, 2001 08:52 AM

I'd suggest consulting your pediatrician about a repellant and also an "after bite" remedy. Skin-so-Soft doesn't work for everyone, and I've found that Benadryl, which works fine for me up here in the states, is ineffective against the particular species of skeeters produced in the Caribbean. I use diprolene, which is a prescription. <BR> <BR>That said, it _is_ the dry season, so you probably will be fine - but I'd check with her doctor just in case.

S Feb 28th, 2001 06:47 AM

Talk to your pediatrician about DEET on a child that young. It's the best repellent, but I'd check about the age thing! There are lots of bug repellents out there marketed for children. You see them at every ball field and campground in the springtime. Remember to pull up pants legs and shirts and sleeves when you spray the repellent for as much coverage as possible.

SP Mar 1st, 2001 05:16 AM

I live in NYC and have checked several drug stores and I can't find Skin So Soft... Does anyone know which store carries this product? Thanks for your help!!

amy Mar 1st, 2001 05:58 AM

Avon makes the product. They have a store uptown on 5th Ave as well as throughout many malls. I do not think anyone else carries Avon products except themselves. They also have a website but I found it easier to talk to a "live" rep. to tell me exactly which products were the "bug repelent" type.

CJ Mar 1st, 2001 09:45 AM

I've heard about taking one of the "B" vitamins (not sure which!) for thirty days before the trip and the bugs absolutely do not touch you. Wish I knew which one because the bugs love ME! Does anyone know which "B" vitamin it is?

beth Mar 1st, 2001 10:49 AM

I have heard that B1 has worked for some people...but more people say "don't bother with it, it really doesn't work". After looking up opinions on this prior to my recent vacation, I decided against it and didn't have one problem. Seems like the critters just pick and choose...B1 or no B1!

Mike Mar 2nd, 2001 04:22 PM

Our last trip to St. John we used vitamin Bi(30 days b/4) and had great luck.....much better than our previous trip. Does it really work? I don't know, but we will definately use it next time. On our 1st trip, without BI, Deep Woods Off worked the best

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